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Us Airways And United "fight Over Air Wisconsin"


I find your last post interesting regarding my comments. It takes a big man to admit they were wrong, thus I applaud your post, since you seem to understand I obtain a lot of information, which you have called "proprietary".

By the way, when I am told something in confidence I do not disclose the information. There are many, many things I do not discuss on this and other message boards. Everytime I write something I do not violate this premise and management and others who read this board understand this.

I have signed a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with the corporation and I have never violated the terms of that document.

Everybody knows the rules and nobody is "p*ss*d" as you indicate. In regard to "credibility", do not take much stock in the "naysayers" on this board...they represent the vocal minority.

Nonetheless, keep up the good work with the public information.

Best regards,

You signed it for a meeting when you thought you were a MEC rep for a day when you got to hold a proxy, have you not washed your hand since?

And you are a line pilot, the CEO, Sr VPs and VPs are not burning up there phone lines to tell you inside information.

So stop with the act all ready, no one believes you.

You have no credibility, has been proven over and over, even last night when you posted you do not insult people, yet you called them clueless in the post before.

You really need to start reading what you post.
USA320Pilot said:
By the way, when I am told something in confidence I do not disclose the information. There are many, many things I do not discuss on this and other message boards. Everytime I write something I do not violate this premise and management and others who read this board understand this.

Is this an example of not revealing or alluding to proprietary information?

Just one more point, which is being discussed in the "exeuctive suite", after all of the additional equity investors have reached an agreement with US Airways and the "fee for service" contracts are affirmed, rejected, or renegotiated, do not be surpirsed if RSA increases its stake in the Arlington-based airline to protect its investment.



I would argue that the only people who need to know, or even have a right to know, who US Airways may or may not be in discussions with for exit financing do not post on this chatboard. They would be US Airways' management team, management teams from creditors and other financiers (like the AWAC and RJET groups), and the BK judge.
by the way, from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

SYLLABICATION: pro·pri·e·tar·y
ADJECTIVE: 1. Of, relating to, or suggestive of a proprietor or to proprietors as a group: had proprietary rights; behaved with a proprietary air in his friend's house. 2. Exclusively owned; private: a proprietary hospital. 3. Owned by a private individual or corporation under a trademark or patent: a proprietary drug.


The bolding/emphasis is mine. So despite your assertions that you do not reveal confidential information, you now admit you reveal private information? :blink:
Funguy2 & UVN:

Funguy2, thanks for the information from the "public" dictionary. Did you get your information from the Internet or the Dictionary?

UVN, thanks for identifying yourself. By the way, what's it like to be so angry and so full of venom that you try to get other people in trouble? Too bad your efforts will do nothing but identify youself, which may not be good for you. When would now be a good time for you to develop respect and decorum?

Too bad I have never disclosed information covered by a confidentiality agreement.

You two should keep up the good work and disclose more "public" information. I guess it's tough being proven wrong with US Airways' senior managemnt taking more positive steps and moving forward with the company's restructuring. I believe it is important to note that Vaughn Cordle is being proven wrong too, as management continues with its transfromation of the airline to make it more competitive during difficult economic times.

Best regards,

Guess someone never heard of anonymous e-mail and proxifyers.

E-mail, does not identify you, there are ways to hide it, and he has nothing to worry about, he is not posting alleged "insider" information.

Get over it all ready you held a proxy and signed a confidentiality agreement for that purpose of one meeting, you are not an MEC rep or a negotiator, you are just a regular line pilot.
USA320Pilot said:
UVN, thanks for identifying yourself. By the way, what's it like to be so angry and so full of venom that you try to get other people in trouble?
Too bad I have never disclosed information covered by a confidentiality agreement.

Hehe 320 you want to spew insider knowledge on the internet be ready to pay the piper. Don't be mad we know you were a puffed up lie anyway!!

Yoh 320 it doesn't have to be covered by a confidentiality agreement.

By the way I mentioned that you said you had inside knowledge of the UAL/U merger (I cut and pasted that) and that you may have traded on that knowledge.

Yup 700 a anonymizer
USA320Pilot said:
I believe it is important to note that Vaughn Cordle is being proven wrong too, as management continues with its transfromation of the airline to make it more competitive.
What the heck does Cordle have to do with this? Unless you think UVN or Funguy is Cordle....

How is US Airways more competitive now? What has management done to make the company more competitive? Cut wages? Ground planes? What else? I think even you would agree those are not enough to become competitive. Burning the furniture to get cash to stay alive is obviously necessary, but it doesn't make the airline more competitive. It gives the airline more of a chance to change, but when is that change going to happen? We keep waiting for the latest transformation plan, but US keeps needing extensions...
USA320Pilot @ Mar 16 2005 said:
I believe it is important to note that Vaughn Cordle is being proven wrong too, as management continues with its transfromation of the airline to make it more competitive.

Spin, spin, spin....

It's entirely possible Vaughn will be proven wrong. It's also possible that the only thing Vaughn got wrong was the timing.

Only time will tell.
USA320Pilot said:
According to US Airways senior management ... "We need our competitive information protected and are taking the proper steps to do so."
By talking to pilots that are known to share internal competitive information, perhaps? :huh:
mweiss said:
By talking to pilots that are known to share internal competitive information, perhaps? :huh:
I missed that one that is what I get for not reading or just skimming his posts. What a joke
funguy2 said:
1. I really like sfb's (I think, if I'm wrong, correct me) tagline, which goes something like: Internet chat rooms are for the exchange of ideas, almost any will do. I actually try to use that notion when I post.


Nope, that one's mine.
RowUnderDCA said:
Nope, that one's mine.

D'oh! My apologies.... Credit goes to RowUnderDCA for the clever tagline. I like it. I hope I did not offend by mixing you up with sfb.

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