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United States economy doomed …

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Suggestion. Stop spreading the propaganda and fight for what's yours. Call the Teamsters Union. Tell them you're sick of seeing elitists destroying the country you care about, and that you want to be the solution. Any idiot can follow the trend, and spread bad news. This country is not great because of quitters.

Well, I am not going to issue a Phd. dissertation on the above- But.... Evidently, you are unaware of the following-

1.) The U.S. Patriot Act, What you are advocating, though noble- Will get you labeled a terrorist, and they will lock you up, and throw away the key..

2.) You say, Union, Union- You can't have a union, if there is no company and no Job, Re: Ford & GM. Jobs are being shipped overseas for the cheapest Labor rate- AND..., there isn't one thing you can do about it- This whole mess had been sanctioned by the U.S. Congress, and /s/ signed into law under NAFTA, WTO. The U.S. has already given up it's soverigenity in regard to trade disputes. In other words, you are only about 35 years to late on this subject. Do your home work.

3.) We are already to far down the Pike, in regards to the mess that has been created. Re: Federal Reserve, Social Security, and a system designed to keep you working on midnights as a AMT, and running in place never able to get ahead financially. It has been designed that way, to keep you poor- Right along with the laws, and courts to back the Elitists in their endeavors.

4.) I wish you were more informed. It is great to get mad, but without proper direction it does little good.
Well, I am not going to issue a Phd. dissertation on the above- But.... Evidently, you are unaware of the following-

1.) The U.S. Patriot Act, What you are advocating, though noble- Will get you labeled a terrorist, and they will lock you up, and throw away the key..

2.) You say, Union, Union- You can't have a union, if there is no company and no Job, Re: Ford & GM. Jobs are being shipped overseas for the cheapest Labor rate- AND..., there isn't one thing you can do about it- This whole mess had been sanctioned by the U.S. Congress, and /s/ signed into law under NAFTA, WTO. The U.S. has already given up it's soverigenity in regard to trade disputes. In other words, you are only about 35 years to late on this subject. Do your home work.

3.) We are already to far down the Pike, in regards to the mess that has been created. Re: Federal Reserve, Social Security, and a system designed to keep you working on midnights as a AMT, and running in place never able to get ahead financially. It has been designed that way, to keep you poor- Right along with the laws, and courts to back the Elitists in their endeavors.

4.) I wish you were more informed. It is great to get mad, but without proper direction it does little good.

I couldn't care less about some treasonous piece of anti-constitutional legislation that was enacted by the same government that set up the terrorist situation that they used to enact the legislation to begin with.

Accept it if you want. I'm sure the Soviets did the same as the iron curtain assured their downfall.

Patriot Act my ass. They always give a lofty name to phony bills that usually do the opposite of what's implied by the name.

The people that passed that bill are no patriots.

As far as being aware of the above mentioned. Aware of it yes. Agree with it no. You apparently choose to ignore the fact that Americans are not approving to the fascist take-over of our country, and in many cities have been showing their disapproval.

You need to stop spreading your lies and misdirection as accepted fact. Blind followers Americans are not.

The American people and the labor movement, are one and the same. It won't be apparent through the current republicrats running for president, but don't count Americans as willing patsies either. If the next president doesn't produce, I think you very well may see revolutionary change coming down the road. We won't be forced into being a China or,Mexico,or Indonesia, or any other third world style nation.

Did you know that to be called a "radical" in our country today draws more negativity in terms of the medias use of words to drive opinion, than the word "communist". Yet the founders of this country were referred to as radicals by the same power structures that seek to undermine the U.S. today.
I couldn't care less about some treasonous piece of anti-constitutional legislation that was enacted by the same government that set up the terrorist situation that they used to enact the legislation to begin with.

Accept it if you want. I'm sure the Soviets did the same as the iron curtain assured their downfall.

Patriot Act my ass. They always give a lofty name to phony bills that usually do the opposite of what's implied by the name.

The people that passed that bill are no patriots.

As far as being aware of the above mentioned. Aware of it yes. Agree with it no. You apparently choose to ignore the fact that Americans are not approving to the fascist take-over of our country, and in many cities have been showing their disapproval.

You need to stop spreading your lies and misdirection as accepted fact. Blind followers Americans are not.

The American people and the labor movement, are one and the same. It won't be apparent through the current republicrats running for president, but don't count Americans as willing patsies either. If the next president doesn't produce, I think you very well may see revolutionary change coming down the road. We won't be forced into being a China or,Mexico,or Indonesia, or any other third world style nation.

Did you know that to be called a "radical" in our country today draws more negativity in terms of the medias use of words to drive opinion, than the word "communist". Yet the founders of this country were referred to as radicals by the same power structures that seek to undermine the U.S. today.

The only time you will see any kind of change, will be when there are riots in the streets, no food on the table, and (ESPN) gone. The mass populace is like a UNION, the individual players have different agendas, needs, and problems- (hmm, kind of like our U.S. Congress). You can hardly ever get any of them together to do anything, or accomplish anything. Why just look at the mess we are in now! Need I say more?

All I can say is this, we in the U.S. are to far down the rate hole, to effect any change. And..., when China, Japan etc.... STOP financing the U.S. debt, then what are you going to do Big Boy?
Here are a few site(s) ...


http://www.economyincrisis.org/ (Like I said, you are only 35 years to late)

Read this, (We/ U.S. populace) have been ripped off since 1913), and we still keep taking it- Where are the riots in the streets?, the revolution? NOT...

The American people and the labor movement, are one and the same.

So you're saying the American people represent less than 12%?

You apparently choose to ignore the fact that Americans are not approving to the fascist take-over of our country, and in many cities have been showing their disapproval.

If you drink from the Obama cup....you haven't realized you're a liberal fascict :unsure:

Suggestion. Go home from the bar,look into the bathroom mirror and repeat this phrase;"I AM A LOOSER". Then crawl into a dark corner of your bedroom and spend the rest of your days sucking your thumb. That truly is what you need.

Hey Ace....its LOSER.
DJIA dropped another 500 PTS today to close @ 8,519.21

Where is our doom update?

Market doesn't look like is going to do so hot today, Freedom. Perhaps one of the worst ever? Hopefully the sell-off has a climax today... if nothing else, should be a bumpy ride for anyone involved. Hope to see your "Dear Journal" this weekend (I got to admit, even though I disagree often, I do like to read them).
i'll write one up lol....

Dear doom journal ...

Today the market isn't doing so well ... but who knows , it could go up by the end of the day ... or crash ... the people in the market no longer understand what's going on , and now we have so many market particpants that one can't say why a thing happens .... for instance , the mutual funds ... you have some people who have a half a brain left who are pulling all their money out , and then you have the other poor souls who've been spoon fed this whole "maket's gotta bottom soon buy stocks now!" crap who are rushing in ....

The credit markets have eased up slightly .... yeah we will see how long that lasts ....sooner or later a bank , or mutliple banks will begin to fail and i can just hear the credit door slaming shut ..

looks like some of the auto makers are on their last legs ... chrysler is a goner ... it's just been taking them awhile to die ... ah well , at least i don't own anything from them ..

on the bright side , fallout 3 is coming out in 3 days .... now no matter what happens , if the market crashes completely , at least i will be able to get a copy ! and there is a sliver lining to these worsening econmic times , as things get worse , prices for everything are coming down .... :up:
Dear doom journal ....

Well our market closed down only 300 points yesterday , but the NIKKIE got the snot taken out of it with an 800 point beating ... if they have another week like that their market will be gone ....

I wasn't sure if the fear was back when i wrote you last on friday , but now i'm sure of it ... the great panic has returned ...i am confident that by the end of next week the dow will be in the 7000 point range ...

like the boy in the danish tale who tries to stop the leaks by putting his fingers and toes in each spouting hole as they appear , so too is our goverment ... sooner or later those efforts will fail ... as i had predicted awhile ago the american public still isn't yet completely aware of what's about to occur ... soon the elections will be over and done with , and then , then the full horror of what faces us shall be seen .

ah well , at least it's the weekend and so there won't be too much in the way of economic news ...

EDIT: i was snooping around on bloomberg.com and found a new interview of my fav econmist see him here at

econmist speaks about the economy , video .
Dear doom journal

Well with it being the weekend there's no news ... not that i'm concerned ... althou i was getting a bit of a withdrawl without econmic news ..... i almost bought a copy of Barron's for 5 dollars , but after paging through it decided that it simply wasn't worth it .. (that five dollars came in handly later at arbys where you can get three roast beef sandwhiches for 5 bucks )...

At any rate nov 17 is comming fast and my companies CEO will be speaking there .... eh ..... i want to start a thread in the us airways board that he might possibly read that might possibly influnce him when he speaks at the summit ... BUT , i don't even know what i want to say or explain , AND i'm just so freaking lazy right now .. if i wrote something it would have to be the best of anything i've ever written .... a complete explenation of the econmic events around us etc ... but like i said , i'm lazy ... perhaps i'll find the fire in a few days ...

ah well doom journal , ah well .... back to watching mad max , beyond thunder dome ...
we need a 400 billion stimiuls

Dear doom journal

The above link is what my fav econmist wrote ..i agree , 300 billion will not be enough ... we need to take the hammer to this and go all out ... let's do 500 billion and try and slay this dragon ... 😛h34r:
i'll write one up lol....

Dear doom journal ...

Today the market isn't doing so well ... but who knows , it could go up by the end of the day ... or crash ... the people in the market no longer understand what's going on , and now we have so many market particpants that one can't say why a thing happens .... for instance , the mutual funds ... you have some people who have a half a brain left who are pulling all their money out , and then you have the other poor souls who've been spoon fed this whole "maket's gotta bottom soon buy stocks now!" crap who are rushing in ....

The credit markets have eased up slightly .... yeah we will see how long that lasts ....sooner or later a bank , or mutliple banks will begin to fail and i can just hear the credit door slaming shut ..

looks like some of the auto makers are on their last legs ... chrysler is a goner ... it's just been taking them awhile to die ... ah well , at least i don't own anything from them ..

on the bright side , fallout 3 is coming out in 3 days .... now no matter what happens , if the market crashes completely , at least i will be able to get a copy ! and there is a sliver lining to these worsening econmic times , as things get worse , prices for everything are coming down .... :up:

Hey, you'll be able to play Fallout 3 , in preparation for the real doom and gloom , you preach ! :shock:

Even though it's a spin-off ! :down:
Dear doom journal ….

The world is full of petty people …. I happened to be on the AOL homepage and took a peek at the story about the woman who chained herself to her home … that wasn’t the interesting part , it was the comments that accompanied it ….

To provide some back-story to the article , there really wasn’t an article , just a picture of the lady and a short caption with her sob story …

You should have read about 50% of the comments … people wishing they could punch her in the face or saying that she deserved to lose her home …. It’s both funny and sad that rational people become irrational and must look for scape goats during trying times .. If you went back a full year people would have just commented that the lady was “wacky or looney “ but now it’s become so much more personal and emotional … So not only will some poor soul lose their house , but everyone walking by will take the time to spit in their face while their down …

The comments really tickled my funny bone because I cannot wait for the day when these folk essentially throwing this lady under the bus have to themselves lay down underneath it …. And that day is coming …. For far too many Americans all it takes is the loss of one’s job and their entire financial situation is thrown into disarray …. We haven’t begun to see the massive job cuts that are coming …. Another thing I find amusing is listening to people #### about the extended unemployment benefits and surplus checks the government has instituted , some people are reacting in horror that we’re turning into a welfare state and giving money out to people who don’t want to work …. Yes , sure we are…. Except does it mean you don’t want to work if there are no jobs for you to work ? Does that make one lazy and a welfare leech just because you cannot find a job that isn’t there ?

Ah well , apart from the pettiness today ,the market rocketed back by 900 points … hooray …. And that’s a sarcastic hooray … I say so what … if the FED wasn’t going to cut the interest rate this week there wouldn’t have been nearly that large of a movement … and as of yet I don’t see a solution to our nations problems coming from the market …everything is still government based , so every positive your seeing is costing the taxpayers countless billions of dollars and creating an even deeper deficit …also , I don’t yet see how individuals are being helped … the government has done a great job of putting credit back into the market , thus slowing down the loss of jobs .. But there’s no pick up here, the people who were hurting are still hurting … it’s like we’re wounded and have put a bandage over the wound yet are still bleeding , albeit more slowly …. now I hope I’m wrong about this and were just facing a very deep recession as roubin believes , but I don’t think so ….

I just keep seeing a horrible chain reaction setting up … especially with margin calls … to be honest I’d rather see a one or two week period with 100 point gains each day…. Other than one day with 900 points gained , because what can go up in a day can go down in a day , or two days as is what happened last time … at any rate , businesses everywhere are still burning through cash and the consumer confidence index is at it’s lowest point since the survey began …. ¾’s of the us economy is based on consumer spending … I don’t know how much more fear can change spending patters , but then I’m no longer in the same category as most Americans as that my wages are increasing where others’ are staying flat or decreasing ..

In the international markets things are still looking quite bleak , Europe and the rest of the world also managed to stave off the banking crisis , but like us , their bleeding to death as well … Asia is a mess with some countries up and others down , also their not coordinated yet …. And the middle east is just now coming into the recession after weathering it for as long as they have ..

Ah well …

p.s ... hey southwind , do you mean F3 is a rip off of MAD MAX ? and yes ... lol i did kinda think about F3 being our new future ..lol
Dear doom journal ....

The elections are over , the demorcats won .... i'm happy with the presdiential pick .... The republicans were never a group to look after the little people ...

With that said , nothing has changed .. today the market dropped by almost 500 points ... but these days that kind of drop off doesn't really affect me anymore ...

The auto report came out ... it was bad , along with manfucaturing ... people predict a bad sales season .. they need to revise that down to horrible , market destorying sales season ..

Banks still aren't lending to people ... and now more people are defualting .. chase has taken steps to stop people from defaulting by helping them with their loans but what was once a mortange issue has gone so far beyond that now .... without jobs chase can do all the loan modifications it likes , when people end up unemployed they will still default ..
Dear doom journal ....

The elections are over , the demorcats won .... i'm happy with the presdiential pick .... The republicans were never a group to look after the little people ...

With that said , nothing has changed .. today the market dropped by almost 500 points ... but these days that kind of drop off doesn't really affect me anymore ...

The auto report came out ... it was bad , along with manfucaturing ... people predict a bad sales season .. they need to revise that down to horrible , market destorying sales season ..

Banks still aren't lending to people ... and now more people are defualting .. chase has taken steps to stop people from defaulting by helping them with their loans but what was once a mortange issue has gone so far beyond that now .... without jobs chase can do all the loan modifications it likes , when people end up unemployed they will still default ..

Not doom and gloom though,time for ACTION.

They are taking the economy down, and intent is collapse followed by introduction of the new system.
American workers must take our fate and the fate of the economy into our own hands by using our unions as a bully-pulpit.
Dearm doom journal ....

i've been thkning alot lately , because that's pretty much what i do ...

i have an idea , it won't save the shopping season ... but perhaps soften the blow ...

i worry that what happened to GM could happen to the retail section ... we already know it's been horrible for them , but i fear things could be worse than predicted ...

my idea is time senstive ... but i dunno , i haven't figured out the total cost yet , don't know if i'll even bother ... and i haven't even begun to write it down yet ... the spirt has just gone out of me ... sigh sadly i don't really love the idea , but it's the only thing i can think of that would provide the needed results for the month of december in time ....

i had thought about a tax holiday , but there's just not enough time to even pull something like that off logisitcally ... oh well .. i think i'lll sit on my hands a little longer .
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