The two main theories that you discussed in the post that started this thread -- 1.) that United will sell the assets associated with its IAD hub, and 2.) that Ornstein (through Mesa) is "the surrogate hit man to ensure US Airways would have a turn key Dulles feed operation" -- are both contradicted by the facts.
First, just yesterday, United issued
this press release strongly reiterating its intention to maintain its IAD hub despite the potential loss of ACA's feeder flights there. The press release couldn't say it any more emphatically: "United will remain a competitive force at Dulles International Airport and on the routes currently served by United Express with Atlantic Coast Airlines (ACA) as our service provider." This reflects the reality that United is actually adding flights at IAD, the most recent of which was yesterday's announcement in
this press release that the carrier would begin daily nonstop IAD-SJO flights in February 2004. I also believe that, if necessary, this is a warning to US Airways to stay away from United's IAD hub operation, in much the same way that United stomped on US Airways' Metrojet operation at IAD a few years ago.
Second, Mesa has stated on numerous occasions since it put ACA into play a few weeks ago that it planned to keep the ACA operation as a
United feeder. No mention has been made of using the ACA aircraft to feed US Airways or any other carrier. This was made clear again in
this article in the business section of today's Washington Post, where it was noted that "Mesa executives have said that they were confident United will emerge from bankruptcy stronger and that they want to position Mesa as United's top regional carrier."
Finally, this afternoon it was reported in
this Reuters article that United said "it hopes negotiations with Mesa Air Group Inc. on regional service to Washington's Dulles Airport will be concluded in 'days, not weeks'." Thus, it is obvious that United expects to complete a deal with Mesa for IAD feed
very soon, leaving no possibility that Ornstein could be "the surrogate hit man" for Seigel and US Airways.
So we are left with the choice of believing you, Chip, and your secret sources as you continue to spin UCT/ICT theories, this time involving the fate of ACA and United's IAD hub, or alternatively believing what we see with our own eyes in the form of recent public pronouncements by United and Ornstein/Mesa. IMHO, the latter is the obvious choice.