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United Outsources More Work!

Seguro said:
Please explain. With their negotiated 38% cap on outsourcing they did what?
That is 62% more Scope than we have. Rolling over and dying is not the only way to properly represent your membership. Try reading the NWA contract sometime. It's full of good language. If the twu was even close to par with AMFA we wouldn't be on the eve of our filing. Our contracting out of work and the B-Rate mechanics we have working in house is nothing to brag about. You still don't get it, the twu membership has lost faith in the twu. Do you really think the NWA mechanics would rather have the twu????
Why don't you start a new thread on the benifits of the NWA contract compared to ours?? Afraid..........I'll be more than happy to "participate".
Here's to the twu........
Will strike if provoked..............
goingboeing said:
twuer said:
Another harsh reality of what AMFA has done to our union brethren at United (AGAIN!!)

All of you TWU types had better wake up.Why do you think Nordam is building a huge facility south of Tulsa International Raceway? Their current amount of work would not require a facility of this size.They must have some new contracts [maybe AA?] For the Tulsa brethren, TWU has allowed some of your work to go to Kansas City.They have recently had a RIF in the Misc Valve Shop and the incoming work is shrinking.This is courtesy of the TWU.It appears that Support Shop work was traded for 737 work,thus resulting in no need for recalling some of the laid off members to TULE.
I had an Eboard member tell me the same thing. Nordam is slowly taking our work. " They(Nordam) are causing a serious threat to our composite shop". We do not have the contract language to keep it on base. Why the twu has never negotiated protection in our scope I'll never know. Other than being a company union, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe if the twu would negotiate minimum wage for our composite shop we wouldn't have to worry.
Here's to the twu....
Out the Door in 04..............
Checking it Out said:
Proud to be TWU, Proud to Understand Amfa is not the way to go!

I have a hard time understanding the Me attitude of the amfa wantabes. NW and United 1992 and counting!!!!!! Lost forever with little or no hope to be recalled.
Excerpt of Post:

AMFA Lacks the understanding!

Good Topic!

How much do we have to give to corporate profitability to understand that they will come after our pay and benifits at every call and beckoning?

Give me some 'understanding' here!!!

We are building on the lives of our 'Unionist' forefathers'

Can you explain to them as to why you are willing to capitulate pay and benefits for your 'OWN' benefits, and ignore the future of your children?

If ‘Understanding’ includes giving up pay and benefits of my own and Children's future, then I simply do not understand.

Please educate me as to how continuous capitulation can benefit me and my Family!!!


The fact is that the overhaul for the IAE V2500 (PW2500) was ‘NEVER’ performed in house.
This work was under the watchful eye of the IAM from 1993-2003.
Whom should you blame (If anyone)?

But please, don’t let a little fact get in your way (it never has before).
BTW, who was your bargaining agent when half of your avionics shop was outsourced to Collins?
Hear that didn’t work out so well.

Credibility Suicide - One post at a time!!!
CIO = Credibility Isn’t Obligatory


Question 1:
Do you believe that your continuous disinformation and lies will gain you credibility with your peers?

Question 2:
Do you believe that by repeating a lie unchallenged makes the lie the truth?

Question 3:
Who was your bargaining agent when half of your avionics shop was outsourced to Collins?

Looking forward to your reply,
Checking it Out said:

January 28, 2003
2003 CIO, we are now in 2004 just case you forgot, kinda like your debate letter to supporters through Dell.

FYI...All but Atlanta has been restaffed(I am sure an oversight by you) and Atlanta had job security of a job elsewhere or the 26 weeks of severance and the layoff.


To be fair,
that's the latest news CIO is aware of.

Nuff Said,

Take Care,
You know, amfa is to busy making excusses about allowing work to be outsourced. The 2 billion dollar contract was signed under the watchful eye of amfa. If they had any ballllllllssss. they would be doing the samething the IAM did at USAir. Instead they are busy taking cases forward that is a sure bet to lose. Now with the bad language inserted in the FM1. We can rest assured it will haunt the industry.

Here is a flyer amfa put out at United during the drive. You have to wonder? Lets complain and tell you what you want to hear. Looks to me! like talking from both sides of the mouth!!!!!!

United half gone!
CIO...Your continual campaign of lies will result in your loss in the election. Keep up the good work. :shock: :shock:
Checking it Out said:
Please, If you believe I am lying, Show documentation to show otherwise!

UAL Agreement...page 42 tells all about the new outsourcing...Notice the date May 01,2003


NMB Decision where the iam gets their ass kicked, notice the low turnout because guys like former iam officer Brian Conors didn't bother to vote after being layed off before the vote.

CIO...What would be your excuse for UAL if AMFA lost the election????

2 Billion signed...check you dates, http://www.pw.utc.com/pr_0618012.asp

United Awards Multi-Year Maintenance Contracts to Pratt & Whitney

 June 18, 2001
-- United Air Lines, Inc. (UAL) has signed multi-year agreements with Pratt & Whitney Aftermarket Services to provide engine maintenance on the airline’s JT8D-, JT9D-, CFM56- and V2500-powered aircraft. The agreements cover approximately 400 engines and have an estimated value of $400 million.

The contracts include:

A five-year contract to provide engine maintenance for the airline’s JT8D-powered 727 and 737 fleet.
A four-year contract to provide engine maintenance for the airline’ JT9D-powered 767 fleet.
A four-year contract to provide engine maintenance for the airline’s V2500-powered A319 and A320 fleets.
A four-year contract to provide engine maintenance for off-load volumes of the airline’s CFM56-powered 737 fleet.
Pratt & Whitney’s engine overhaul centers in Georgia, Connecticut and Norway will perform the maintenance work.
"With UAL’s San Francisco Maintenance Center exiting the JT8D and JT9D engine overhaul business, we are extremely pleased that they have chosen Pratt & Whitney to maintain these engines," said Bob Leduc, Pratt & Whitney Chief Operating Officer. "In addition, UAL has awarded us the opportunity to continue to prove our competitiveness and reliability in maintaining non-Pratt engines."
"United is excited to have reached such an extensive agreement for engine maintenance with one of our key business partners," said Andy Studdert, United Airlines Chief Operating Officer. "This transaction supports our plan of allowing United’s San Francisco engine shop to remain at capacity maintaining the newer technology engines while reducing the cost of engine visits already being performed elsewhere. Concluded with the assistance of Mercer Management Consulting, these contracts ensure that United will receive quality service at competitive prices."

Pratt & Whitney Aftermarket Services offers overhaul and repair services at nearly 30 locations around the world. In addition, it offers fleet, material and inventory management programs to both commercial and military customers.

Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies Company (NYSE:UTX), is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines.

Notice this is when the iam was suppose to have language in the contract to stop it, since than they wholesaled out their former membership.
PRINT IT........TAKE IT TO WORK...........SHOW EVERYONE........

Every time the twu posts this rhetoric you pass it around. The twu has lost all credibility. You can show the mechanics something factual from the twu and they still won't believe it. If the twu was worth anything it wouldn't be this way. I know they're in the PANIC mode and rightfully so.
It takes 100 truths to remove 1 lie. The twu is way behind. The membership is alot smarter than the twu gives them credit for.
I hope the twu and AA had a great Valentines day............
Here's to the twu and AA............
A Match Made in Heaven..........
I'm curious, why are you always showing old reports? why not show the current letter? Showing the extension of 300 engines? This is under the eye of amfa! after all amfa is the one posted the flyer asking for support with the assumption amfa was going to fight to stop the work from going out! Oh please oh please sign a card and we will stop the work from leaving!!!!!!! Ever heard this before?
So let me get this straight, CIO claims that AMFA gave away this V2500 engine work Jan 29 of this year.

First of all, United is in Bankruptcy and will do what ever they please with the judges approval.

Second, Even if AMFA could convince United to bring that work in house United can not afford to gear up for such work at this time.

And last but not least, It turns out that united had an original contract with PW dated back on June 18 2001 to do V2500 and several other engines.

Is anyone else tired of CIO's false accusations???
10,000 Jobs


(10,000 and counting)

AMFA negotiated the NWA agreement. In order to achieve its relatively high wage scale, AMFA gave away virtually all of the mechanics’ job protections. As a consequence, approximately 50% of the NWA mechanics have lost their jobs. Unfortunately, many of these job losses will be permanent.

At Alaska Airlines, AMFA consented to contract arbitration depriving their members of any meaningful vote on the agreement. Since only a handful of the contractual items could be referred to arbitration, the members had no alternative but to accept the deferred items, mostly unchanged from before (17 out of 31 sections to be exact). Further, the outcome of the arbitration decidedly favored management. Once the arbitrator made his decision, the members had nothing left to vote on. This certainly debunks AMFA’s claim of worker democracy.

AMFA is in negotiations with 3 of the airlines they represent and is making little headway. In the future, negotiations at NWA promise to be exciting with nothing left to give away except wages. And with the force majeure one lose in January; it will continue to be a disaster for the Northwest mechanics. NW conducted a meeting with its members on February 12,2004 and discussed the outsourcing of Brakes, APU and additional downsizing of the mechanics to a final total of 2000 to 2400 on the Property from a high of 9700.

AMFA has used many slogans in its campaign to organize aviation technicians. Some that come to mind are “mechanics for mechanics,†“a pure craft union,†and “take a stand for 100 grand.†Has there been any truth to these slogans?

Mechanics for mechanics is a misnomer since 50 plus years of National Mediation Board (NMB) decisions mandate that the craft and class be described as “mechanics and related†and this includes ground maintenance, appearance technicians, and others. They may have separate agreements, but the NMB has decreed that they cannot be excluded. (AMFA referre's to the related as splinter groups). AMFA and everyone else know that, but yet they continue to misrepresent this NMB requirement to mechanics.

While AMFA proclaims that it is a pure craft union, in fact it and its supporting organization are anything but that. AMFA’s umbrella organization is the McCormick Realty Group headquartered in Laconia, NH. Yes, Laconia, NH even though there is no air carrier located anywhere close. It also supports an independent flight attendant group (PFAA) and on and off has supported one pilot group while trying to attract others. Coincidently, these organizations have post office boxes in the same building as the McCormick Realty Group. In other words, the McCormick Realty Group provides its overpriced and limited support to any craft or class that is willing to pay for it. If you need more support, you must pay for it. (AMFA 2002 LM2 reports 1.3 million dollars in professional fees with 11,400 members). Insofar as taking a stand for 100 grand, AMFA hasn’t been close to that figure and it knows that. The TWU-negotiated agreement exceeds AMFA agreements in superior job protection language, retirement benefits and above industry average wages.

Is there an advantage to a single craft organization? The recent turmoil in the air transport industry shows there is no advantage and, in fact, there are disadvantages. The TWU status as a versatile industrial union has enabled it to strengthen its resolve during these turbulent times. Concurrently, single craft unions have drastically reduced their services and, in some cases, were forced to seek a merger partner in order to survive.

Since AMFA’s bargaining has not benefited its members, what has been its demonstrated performance as relates to representation? That, unfortunately, is as miserable as it’s bargaining. NWA and Alaska mechanics were placed in the unenviable position of having to assess themselves in order to pay off their local union’s legal expenses (Local 14). That two-year assessment ends soon and these technicians will be faced with reducing services or assessing themselves once again. TWU legal costs, conversely, are paid by the union and not through member assessment. Why then the phenomena of AMFA? Perhaps everyone hopes to get something for nothing. Children wish for the tooth fairy and someone thought the Brooklyn Bridge was a good deal.

AMFA is not a union, but rather an Internet scheme to make a profit off of the backs of highly trained aviation maintenance technicians. This scheme has brought disaster to many workers and it will injure aviation technicians for years to come. Managements see AMFA as an opportunity to roll back the clock on past gains. No self-respecting union would misrepresent itself as AMFA has, nor would it pit one member against another to benefit their organization. The purpose of labor is to help the workers and not to pick their pockets. The TWU agreements demonstrate that a real union can negotiate both wages and good job protection at the same time, no matter how tough the times. When the siren song of AMFA calls, stick to the facts, and trust your future with the AFL-CIO and North America’s Best Union. The TWU! Where the Real Strength is in the Membership.

MCI AFL/CIO please stick to the current topic or start a new one. Even a rookie like me can follow those simple rules......
Checking it Out said:
I'm curious, why are you always showing old reports? why not show the current letter? Showing the extension of 300 engines? This is under the eye of amfa! after all amfa is the one posted the flyer asking for support with the assumption amfa was going to fight to stop the work from going out! Oh please oh please sign a card and we will stop the work from leaving!!!!!!! Ever heard this before?
I know reading is a tough one for you but the 300 engines are part of the same fleet type that has been going to Pratt since 1993. The deal was going to go to 2005, now it appears to be going to 2014. FYI...UAL engine shop is still operating at 100% in SFO.

Tell us why didn't we bring the coffin to UAL when they first signed this deal 10 years ago, or when they allowed the rest to go out 2 and a half years ago? Will the coffing be making a stop at Rockwell Collins any time soon? :shock: :shock:
When the siren song of AMFA calls, stick to the facts, and trust your future with the AFL-CIO and North America’s Best Union. The TWU! Where the Real Strength is in the Membership.

It's Corporate America's best union, I am sure that was a typo. BTW...You almost signed something for a change, rather bold of you.

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