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United flys airbuses. So Yes, I think they want them. At this point in the game, and because of the way that United has managed to keep their assets during bk, I believe that United will keep things intact until a merger is in place. At that time they will come together and decide what to sell, if anything.

A certain pilot has an obsession with all things United.
RowUnderDCA said:
Right, Fly, but is UAL going to really want airbuses with a merger?

Here is an article about United and Airbus.


The article is about the A380, and here is a small paragraph that deals with United.

Japanese and North American carriers for the first time are starting to seriously consider the plane, he added. United Airlines, which is not expected to buy any planes until it emerges from bankruptcy, has begun scheduling meetings with Airbus salespeople, Leahy said. Leahy suggested that the best comparison for the A380 might be with Boeing's 747, the first jumbo jet and as big an innovation in 1969 as the A380 is today.

So merging with a company that has airbuses is really not out of the question.

More industry consolidation is going to happen. True to form Doug Parker is ahead of the pack. DP has said that more industry consolidation is going to happen and has never said that he is not interested in additional merger propositions. The New US Airways is probably only the beggining. We should be glad that we have DP at the helm of our ship in what could be the beggining of the "Perfect Storm".
Air Canada cannot merge or buy a US based carrier due to foriegn investments restrictions.
RowUnderDCA's comments are dead-on accurate. It reamins unclear if a deal will proceed with United or any other carrier, but there are very active negotiations underway.

America West ALPA MEC chairman JR Baker told the pilots on Friday, "There is a real likelihood that as America West (soon to be US Airways) pilots, we must be prepared and ready to fight a second merger or fragmentation (of an airline other than the new US Airways) on the heels of this pending merger."

"It became clear to the MEC as we watched the progress of the transition agreement negotiations that there was little, if any, experience or templates for trying to merge two carriers under such extraordinary circumstances. I do not mean this in a pejorative sense, but more in the spirit that our industry is operating in uncharted waters. It may have been acceptable in the past to litigate and drag out issues to obtain some tactical advantage. However, today, it is clear that such a course would not only drain our resources, but leave us unprepared to defend ourselves for a second round of further consolidation," Baker said.

Much of last week's joint US Airways-America West ALPA MEC meeting with Doug Parker and management negotiators was spent on further industry consolidation and the transition agreement. Both MEC's will be back into session tomorrow, where a TA could be discussed and approved. ALPA believes further consolidation will occur and I can tell you this, one option being discussed is United's divestiture of TED's assets with a likely suitor the new US Airways.

Will a deal occur? I do not know. Is it a hot topic in the executive suite? Yes.


Just like you said MDA would not be sold.

TED has no assets, they are all mainline UAL assets.
Sounds like management is opting the pilots again. "You better settle this integration quickly because you are going to fight another merger soon". The pilots take it in the shorts and then management says "the conditions are changing again" Sorry, so sorry. When will you guys ever learn? What fuel price is this merger based on? $50/bbl was the last I heard. Sorry, So Sorry fuel has gone up again. We could not forsee a hurricane in the Gulf, relentless competition, or the fact that we have not been correct for the past 10 years or more. We need further cuts. Sorry, we are so Sorry! :down:
bluetoad said:
Sounds like management is opting the pilots again. 

FWIW, I happen to agree with you, but I tend to think it won't be mutually exclusive. Perhaps everyone should be prepared for another round?

320, This endless back-and-forth won't change anyone's belief system. Many, long ago, concluded that you have no credibility or that your infinite predictions are oft-times flawed. Your decision to waste inordinate amounts of bandwidth rehashing useless minutia is certainly within your rights, however.

Your comments are 100% accurate.

Not that I agree or disagree with the whole idea of United selling off TED but couldn't they sell off the amount of a/c that make up TED and cease the routes that are flown by TED? I think many things are going to happen rather quickly in the industry. As we have seen with the survival of US and the merger that MANY said would NOT happen with HP, ANYTHING is possible. It's any persons guess.... HOLD ON AND FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS. 😀
TheLarkAscending said:
320, This endless back-and-forth won't change anyone's belief system. Many, long ago, concluded that you have no credibility or that your infinite predictions are oft-times flawed. Your decision to waste inordinate amounts of bandwidth rehashing useless minutia is certainly within your rights, however.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. He only wishes he were as accurate as a broken clock.

I am glad to have your insight on this forum and others. Even though much is speculation(as it has been for over 25 years)Your comments and info are interesting, insightful and often parrallel much of what I hear from others.
USA320Pilot said:
Anybody ever thought of "fragmentation" or looked at the US Airways & United ALPA "15% fragmentation" clause, which is identical??????

Maybe some "smart-alecks" should do you a little more research before they comment on something they know nothing about.



320 makes a valid point here.

Keep in mind that United is about 4 or 5 months behind us at all times. They do exactly identical to what US Airways does, they just let us be the gunea pigs FIRST.

I suspect they will sell TED to have some liquidity and try to find investors who are willing to invest in a merger as well.

WE WILL NOT BE THE ONLY ONES TO CONSOLIDATE, as we were not the only ones to go into BK....we were just first, and the "copy cats" will end up doing the same if they want to compete.

Remember...its a race to the bottom in labor costs and competing fares.

I look forward to REGULATION OF THE INDUSTRY! With the BK laws changing by the end of Oct. I hope they do it sooner rather than later, before all of labor is at the poverty line.

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