I think the "average" person is smart enough to know that flight attendants do not make a ton of money. All you have to do is Google the question and you can get a pretty good idea of what a new or a seasoned FA would likely make in the industry. There are pros and cons to any industry or profession, but I think the public perception is that being an FA would have substantial perquisites compared to say being an AP clerk or a cashier at Home Depot, especially if you want FT benefits.
The average FT worker in America puts in 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year to get benefits such as medical, dental and a 401k plan. They have to drive back and forth to work five days a week in order to earn a living. If we add an hour a day to account for the commute, that works out to 2,250 hours per year with roughly 116 days off for weekends, holidays, and vacation. That means that about 70% of their days in a year are spent at work to earn their $30-40k year in a career that doesn't require a college degree.
Now compare that to the same basic wages for a FA who has gained enough seniority to earn about that same level of income. They are paid for about 75 hours per month which equals a gross pay of about $36,000 at $40/hr. (75 * 12 * 40). The 75 hours per month works out to 900 hours per year. Of course not of their time at work is compensated at that rate, so let's add a factor of 50% to the 75 hours for uncompensated time to represent that time that they are "on-duty" plus their commute time. That works out to 1,350 hours per year or just 60% of the hours worked by a land-based FT worker. If the FA puts in five days a week or so, then they are "on-duty" for less than 5 hours per day or perhaps they are getting more than two days off per week. Either way, that works out to a 40% increase in time away from work or roughly 160-180 days per year or more where the FA is not on duty. That is probably where the average person will develop deaf ears about how miserable it is to work as an FA. I can hear it now, "Gee you only work about half of the days a year and get to travel to various cities and have the company pay for your hotel room and such while I'm stuck at a desk 8 hours a day / five days a week and all I get is a paycheck with very little chance to explore the great cities of this nation/world. So why are you complaining exactly?"
I'm glad that the AFA finally got past waiting for the east pilots to accept the arbitrated list and have come to a TA with Management, but hour for hour or dollar for dollar there are far worse jobs in that pay scale that a person could have to do in order to earn a living. Don't think so? Then why are there so many people trying to break into a career as an FA after all this time? Perhaps those on the outside are able to see the benefits a little more clearly than those on the inside.