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Announcement made for west FA's. Should be posted on wings/the hub soon. I'm guessing if they don't get enough takers on the VLOA's that there will be involuntary furloughs sooner, rather than later.
Let's hope not.

They're asking for 300 VLOA's. 150, 4 month leave begining Aug 5th and returning Dec 1st 2009 and another 150, 16 month leave begining Aug 5th and returning Dec 1st 2010.

Hopefully there are f/a's who can do this and help prevent invols. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Round and round we go! Year after year after year! Well on the East the issue is 5-6 month out of the year our staffing is tight with the Trans-Atlantic summer flying and this place treats everyone so bad they are sick of giving up one more spiked eggnog at Christmas for a company that could care less about them. That leaves September to November then January to April that we are WAY over. If they furlough from the bottom up the company has to pay 3-5 months furlough pay to the effected (THANK YOU AFA CONTRACT). On top of that you collect unemployment. By the time they do that, it's time to call people back for the summer! :lol: :lol: Please furlough us, paid vacation! Better deal in my book.
Round and round we go! Year after year after year! Well on the East the issue is 5-6 month out of the year our staffing is tight with the Trans-Atlantic summer flying and this place treats everyone so bad they are sick of giving up one more spiked eggnog at Christmas for a company that could care less about them. That leaves September to November then January to April that we are WAY over. If they furlough from the bottom up the company has to pay 3-5 months furlough pay to the effected (THANK YOU AFA CONTRACT). On top of that you collect unemployment. By the time they do that, it's time to call people back for the summer! :lol: :lol: Please furlough us, paid vacation! Better deal in my book.
Well even though the union (East) hasn't posted anything about the VF it is on theHub and the East only has 100 VF's!! What a shame, IMO there are alot more than 100 f/a's on the East that will apply, while on the West there are 300 and those poor RSV's seem to be worried about being Invol. Wish there was a way to let everyone (both sides) apply and balance the base time from that. I'd LOVE to be able to take a 16 month VF!!!
This is so sad I really feel that we have all failed. it is the people at the bottom who will feel the pain.
Well the drama gets even better here on the West. I was approached this morning at T4 to sign a recall sheet for all 4 people in office... ALL OF THEM! Lisa, Dorene, Jeff and Tim. People were signing up in droves. I was happy to sign it. I feel like we will never be able to move on with our current leaders.
Well the drama gets even better here on the West. I was approached this morning at T4 to sign a recall sheet for all 4 people in office... ALL OF THEM! Lisa, Dorene, Jeff and Tim. People were signing up in droves. I was happy to sign it. I feel like we will never be able to move on with our current leaders.

Tim is holding an elective office?
Why do you want to recall everybody? :huh:

Lisa and Jeff **allegedly** did something not nice to Mike Flores and Doreen **allegedly** ratted them out. Per the previous post I have no idea what is up with Tim.
I didn't sign for them all. However the Rebel rowzers are asking for a full recall. Just passing along the info.
Can some of us juniorbees find comfort that most, if not all on the east will accept the furlough so there will be no invols? Word on some planes is yes. However, on the west, they had a hard time filling VPLOAs whichs doesn't bode well for our brothers and sisters out west.
Can some of us juniorbees find comfort that most, if not all on the east will accept the furlough so there will be no invols? Word on some planes is yes. However, on the west, they had a hard time filling VPLOAs whichs doesn't bode well for our brothers and sisters out west.
The East does well with these VPLOA's because we are an aging workforce over here. Many are ready to leave and waiting for a buyout offer. Others have other jobs they can do, many are going to school, and some just need that mental health break. They will have no trouble getting 100 to take the leave.

What I find interesting is why so many needed in the West, are they reducing capacity that much out of PHX, that alone speaks volumes.
I'm guessing way more than 100 East F/As will apply for the VF. They need to offer a BUY OUT to get these tired, bitter seniors who want to leave the ability to do so. I hope someone is doing a lot of homework at corporate about this because if IVFs come, displacements will follow. Then the company is in a position to pay moving costs etc. There are ugly rumors going around about closing one of the three smaller East bases. Makes you go “hmmmmmmâ€￾ when looking back at how we’ve had 0 transfers available in the last year. How come AW and Republic absorb more and more of mainline flying while we are feeling like we are about to get put to the streets (again!?) - *Oh wait, I know the answer - because they will fly for less and work more.* At least Republic gets a min pay day for one legs and DHs. I bet their contract is better than ours in a lot of ways. Ugh.

I'm guessing way more than 100 East F/As will apply for the VF. They need to offer a BUY OUT to get these tired, bitter seniors who want to leave the ability to do so. I hope someone is doing a lot of homework at corporate about this because if IVFs come, displacements will follow. Then the company is in a position to pay moving costs etc. There are ugly rumors going around about closing one of the three smaller East bases. Makes you go “hmmmmmmâ€￾ when looking back at how we’ve had 0 transfers available in the last year. How come AW and Republic absorb more and more of mainline flying while we are feeling like we are about to get put to the streets (again!?) - *Oh wait, I know the answer - because they will fly for less and work more.* At least Republic gets a min pay day for one legs and DHs. I bet their contract is better than ours in a lot of ways. Ugh.


"Tired, bitter seniors." Here we go with the ageism/ stereotyping again.

And BTW, hasn't Boston been closing since the late '70's? Anyone? :lol:
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