What do you mean by denying blocks to fellow co workers? If they have dropped all their trips for AFA does this mean they can ETB the hell out of their month or augment if they are a secondary lineholder? I wonder if this is going on in CLT, anyone know???Bajababe made a great point in another thread. Looking at the Philadelphia screens it seems certain AFA reps are denying blocks to there fellow co workers! You know you are out AFA but you bid a primary line anyway and then drop all the trips? These days it doesn't fly. Don't let them get you down Bajababe they are gone soon as they came.
AFA officials have been doing this for years...they bid a block and it's then claimed PPO---pay purposes only. Take a look at the catcrew seniorty screen---I think it's 40. There's Carol Austin at the top of the list. She bids and then it gets dropped. However, the block is then awarded to another F/A. Pull up under option 20 the block number and you will see the correct amount of blockholders on the block and then an added one that is PPO....so, someone IS getting awarded the block they are not denying the block. the next senior person that wants it gets it.Bajababe made a great point in another thread. Looking at the Philadelphia screens it seems certain AFA reps are denying blocks to there fellow co workers! You know you are out AFA but you bid a primary line anyway and then drop all the trips? These days it doesn't fly. Don't let them get you down Bajababe they are gone soon as they came.
Can we quick call a LODO to translate this?No body cares we know PPO I am talking about getting Super Seniority by answering phones at AFA. Let them eat cake or maybe they ate too too much. God Bless them I will pray for all of us at the wailing wall tell me I do not know pain 2 time loser to John. Its OK still LOVE LIFE...................xoxox to all of you
Spoke with my union guy- heard company wants 6-8% less of us
Well then offera BUYOUT and not measley flying bennies, offer good $$$ not this half for p/t and more for f/t..make it ALL THE SAME--Watch me sign up for it...like the wind...WHEW~~~