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US/AA merger settlement imminent!

Maybe it's a more "do as I say, and not as I do?"
or maybe it is "since you can't adhere to the standards you set, why should anyone else."

Lead by example, Kev.

the Settlement agreement is subject to a 60 day comment period and challenge based on Federal law.
The merger may well go thru but it is very possible that the settlement agreement will be modified based on concern including from Congress.
Kollar-Kotelly did sign off on the settlement agreement.

She's issued two orders that I know of -- one approving the settlement, and another declaring status quo on the assets until after the commentary period.

She'll also rule on anything that comes up during the comment period, and would preside over any hearings that might come up as a result, if any.

Don't expect any action until mid-March. The 60 day clock hasn't started, and won't until later this week or early next.
ok so is that why theres a hearin coming up on or about dec 6 or 9   i dont remember the exact date... but is that the date aa is also to emerge from ch 11 and begin the merger process?
robbedagain said:
ok so is that why theres a hearin coming up on or about dec 6 or 9   i dont remember the exact date... but is that the date aa is also to emerge from ch 11 and begin the merger process?
Everything is a done deal Robbed. Signing of paper work by lawyers is all thats left !
 Let me ask you if you don't mind?... Are you missing a couple keys on  your keyboard?..like (g) and (.) ?
Rogallo said:
reading his posts is a pan in de but
TY....i thought is was me !!
  He gets the point across though !
WorldTraveler said:
if you think the topics go off of a course that has nothing to do with the topic, then report it to the mods and they can act.

It becomes a lot harder to draw that conclusion about something related to the actual business.

it is very easy to do with personal attacks.

The moderators have made it clear this forum will not deteriorate into personal attacks on members.

If everyone sticks to the topics at hand, there should be no problems. And if you don't think the responses fit with the topic, then speak up. And others will do the same.
It's a good thing the mods have you to depend on, WT...

mike33 said:
Everything is a done deal Robbed. Signing of paper work by lawyers is all thats left !
 Let me ask you if you don't mind?... Are you missing a couple keys on  your keyboard?..like (g) and (.) ?
Well there is a poster here who only uses two keys, D and L...
But seriously, The merger in all actuality is a done deal. People or entities can have their feel good day in court if they choose. Don;t expect much change, if any at all. But this topic has reached the end of discussion as being "imminent.
robbed IS capable of staying on topic regardless of how many keys he uses - or not.

Of course we also have people who post images the size of an A380 because they can't stay on the topic - but it keeps them out of their wife's hair so we should be thankful we are helping save the marriage.

the best part about getting the merger approved is that it is now time to see how many of the claims that were made surrounding it are true and if the price that will be paid to get the merger approved by regulators and labor will be too much.
thanks guys...   actually mike and rog( i think)   yes i do use my tab bec my desk top computer crashed permanently for good.. after 5 plus yrs with it...    

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