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Unprecedented Change…

USA320Pilot, your obsession with United is really unhealthy. I suggest psycho therapy. It's time to let go...it's really getting boring.
USA320Pilot said:
Guess what, following bankruptcy emergence what airline will have one of the strongest cash positions in the industry and strong investor support?


You won't see their assets. Bronner did not buy them. The "US investors" did not buy them. UA (minus special charges and writeoffs on their BK filing) is killing US/HP in operational financial performance.

At least cook up a "UCT" with an airline that you have not had a 20 year grudge against. The UA stuff, to put it mildly, is getting old...

“What's your opinion of the news media reprots of "Project Minnow" where Dave Siegel "began an aggressive search for new partners. He approached United again -- part of an initiative code-named "Project Minnow," with US Airways as the small fish swallowing the bigger one?"



Nobody else will answer my question, maybe you can.

What's your opinion of the news media reports of "Project Minnow" where Dave Siegel "began an aggressive search for new partners. He approached United again -- part of an initiative code-named "Project Minnow," with US Airways as the small fish swallowing the bigger one?"

By the way, who reported this information on this message board before it was discussed in the news media?


I will only comment on "Dave." He was a liar and thief, and a very bad person. Any communication with him is not worth repeating. Thanks, however, for the info on TED. Just about anything IS possible now, so I really don't understand the anger from those who will not accept even a little speculation. I really wish, someday, I could know your source. You only demean yourself in quoting anything from Siegel...who is now a known racist for his lopsided firing of minoritys at Gate Gormet. Mark.
I think it takes two to tango....

Management of any company can dream up possible "UCT's", "ICT's", or whatever. They can talk about it incessantly. But it doesn't mean anything unless the other half of those "CT's" is interested. And as the article stated:

"United did not have any interest in a deal and was too distracted by its own struggles in bankruptcy."

So "Project Minnow" was nothing but a pipe dream......

Okay, EYE answer you:

Dave Siegel is now with Gate Gourmet doing his best to screw up that company; therefore, I see no validity in your years ago "Minnow" recollections. Maybe you should call Dave and say "Hi" and say "Hey Dave maybe you should re-think the "Minnow concept" it might help with that pesky roach problem at the ORD and HNL kitchens." In closing, I'd like to add that your "I-got-the-scoop-before-anyone-else-and-please-pat-me-on-the-back" is really, well, bizarre. We just don't care where a rumor comes from. Sorry, you don't win and you don't get a prize.
A little different view on AWA MEC Chairman Baker's comments.....

"Baker knows nothing about any discussions with other carriers or any specific deal that may be in the works, a union spokesman said yesterday in response to Baker's letter, sent to pilots Friday."

"Another America West spokesman, Philip Gee, said there is "nothing" to speculation that a merged America West-US Airways might pursue a second merger. 'I don't even want to think about merging with someone else at this point,' he said."

Pilots head sees more dealing as vote nears


A certain pilot poster has posted Baker's previoius comments in almost everyone of his posts on this thread.

How can be so wrong once again?

From the same article:

Instead, he said the speculation reflects the growing talk about more consolidation in an industry now expected to lose $7.4 billion this year, according to a report issued yesterday by the International Air Transport Association.

Thanks Jim!
BoeingBoy said:
A little different view on AWA MEC Chairman Baker's comments.....

:shock: This can only mean one thing! The super secret meeting with the super secret sources to learn the super secret handshake has been cancelled. :shock:
poor 700 .... Ted is seperate! From a marketing stand point and more importantly thats exactly the way the public and the airline sees it!
USA320Pilot said:
In regard to those who want to "shoot the messenger" that there will likely be mergers or fragmentations of legacy carrier's in the "not-to-distant",
Dude. No one is doubting that mergers / fragmentations / etc. are going to be happening. Everyone has known for some time things like that are in the pipeline.

What people are speaking up about is, despite the many many possible combinations of acquirers/acquirees, etc., your only conclusion -- over and over -- is that U always seems to be on the verge of acquiring UA's assets in some form or another.

It just seems odd to many of us that with all the airlines and assets out there, and all the uncertainty in the industry, and all the possible scenarios and combinations, you can only come up with one end result, over and over: U is about to acquire something of UA's. Period. That seems to be the extent of your creative thinking. No other outcomes seem to be discussed by your "connections in the know." Nothing else seems possible or worth considering in your world.

This seems especially odd because despite your years of predicting the same thing, over and over (breathless announcements that UA is shopping assets to U), it has never happened yet, NOT EVEN ONCE. Yet you continue to stick to your theory.

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