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Considering the latest three month leave on the east is only from Sept to Dec I wonder if there will be a second one offered. After The holidays we'll be over again as usual. 🙄
Ok this is about Hawaii but falls under AFA. Knowing the flight is long and being that the two cities of HNL and CLT are United States cities will the company grant crew rest? I can see it now......Crew rest language doesn't apply because it's domestic. :lol:
Ok this is about Hawaii but falls under AFA. Knowing the flight is long and being that the two cities of HNL and CLT are United States cities will the company grant crew rest? I can see it now......Crew rest language doesn't apply because it's domestic. :lol:

Although the flying is between two states of the United States, it is still considered "international" flying per the West contract. I would be almost certain that it would be considered as an "international" segment for the East as well.
Per the East CBA:

From our contract definitions section:

"Transoceanic Flying" is defined as any flying other than operations as

1. Within North America (any flying to or from Hawaii is considered
transoceanic flying

International section:

3. International Crew Rest Seats
a. On international flights of seven (7) or more scheduled hours,
a flight attendant may use an available coach seat to take a rest break during
the course of the flight.

b. The “Aâ€￾ (Cabin Service Director) flight attendant will
coordinate with other members of the flight attendant crew to schedule
breaks in order to insure such breaks do not detract from or lower the
standard of our service to passengers.

c. Flight Attendants occupying crew rest seats will be permitted
to sleep, to eat, to watch video, to read, etc., during their designated breaks. 23
d. On international flights of seven (7) or more scheduled hours,
flight attendants will be afforded crew rest in seats which shall meet the
following parameters: 67
(1) For flight attendant crew rest only 89
(2) Placarded
(3) Reclining seats of the type provided to passengers in
that class of service, with individual reading lights and
air vents
(4) In the non-smoking section
(5) Curtained
(6) Crew rest will be located as follows:

A330: Seats A, B, G and H at the 3L/3R exit;
B767: Seats C, D and E in the last row of the B zone or
the C zone.
This should be interesting, just hope I can get the day off RSV to attennd. We should come up with a list of concerns (they may need its own webpage) so whoever goes can go with said list and voice it for those that are flying. I would volunteer.

AFA Council 89 Charlotte
System Wide Reserve Meeting

Negotiating Team

MEC President - Mike Flores
MEC Scheduling Chair - Carol Austin
MEC President America West - Lisa LeCarre
MEC Secretary/Treasurer America West - Jeff Albers
MEC Reserve-Chair Sherri Baker

Monday, July 27, 2009
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Charlotte Airport
Upper Level Auditorium

We will be discussing your concerns about the Reserve Section of our contract and how the negotiations process works.

Please e-mail your questions and ideas to the following Reserve Committee Members.

We hope you will take this opportunity to have your voice heard.

In solidarity,
I'm 99.9% sure I'll be furloughed because I can't see the west getting enough VL's. So, I'll have to wish you reserves in CLT the best in this meeting.

I'll still stick around and check in here, but I'm not sure I'll be able to add too much.
Considering the latest three month leave on the east is only from Sept to Dec I wonder if there will be a second one offered. After The holidays we'll be over again as usual. 🙄

Of course there will-AFTER the holidays. VLOA January, February, March but the blockholders flying 40-50 hours a month will suck those right up.
This needs to get bumped back up and re-active. This goes along with the other active thread.

Mr. Adler's ltr from June states the following:

In the East, however, line-holder positions will be reduced by approximately 0.9% in September, 2.9% in October, 2.7% in November and 3.9% in December as a result of the decrease in block hours.

Why weren't East offered LOAs with the same terms? Why did the East go straight to furloughs?

OBVIOUSLY December is going to be even worse (with a 3.9% decrease in BH) So why are they bringing furloughs back in December?

If Mike is moving to have the West's MEC removed, why are they conducting a "Reserve Meeting" in CLT? Funny how they post the date the day AFTER the bids close? By design? Youbetcha! United front? Doubt it.

A group of Rsvs are getting together to present "quite a large" list of questions that we want answers to.

We are also gathering OAL current contracts in an effort to find out why our MEC is insisting on taking a backwards approach to negotiating the Rsv section.
Not everyone that is flying a million hours a month is on the 105. The system is broken, the people who overfly (especially from the beloved AIL) are self serving and the union and the company allow it to happen.

What would happen if we all flew 70-75 a month?

Then "everyone" would qualify for food stamps
Then "everyone" would qualify for food stamps

:up: You said it!

Then maybe more people would actually show up for union meetings and fight harder for the wages we deserve. I implore every single reserve to attend the meeting in CLT on July 27. Apathy is a horrible disease. Please show your support. Pass the word on to every reserve you know.
Just found this on another board...

My "personal favorite" line is in bold. So there ya have it kids ....

Calculating the Bottom 300 and Potential Furloughs After the VLOA Awards

AFA has received many calls from Flight Attendants wanting clarification on how the Company determined the furlough numbers. US Airways management has said that there are three issues relating to their decision. First is the decrease in attrition, which is the number of flight attendants that quit the Company in any given month. Second, is the increase in the number of flight attendants who need to fly more hours in the month due to the economy. (ie...so the rest of you can just lose your job! REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR UNION THAT SENT THIS NOTE TO YOU!!!) Finally, the Company stated that while there was a 41% pulldown in Las Vegas flying last summer, the flight attendant staffing in Phoenix was not reduced equally. Almost (if not) ALL flying out of LAS is staffed by PHX. LAS should NOT even be considered because it is strictly a RSV base and they get ... at the most .... 5 hrs block total flying time. They NEVER used LAS Rsvs unless ABSOULTELY necessary. I worked LAS Rsv and never once flew a trip in 6 months.

The following is a calculation on how the Company determined the bottom 300 and potential furloughs after the VLOA Awards:

1. The Company offered two types of Voluntary Leaves Of Absence: 150 4-Month VLOA's and 150 16-Month VLOA's

2. The Company calculated that they were overstaffed by 300 Active Flight Attendants and would need to potentially furlough 300 Active Flight Attendants.

3. Of the 300 Flight Attendants at the bottom of the seniority list, 14 FA's are on a Leaves of Absence (Medical, Maternity, etc.) and therefore were not active. As a result, the Company subtracted those 14 slots resulting in a total of 314 Flight Attendants to be potentially furloughed (300 Active and 14 Inactive).

After the VLOA's were awarded, it was determined that:

36 Flight Attendants senior to the possible 314 Furloughs took the 4-month leave. This is 114 short of the 150 the Company had requested.

80 Flight Attendants senior to the possible 314 Furloughs took the 16-month leave. This is 70 short of the 150 the Company had requested.

When you add the 114 four-month leaves short of the requirement and the 70 sixteen-month leaves short of the requirement the result is 184.

Of the 184 Active most junior Flight Attendants, 10 Are Inactive and do not count towards the total 184. Therefore, the number increases by 10 to 194 total flight attendants from the most junior 300 flight attendants.

4. To calculate the amount of Flight Attendants saved from Furlough, you then take the 314 Possible Furloughs and Subtract 184 Flight Attendants plus the 10 inactive Flight Attendants.

- This gives a total of 120 Flight Attendants that are SAVED from Furlough, while 194 Flight Attendants have the potential of being Furloughed.

- 194(Furloughed) + 120(Saved) = 314 Total Flight Attendants


314 Potential Furloughs(300 Active and 14 Inactive)

150 4 Month Leave
- 36 Leaves Taken
= 114 Furloughs

150 16 Month Leave
- 80 Leaves Taken
= 70 Furloughs

114 Active Furloughs + 70 Active Furloughs + 10 Inactive Furloughs = 194 Total Furloughs

314 Potential Furloughs
- 194 Total Furloughs
= 120 Flight Attendants Saved

194 Total Furloughs
+ 120 Flight Attendants Saved
= 314 Potential Furloughs

Conclusion: 194 Total Furloughs & 120 Saved Flight Attendants

I don't know who's union is worse East or West,

Irrespective, I am truly sorry for those that are facing furlough. I know what you are going through... Got a couple of T-shirts!

OTOH ... You may want to ask yourself ... Is your Union working in the best interest of you? or your company. You decide. G'nite all! I have Airport Appreciation 2morrow

Ps. If you can figure out their fuzzy Math you should go out and get a better higer paying job!
OTOH ... You may want to ask yourself ... Is your Union working in the best interest of you? or your company. You decide. G'nite all! I have Airport Appreciation 2morrow

Ps. If you can figure out their fuzzy Math you should go out and get a better higer paying job!

Our MEC President is completely worthless and clueless and no they aren't working in anyone's best interest but theirs. That hotline is just the tip of the iceberg. I went to the second furlough roundtable yesterday with a couple of classmates. No one from the MEC showed up. It's clear from their actions and their oh so sensitive hotlines that they could give a rat's a** about the people being furloughed. A recall is is full swing and hope that at least our President is removed. I've given up trying to get any of them to call me back or return an email. Guess I'm not important enough. The latest thing is that one of their new committee chairs is out there writing up FA's. Nice to know you can count on your union folks to get you a nice little one on one meeting with your supervisor. Real nice.

I gotta sit hot tomorrow myself. I'm sure I can find something useful to do during that sit.
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