American Air Surf
Suggestion. Stop spreading the propaganda and fight for what's yours. Call the Teamsters Union. Tell them you're sick of seeing elitists destroying the country you care about, and that you want to be the solution. Any idiot can follow the trend, and spread bad news. This country is not great because of quitters.
Well, I am not going to issue a Phd. dissertation on the above- But.... Evidently, you are unaware of the following-
1.) The U.S. Patriot Act, What you are advocating, though noble- Will get you labeled a terrorist, and they will lock you up, and throw away the key..
2.) You say, Union, Union- You can't have a union, if there is no company and no Job, Re: Ford & GM. Jobs are being shipped overseas for the cheapest Labor rate- AND..., there isn't one thing you can do about it- This whole mess had been sanctioned by the U.S. Congress, and /s/ signed into law under NAFTA, WTO. The U.S. has already given up it's soverigenity in regard to trade disputes. In other words, you are only about 35 years to late on this subject. Do your home work.
3.) We are already to far down the Pike, in regards to the mess that has been created. Re: Federal Reserve, Social Security, and a system designed to keep you working on midnights as a AMT, and running in place never able to get ahead financially. It has been designed that way, to keep you poor- Right along with the laws, and courts to back the Elitists in their endeavors.
4.) I wish you were more informed. It is great to get mad, but without proper direction it does little good.