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Us Airways – America West Merger More Important

I am so glad all you can do is insult instead of actually debating.

I have broadband access and it was a statement telling them not to waste their time and the bandwidth is on the server capacity not the speed which you connect to the internet with.
700UW said:
We have lived it at US and still living it.


You know, we have lived the same thing at America West. I have lived through the paycuts, the bancruptcy etc. but we chose our attitude. You can choose to be happy, hopeful and optimistic or you can choose to be bitter, negative and helpless. You chose how you want to live your life.
I choose to be a realist and at HP you have not taken the massive cuts like the employees at US have taken.

Did HP attack the retirees too?

At US they terminated their pensions and their medical costs have risen, you know they are on a fixed income and worked all their lives to enjoy retirement many of them had to go find work now.

And I choose to be involved and fight the injustices that managment doles out on a daily basis.

Like I said, you don't work here and do not what has transpired on a first hand basis.

Maybe you should think about that.
You know I have thought about it. So now with the new US Airways, are you still going to have the same attitude and now going to start to blame our management team? That would be pretty sad. I'm over discussing this with you, you certainly live in the past, hopeless and probably would never learn to let go.

I can't and won't teach old dogs new tricks.
The past?

I guess you really have no idea on what is going on at US Airways, there are 60 planes going back causing more layoffs to happen that is happening now not in the past.

People's paychecks being smaller happens now, not in the past.

Retirees struggiling to make ends meet while the executives pensions are fully funded as was the former executives that is happening today.

MDA being sold off and hundreds being laidoff is happening today, not in the past.

You truly have no idea of what is going on at US.

And if HP managment makes bonehead decisions, yes I will hold them accountable.

Maybe you should think about it.
If everybody thought the same the world would be really boring! Now, that being said, the employees of both US and AWA really need to pull together and get this company solid. Believe it or not, this company has a lot going for it and about time for somebody to kick the snot out of Southwest!
airlinedivalish said:
Get over it ! You don't have alot of fans here.
You clearly have no concept.

I guess you are a management lover and they can do no wrong.

You will learn, just wait till Crellin and Hemenway take over.

I will be the first one to tell you I told you so.

Maybe you should learn what is going on at US have some compassion for the struggles the employees, furloughees and retirees are enduring.

You will never learn.

And I don't care if you don't like me, understand the truth hurts.

You can't just pretend reality does not exsist.
Optimist said:
You know I have thought about it. So now with the new US Airways, are you still going to have the same attitude and now going to start to blame our management team? That would be pretty sad. I'm over discussing this with you, you certainly live in the past, hopeless and probably would never learn to let go.

I can't and won't teach old dogs new tricks.

Speaking strickly as a passenger:

I can't even imagine what U employees went through with the massive give backs and pay cuts. That was management at its worst. However, I have to agree with the positive outlook of Optimist and others. What's done is done. That doesn't mean that what was done was right or that you can't continue to fight for what you feel you are entitled to, but you have less chance of getting what you want from an airline that is out of business airline than from one that is viable.
Optimist said:
Where thoughts go energy flows! Remember that!
And "After" you accomplish all those feel good mind games---take action by moving on to a field outside of aviation where real peace of mind is possible.

If you are what you think, than I think you are hopelessly delusional.
calibrator said:
take action by moving on to a field outside of aviation where real peace of mind is possible.

If you are what you think, than I think you are hopelessly delusional.

Or at least get an aviation job in Asia...LOL Believe me, the pay and benefits are better. 😛
Optimist said:
Why do you think Southwest was able to survive while others are losing money? Their employees are not allowed to talk negatively about their company. They are pretty good about getting rid of their employees who badmouths their work group and they always talk about how successful they are and they don't wallow in all this negative self talk and blaming games.

Where thoughts go energy flows! Remember that!

I think WN survives because they have a successful business plan that is profitable, not because they sing kum-ba-ya around the campfire.

If WN were unsuccessful, the employees would be on this forum telling us about it.

Here's their compensation - take note of page 67


Please reconcile HP/US wages and profits with WN wages and profits.

I certainly agree they have created a virtuous cycle at WN, where management and labor support one another.

At bottom, I would argue the legacy or 'legacy trying to become something else' carriers have elected to retain much of the legacy business plan, such as hubs. Everthing else being equal (cost of planes, fuel, landing fees, etc.) employees at such carriers are the only place management can turn to subsidize the business.
700UW said:
I am so glad all you can do is insult instead of actually debating.

I have broadband access and it was a statement telling them not to waste their time and the bandwidth is on the server capacity not the speed which you connect to the internet with.

Then how does one paragraph on this board affect "bandwidth" (what a maroon) compared to the teragigabytes of porn you download all the time? Is it that the one paragraph was something you didn't want to look at?
Optimist said:
You know, we have lived the same thing at America West. I have lived through the paycuts, the bancruptcy etc. but we chose our attitude. You can choose to be happy, hopeful and optimistic or you can choose to be bitter, negative and helpless. You chose how you want to live your life.

Amen to that, Optimist!

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