United To Consider Acquisitions

Glad I got a few hearts pumping... this UA board was getting very boring of late.

I'm no more betting that DL will acquire anything but it's no more fanciful than to think that UA will be acquiring much either. I have read far more from analysts who aren't convinced that UA has done what it was supposed to do in bankruptcy than about the plan in place at any other airline - including Delta.

I have no fascination w/ Delta or any other company. But I am convinced that they are doing what they have to do return to profitability and become a viable long-term airline - something I don't think UA has done. Let's also remember than UA was in bankruptcy for about 1000 days before DL filed - I should certainly not expect DL to be at the same point in their restructuring after a relatively short 170 or so days.
Ummm, no, it really is 25%. Look it up.

I also find it curious that everyone on this board thinks that everyone else works for an airline. Never have, never will, given the low compensation. So I don't fear the Germans or anyone else. German ownership might actually raise service levels, which would be great for a customer like me.

It's always possible that Congress will relax the rules, but I wouldn't bet the mortgage on it. Just ask Dubai ports . . .

I am one American that will never be comfortable with foreigners running/controlling anything in this country other than thier mouths.
I hear the most rediculious things on this board:

"Delta is in better shape to acquire UAUA than the other way around"
"You can't acquire someone straight out of B"

That's nuts. You all need to do more research. Unreal. I might just stop looking at the boards if this is all everyone has to offer!

reminds me of quotes like "easy to make a profit in B, when you don't pay your bills" . . . another ignorant statement.
before you make such a big decision, DC3, at least read what I wrote...not what you think I wrote.
<<But never you mind yourself worrying about what aircraft can fly the route. DL has decided what they will fly and unless you have a 767 of your own that you want to deploy, you'll just have to settle for what DL has decided to operate.>>

QUOTE(WorldTraveler @ Feb 27 2006, 10:07 PM)

... I have no fascination w/ Delta ...

I can't help notice that you seem more than a casual observer :blink:

Do you remember North by Northwest?? :(

Careful not to make any comparisons,

Lots and Lots of speculation !!

But I for one AGREE with Glenn Tilton, that consolidation is a "GIVEN" !!

(This is SO Friggin' ACADEMIC, It's sickening :angry:

"IF" UA makes a "move", it will be on CO, because, as was already stated on here, UA NEEDS NYC area(Think EWR) !!!


AUTOMATICAALY triggers AA to act(even if they dont want to)

The choices are NW(which brings Asia to the table)(something AA has coveted since 1985, when they let UA grab PA's routes), or DL, who brings Absolutely NOTHING to AA's table !!!!!!!!!!

DL is then left WITHOUT a DANCE PARTNER !!

(Mabey they could buy Frontier) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Your "dance partners" will be foreign. The US government is set on foreign ownership of the United States. cheers
Glad I got a few hearts pumping... this UA board was getting very boring of late.

I'm no more betting that DL will acquire anything but it's no more fanciful than to think that UA will be acquiring much either. I have read far more from analysts who aren't convinced that UA has done what it was supposed to do in bankruptcy than about the plan in place at any other airline - including Delta.

I have no fascination w/ Delta or any other company. But I am convinced that they are doing what they have to do return to profitability and become a viable long-term airline - something I don't think UA has done. Let's also remember than UA was in bankruptcy for about 1000 days before DL filed - I should certainly not expect DL to be at the same point in their restructuring after a relatively short 170 or so days.

You definitely have a fascination and even a blind spot when it comes to Delta as anyone who reads this board knows all too well.

Your proclamations about the amazing progress of Delta's bankruptcy are laughable considering they are facing a potentially lethal strike by their pilots, even if binding arbitration does not go their way.

The only thing I know about DAL, is that they are probably the most poorly managed of the legacies as evidenced by simplifares. Their long thin expansion into Europe is another example of a near sure money loser that will mean that the best your favorite company can hope for is to be a shadow of it's former self if it can get throught the reorganization without fragmentation or liquidation.

This is all good news, and flies in the face of those who claimed that UAL would be aquired by another airline. (Are you listening USA320pilot and Bulscu???)

If there is any consolidation, UA will be in the driver's seat and it will clearly be an aquisition, not a merger.

Additionally as many of us have been telling the critics, (much to their disappointment) although there is no growth in UA's filed business plan, once we start to beat expectations growth will come in measured quantities. :up:

All good news???????????
You UNITED folks got raped and you call this good news? How many jobs were lost and further outsourced!

You got raped and what they took from your pockets when they raping you is going to be used for aquisitions?

Good news?
I am one American that will never be comfortable with foreigners running/controlling anything in this country other than thier mouths.

Interesting comment...Are you packing your bags?;)

Who owns most of our debt?

Who controls our politicians?

Who controls our energy policy?

Are you heading south? You do know who controls THAT border, don't you?
All good news???????????
You UNITED folks got raped and you call this good news? How many jobs were lost and further outsourced!

You got raped and what they took from your pockets when they raping you is going to be used for aquisitions?

Good news?

Raped? Yes we took pay cuts. Yes, our pension was turned over to the PBGC. But you know something? I am able to work more hours to make up for my pay cut. We've just ratified a retirement plan that provides for company contributions in addition to a 401 match, both equalling approximately 5% of earnings. I received equity in a newly emerged company in the form of several thousands of dollars. I think most of us at United realize that the factors that lead up to our restructuring are bigger than United Airlines...in the form of an industry-wide market correction as well as the continuing effects of globalization. I won't speak for my collegues, but I hardly feel that I've been "victimized" and I certainly don't feel as if I've been raped. Actually, I am feeling pretty good that it wasn't worse; that we didn't liquidate, that my give-backs were mininmized by the negotiating process, and that a judge didn't abrogate my contract. And for the record, our give-backs were necessary in order to achieve $3 billion in exit financing and successfully emerge from Chapter 11, not to make acquisitions.
All good news???????????

You got raped and what they took from your pockets when they raping you is going to be used for aquisitions?

Good news?

The good news is that UA was not forced into an merger situation on someone else's terms in order to emerge, as was the case for USairways. It is also good news that IF consolidation in inevitable, then UA will be in the driver's seat. It's called being in control of your destiny, and that is good news.

As for the rest, I think JAMAKE1 said it very well. No need to recap.