UnPaid Sick time WITH A DR''S NOTE>>

It gotten so bad at work that people are being targeted and watched. Feel like its a prison and we are inmates. And dont even think about calling in sick on a weekend you might as well put a bullseye on yourself.
unfortunately we have the same problem as you.

And our union the IAM is not enforcing the contract through arbitration. Never has.
That is why this company continues to do anything and everything it wants to do, whether we have a contract or not. The employees have no voice and no power on this issue and this issue can only be settled through arbitration. Problem is that the IAM accepts sweetheart settlements before it goes to arbitration. On the other hand, AMFA arbitrates just about every violation and has several scheduled this month. You can read that over at the mechanic web site.

Thankfully, it finally looks like we might have an AMFA vote this September assuming all goes well and the cards are presented the week after AMFA wins at United.

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That''s not a way of life to come in to work..

The employees had better wake up- be strong, and call the DOL..
This bull must stop...


No no...
With a few decades working here (If I''d only known!), and now only part-time. Illness doesn''t pick full-timers vs. part-timers. Moreover, neither does illness covered by FMLA. If Federal law requirements dictate a minimum 1250 hours to even request FMLA, should a part-timer''s position be more under threat. I may not qualify for FMLA but if I/family member have cancer, AIDS or another catostrophic health problem but ought I be more feaful of losing my job simply because I don''t qualify for FMLA?
I don''t get it!
On 6/3/2003 11:01:06 PM aerosmith wrote:

I had a similar situation with my supervisor regarding a doctors excuse last week.

Are you reading this, Dave and Company?! This is the kind of crap that makes people hate their job, hate coming to work everyday, causes very poor moral, and causes people to actually become sick working under such nonsense. You people say you are employee friendly when your actions speak the exact opposite. Giving people grief with sick time and FMLA paper work when they have real and not imagined problems is below the belt. I have a spouse who is half dead and can provide all the paper required showing this fact, yet I was hassled to provide even more paper work and jump through even more hurtles which the doctors couldn''t believe! You people want this airline to run smooth and not just survive but prosper, then by God you better take a hard look at the crap the people you have running it are dishing out to people who don''t need or deserve this nonsense! Going around with a big hammer is not working Mr. Company, it just makes people resent their company and gives them a very bad taste in their mouth.

On 6/11/2003 11:43:07 AM sabre wrote:

unfortunately we have the same problem as you.

And our union the IAM is not enforcing the contract through arbitration. Never has.
That is why this company continues to do anything and everything it wants to do, whether we have a contract or not. The employees have no voice and no power on this issue and this issue can only be settled through arbitration. Problem is that the IAM accepts sweetheart settlements before it goes to arbitration. On the other hand, AMFA arbitrates just about every violation and has several scheduled this month. You can read that over at the mechanic web site.

Thankfully, it finally looks like we might have an AMFA vote this September assuming all goes well and the cards are presented the week after AMFA wins at United.



This is an across the board issue and has nothing to do with the IAM. Your savior AMFA, can they address this across the board issue Joesy? You know they can''t and so does anyone else that can think clearly. The industry is upside down and we have people who actually believe AMFA is the answer, give me a break!

Love Cavalier
PS: Guess how “IAMâ€￾ voting
Okay, lets look at the other side of this issue...The ones who "abuse" FMLA. In this way, I need a couple of days off, so I'll just call in FMLA instead of getting a swap and still get paid. It happens so damn often. I know one person who calls in FMLA, then works his days off {overtime}or if he needs to do something he calls in FMLA.

Now, who pays the price for this..? We all do...! The companys gets tough with all the sick calls. It isn't right, but we are our own worst ememy and the people who are really sick get alot of grief from the company

This is WITH the assumption that all the "proper" FMLA paperwork has been completed and that the employee has the FMLA designation
What''s happening at U has nothing to do with the IAM or AMFA, It has everything to do with bad management. But since Sabre felt it necessary to start this debate I''d like to add my 2 cents worth.

Right now NW is in the process of laying off 700 mechanics claiming their operating under force majeure. Out of that 700,550 will be recalled meaning 150 individuals will get the ax.

These furloughs are just the beginning of things to come. NW is claiming they need $950 million from its employees and if they dont get what their asking for they''ll file for BK (why does that sound so familiar?). Do you honestly believe AMFA or any other Union is going to stop NW from getting what they want or at least a portion there of?

Both U and NW claim they are operating under forced majeure and its necessary to keep cutting back, as long as they continue to abuse forced majeure all AMFA or the IAM (or any other union for that matter) can do is go thru the legal process but in the meantime its the employees that will continue to pay for management''s blunders.
Why is it that many peoples idea of correcting the situation is if you dont like your job quit and get a new one. There are still some of us who actually LIKE THE JOB, its all the other BS that bites. The sick policy and FMLA have absolutely nothing to do with my actual job, which I still enjoy. Its just extra garbage that shouldnt have to happen like it is.Also everyone sees all the b*tching on the board and says we''re all so unhappy. Given each individual thing that happens, its not so bad, but add it all together and its overwhelming at times. Paycut, shortstaffed, short tempers on customers, behind the scenes mess with sick time and FMLA, add on the rest and you get the idea. Its slowly eating away at those of us WHO DO CARE!
I just don''t get it. If your sick and "can''t" come to work, then stay home until you feel better, but no later.
It''s that simple.

All those times you and your buddies sat around the breakroom joking about banging in sick to stay at a ball game or going to a party that you couldn''t get a swap day for, that was o.k. then right? Wrong.

Right now we may all be feeling like we are getting treated unfairly, but we didn''t feel we were being unfair everytime we joked around, and really did, call iin sick just for the hell of it.

My opinion: We like to call ourselves a Union when it''s time to stick together and make them eat aluminum, well stick together now when you are paying for all the abusers.
Handle it.
You can not just call in to take an FMLA. You need to complete extensive paper work from a physician to even qualify, and most importantly, cost wise, it is an UNPAID leave.
On 6/24/2003 7:04:12 AM PineyBob wrote:

On 6/23/2003 6:39:19 AM cavalier wrote:

Are you reading this, Dave and Company?! This is the kind of crap that makes people hate their job, hate coming to work everyday, causes very poor moral, and causes people to actually become sick working under such nonsense. You people say you are employee friendly when your actions speak the exact opposite. Giving people grief with sick time and FMLA paper work when they have real and not imagined problems is below the belt. I have a spouse who is half dead and can provide all the paper required showing this fact, yet I was hassled to provide even more paper work and jump through even more hurtles which the doctors couldn''t believe! You people want this airline to run smooth and not just survive but prosper, then by God you better take a hard look at the crap the people you have running it are dishing out to people who don''t need or deserve this nonsense! Going around with a big hammer is not working Mr. Company, it just makes people resent their company and gives them a very bad taste in their mouth.

If you hate your job you should get a new one. For your own good. If my job doesn''t reward me in ways that are important or the bad outweighs the good I call my headhunter and head for the door.
If you have no marketable skills then you are "stuck" in your situation. So then the question becomes, "If I have no marketable skills, is that the companies fault or mine?"

Along with individual freedom & liberty comes responsibility. You and you alone are in the position to change your life. I don''t disagree that US is playing hardball and playing well as near as I can tell.
Personally I work for a very good company, but I couldn''t give a fat rats arse if they survive, thrive or fail. I am there because they will pay for several professional certifications that will help me to earn more money. I began to plan for my next job the day I got this one. Whether that next job materializes inside of my existing company or not remains to be seen. The certifications will enable me to become an independant contractor if I choose. Then I am no longer totally at the mercy of my employer, I have much more control over my destiny. These types of options and choices are within your grasp! After All, I was a blueprint machine operator earning $8.89/hr in 1984. And I''m not all that talented or educated and if I can take control of my destiny so can each of you.



I have three different job skills that require years of hard work and I have the certificates to prove it. Trouble is those skills are not in high demand at this point in our economy. I have a totally disabled spouse to take care of. I am not a young man any longer but according to you I should pursue yet a fourth career while working full time, taking care of my spouse’s woes and go back to school again so I can move on, and all while singing a happy song. Bob I pray you never have real life issues because my friend I am afraid you have no idea what life can dish out. Sure you lost your job a while back, but until you walked a mile in my shoes you have no idea or right to tell me what I am doing wrong and how to rectify it! The sick policy and FMLA policy the company is trying to enforce are both over the top and in a court of law they would lose. Ask anyone who deals with it, even doctors who as you know are highly educated can’t believe the crap being pulled. But I am sure you would have words of wisdom for the docs too and how they can work around these issues. Bob you make some good points on these boards but on this issue, which doesn’t personally affect you, you are totally clueless my friend.

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