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Us Airways And United "fight Over Air Wisconsin"

USA320Pilot said:

There was no “waffling

Good grief! usairways_vote_no's perception of your posts seemed to indicate his/her perception of you changing your mind on the likelihood of the deal being completed... In essence, waffling. Going back and forth. Call it what you like.

usairways_vote_no even produced a post of yours where you said the deal was unlikely.

If you actually read my post, I encouraged usairways_vote_no go back and read rico's post, and my agreement with rico about the "on" and "off" of negotiation a deal.

I guess you would have to know people involved in the discussions to learn about this, instead of only doing public research.

Just because I don't discuss proprietary information online doesn't mean I don't understand how a deal is negotiated.

Now who is being touchy?
funguy2 said:
Good grief!  usairways_vote_no's perception of your posts seemed to indicate his/her perception of you changing your mind on the likelihood of the deal being completed...  In essence, waffling.  Going back and forth.  Call it what you like.


True, but my real perception of his posts is he floods the board with a million predictions thus a shotgun approach, wording them in a way that they could be applied generic in nature, thus the fortune cookie approach. Then when one finally hits he goes off beating his chest as the guru master of USAviation. Sometimes I think he has no idea what he has said and just says see I was right when he actually never said it in first place. Yes and he is all over place waffling, that way he covers bases no matter what happens. All the while beating chest saying he has insider information and they feed it to him to post on a internet message board.

Bt the way 320 did you answer question my did you trade USAirways stock on the insider information you say you had on the first U/UAL merger attempt? In your 401k or otherwise?

I made many more posts regarding the sale of MDA, its assets, PSA, and Piedmont and just one about the MDA sale may be off. Why? At one point Mesa was considered to be the next equity investor, until Bedford stepped up to the plate and this changed the sentiment in the “executive suiteâ€￾.

Fluid negotiations changed. Are you surprised?

Like 700UW…UVN purposely misrepresented my comments and basically lied. I typed a number of posts regarding a potential sale as far back as one-year ago, but he either did not look hard enough to find them or purposely misrepresented information to try and discredit me.

That’s a typical trait of the “naysayersâ€￾ where they try to discredit or “shootâ€￾ the messenger because they do not like the news.


USA320Pilot said:
That’s a typical trait of the “naysayersâ€￾ where they try to discredit or “shootâ€￾ the messenger because they do not like the news.



As opposed to the "truthteller" who only recognises that which fits his "theory du jour" and discredits/slanders those with any other point of view?

USA320Pilot said:

Like 700UW…UVN purposely misrepresented my comments and basically lied. I typed a number of posts regarding a potential sale as far back as one-year ago, but he either did not look hard enough to find them or purposely misrepresented information to try and discredit me.

Show the posts to us. I have asked and asked. Where are they? They are a year old? Wow Wee I don't see them plus I provided your last comment on the deal and it was against. Why should we accept anything but your last anyway? Lets see the posts you speak of. I challenge you to show them to us anyway.

So If I say if something is going to happen then say it isn't going to happen. I am right no matter what happens and I can beat my chest and become the guru like you?
Yes show us, see unlike yourself, I have credibility, I don't manipulate posters, I just have to point out your blantant mistruths.
Well, say what you will about A320, but the fact remains that this discusiion board is the most active of all of the airline forums on USAviation.com, and his posts (like or dislike 'em) are a big reason behind that.

Back to the subject at hand.

IMO these were complex negotiations, that continue even as we speak. The labor issues have not been resolved, nor has the official POR been finalized, and until those two things are accomplished this deal is still being worked upon.

That being the case, it is my hope that a good transition can be made of the MDA assets over into Republic, so that the new owners get the most out of their purchase, and US Airways can continue to profit from the enterprise as well.

Obviously I am biased, but I think that one of the best assets MDA has is it's people. Republic bought itself the chance to not only acquire the 28 E-170's, but a turn-key operation staffed by highly experienced pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics, already working at pay rates less than the current employees of CHQ staffing the E-170's they now fly for UAX.

Your last post about MDA and its people is accurate. Moreover, ALPA is currently working on the integration issue and I am hopeful the union can protect every MDA pilot job.

Separately, the Republic IBT pilot contract for 70-seat RJ flying is better than MDA in the area of pay and benefits, which could be a "silver lining" for MDA employees.



I’m not going to do your work for you. Show some initiative because it’s you who is trying to “shoot the messengerâ€￾ (again) not me. Can you ever do anything but be antagonistic? Separately, what's it like to be miserable all of the time?


USA320Pilot said:

I’m not going to do your work for you. Show some initiative because it’s you who is trying to “shoot the messengerâ€￾ again, not me. Can you ever do anything but be antagonistic? Separately, what's it like to be miserable all of the time?



I did the work. It isn't there prove it is. I can't find what isn't there. I proved you wrong and a liar. You lose. Spew your garbage as much as you want . I know you looked and you can't find it or you know it isn't there already. So you spread disinformation you try to deflect the truth. It won't work. I got you, red faced and all, admit it.

Besides I already showed the proof on what you said March 11. In your own words with a link. That was your last post on subject before the news was released. It dispproves what you are trying to maintain.
You know what, the moderators were pretty clear on what they thought about spamming up these threads with endless personal attacks.

Why dontcha take a minute to read the sticky post at the top of this forum, because it is getting annoying to constantly sift past 4-5 "flame" posts just to get to one with some relevant information/discussions in them.

USA320Pilot said:

I made many more posts regarding the sale of MDA, its assets, PSA, and Piedmont and just one about the MDA sale may be off. Why? At one point Mesa was considered to be the next equity investor, until Bedford stepped up to the plate and this changed the sentiment in the “executive suiteâ€￾.

Fluid negotiations changed. Are you surprised?

Surprised that fluid negotiations change? No. That was the point of the conversation between rico and I, and the point of my comment to UVN.

Surprised at how quickly you run to your computer to give away US Airways' proprietary information. Yes, I am surprised at that, but becoming less so. You have been giving the information away for a while, but only now are you discussing the manner in which you give away the information.

If I were a CEO, I would be absolutely p*ss*d off that one of my employees posted almost every possible change to every major deal I am working on to an internet forum. It would be like working with an extra hundred or so people looking over your shoulder.

I’m not going to do your work for you. Show some initiative because it’s you who is trying to “shoot the messengerâ€￾ (again) not me.

Gee... Most people, and many posters on this forum, seem to value their credibility. This is an indication that you don't value your credibility. That's an interesting choice, given the amount you post. I would think, with the amount you post, you would want people to take you seriously. Many posters have indicated that they do not.

On a similar note, where is the post from me saying, "but you did not get this from me"?

Where is my answer to whether I am an insider or an outsider? I am curious to find out! :up:
funguy2 said:
Surprised at how quickly you run to your computer to give away US Airways' proprietary information. 

Don't be surprized because it is not true. It is all in his mind to make him seem important. You realize he is a legend in his own mind?

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