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Us Airways' Biggest Union:

700UW said:
And a utility person's salary is $17.13 and hour, please explain how they can make $55,000 a year when their salary is only $35,630.40 on a 40 hour week, so to make an additional $20,000 a year a utility worker would have to almost work an additional 1,168 hours or so on top of the 2,080 hours all ready worked.
Actually, I'll take a stab at it. Add time and half for over time, and it is only a little over 770 additional hours a week. Divided by 50 work weeks, that is 15 hours, or less than two O/T shifts a week. This does not include holiday, vacation, or double time pay for working on holidays or overtime on odd hours. Also does not include any shift differential if there is any still given.

I am not saying this because I disagree with N700UW, but to show it is a plausible scenario have some make $55,000 working utility. Add another $15K or so in benefit/HR costs per employee, it makes it expensive to have seperate ramp and utility. They really could merge the two groups, and make things much more efficient. After all, I don't think B6, WN, or FL have someone clean the plane and then have a seperate group unload/load it.
PineyBob said:

Wait a minute! Are you implying that unions are Gangs? Hmmmm, if your answer is yes then in your world the founding fathers would be a gang as well.

When people of good will with similar goals and objectives join together to advance their cause they are practicing the God given rights of Freedom & Liberty. It's in the Declaration of Independence, you could look it up.

The Cockroaches, IAM, ALPA, etc all are people of good will with common interests. What occurs is a lively and spirited debate on the best way to proceed in the one common goal all of us share and that is the survival of US Airways. Are there heated exchanges? YES!

But gangs? I think not!
Piney...............PLEASE!!!!!!!! To equate unions with the Founding Fathers is not only a wild stretch, but most certainly ridiculous!!!!! No offense to unionism, for which I am an IAM member, but, DO NOT insult our Founding Fathers. That was probably the most insane analogy i've seen on these boards to date!!!!!! Get with the program.....DUDE!!!!
Usairways vote no:

Usairways vote no said: "I submit USA320Pilot is more afraid to lose his health insurance more then anything else. He has previously disclosed private issues on this board and new insurance always has clauses. That may or may not be the reason for his ongoing display of fear and desperation on this board."

USA320Pilot comments: Wrong -- I have other healh care insurance. How about you?


N628AU said:
I am not saying this because I disagree with N700UW, but to show it is a plausible scenario have some make $55,000 working utility. Add another $15K or so in benefit/HR costs per employee, it makes it expensive to have seperate ramp and utility. They really could merge the two groups, and make things much more efficient. After all, I don't think B6, WN, or FL have someone clean the plane and then have a seperate group unload/load it.
I think the NMB may have a say in that and not the company. You just can't "merge" two groups together that easily

Southwest Airlines Maintenance Department
Aircraft Appearance Technicians
For immediate consideration, please submit your resume using our Online Resume Builder. Please include Aircraft Appearance Technicians in the objective statement of your résumé.


Job Position: Aircraft Appearance Technicians

Job Functions:

The position requires cleaning of interior and exterior of an aircraft, company vehicles and facilities, as required to maintain a clean and healthy aircraft to keep our passengers returning for travel on Southwest Airlines.
Cleaning interior of aircraft, including galleys and lavatories.
Wash or wax aircraft exterior, including landing gears, etc.
Replacement of aircraft carpet and seat covers (backs and bottoms).
Servicing of aircraft lavatories.
Driving tugs, fork lifts, and passenger vehicles.
Exposed to fumes from chemicals, noise from aircraft engines and APUs, and danger around aircraft standing and lifting containers up to 50 pounds.
Still awaiting your response flyinghippie!
700UW said:
Still awaiting your response flyinghippie!
Why is it that the IAM posters on this board continue
to be nothing more than a bunch of juvenile, whining
sissies? Grow up and face the reality that US Airways
needs to lower their costs to compete with the low cost
carriers and there is no alternative. Either shut the
freak up, or find employment elsewhere. There are
too many people who would actually like to keep their
jobs at US, even with temporarily lower wages and
Dude, get a life,

We have given back almost $300 Million per year all ready, the company has stolen from us what they did not seek or ask for in negotiations, why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from and seek the truth.

The IAM has given the companh $100 million in cost savings back in March and not ONE has been acted upon.
SpinDoc said:
Either shut the
freak up, or find employment elsewhere.
No Spin you find employment elsewhere. Mechanics have drawn the line in the sand. Cross it and you are unemployed. Get over it and accept it as the way it is.

--Full pay until the very last day! :up:

--And remember in July Mechanics even get a tiny pay raise. 😛
pitguy said:
No Spin you find employment elsewhere. Mechanics have drawn the line in the sand. Cross it and you are unemployed. Get over it and accept it as the way it is.

--Full pay until the very last day! :up:

--And remember in July Mechanics even get a tiny pay raise. 😛
A typical juvenile response. Thanks for
showing everyone how ignorant the IAM
members really are.
How is it ignorant taking a stand against a bunch of liars and thieves?
SpinDoc said:
A typical juvenile response. Thanks for
showing everyone how ignorant the IAM
members really are.
The CEO of Jet Blue as well as top economic professors, and others of high levels of education in economics all having great respect in the business world have said in unison that going back to labor time and time again is not the answer. Without fail these remarks are being widely made by experts and not juvenals. You sir are extremely full of yourself wrapped up so tight in the crap this management team has been soaking you in you no longer can see straight or think rationally. It’s NOT all about the labor unions, the issues are much deeper and beyond the grasp of the people who have found themselves in charge of this quagmire. Blaming it on labor is actually the TRUE sign in immaturity and the sign of a juvenile. WAKE UP because you have spun yourself into a altered state of reality that is present only in your mind, in your personal universe of madness.
gogogadget said:
One last thing, I hit the button too soon. Think about this
UAL is 80ys old Jetblue is 4yrs old
AA is about the 80 yrs SWA is 30+
DAL is around 75 yrs and Airtran is about 10

Everything was great when Ali fought Frazier but put Ali against Tyson..........

Ali still fighting today is a losing battle but shmehow he is still the Greatest!
babe ruth was the greatest too but he's still dead

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