Union Garbage


Aug 20, 2002
I just don't get it. First I get AMFA's garbage in the mail followed by the TWU's garbage in the mail, and I have been laid off since 2001!

I don't like either of them. Two reasons for this, one, I am not working yet, and two, there is not a chance in hell that I will ever be bale to go back to work at American.

angry AMT
Buck said:
And you blame AMFA?
How in the heck did you get that from his/her post Buck????

No sympathy on your part?? Maybe you should have told him/her that he got the TWU mail legitamately but the amfa stuff he got because of a "hot" list!!! :shock:
twuer said:
How in the heck did you get that from his/her post Buck????

No sympathy on your part?? Maybe you should have told him/her that he got the TWU mail legitamately but the amfa stuff he got because of a "hot" list!!! :shock:
You saying that the twu has actually done anything "legitamately" twuer?

How about the lie that the twu "saved jobs", yet we still have thousands on layoff with industry leading concessions included. No mention of the millions the tax payers shelled out for the bases in Tulsa and MCI in the twu flyers. Hmmmm, that must be the twu legitimacy you spoke of, right twuer?

How about telling our laid off AA co-worker about the force majeure case(s) the twu has on file to bring him back? I forgot, the twu hasn't filed one, have they twuer? Why is this?

Tell our displaced co-worker that he will possibly be re-called someday, but not as a full mechanic, only as an OSM. Yes AA is the only airline paying OSM's less than most third party hack shops

The voo-doo AMFA "hot list"..... care to tells us what that is?

Your just another twu whiny noisemaker, you ask a lot of questions, but your never have any answers, so shut your pie hole.


Sorry about your job loss, but the twu and sellouts like twuer never have and never will fight for your job. The only union that has a force majeure case on file is AMFA at NWA, in fact they have three.
Lost the first one, but hopefully AMFA will prevail in the next two. Why do your think neither the iam or the twu have had a card drive to replace AMFA at NWA? Because no one in their right mind wants them. In fact, there are NO card drives for M@E at ANY airline for the twu or the iam. Something to ponder........... Take care.
twuer said:
How in the heck did you get that from his/her post Buck????

No sympathy on your part?? Maybe you should have told him/her that he got the TWU mail legitamately but the amfa stuff he got because of a "hot" list!!! :shock:
Because AMFA is not even on the property. I am not looking for sympathy the TWU has been giving that to the company since 1983.

How could this individual be laid off if he was represented by the TWU?
acmech said:
I just don't get it. First I get AMFA's garbage in the mail followed by the TWU's garbage in the mail, and I have been laid off since 2001!

I don't like either of them. Two reasons for this, one, I am not working yet, and two, there is not a chance in hell that I will ever be bale to go back to work at American.

angry AMT
AC mech;

Dont get mad. Use your head.

Think about the pilots.

Think about electricians, carpenters, plumbers and other skilled workers.

Do you see them trying to get rid of their craft unions and go into unions like the TWU?

No you dont.

You have already invested in your craft. The investment you make by voting to continue the process of haveing mechanics represented by mechanics vs bus drivers , baggage handlers and dispatchers could be the safest investment you ever made.

When the ballott comes, vote AMFA, so when you are called back, and you will be, this will be a profession worth returning to.

Dont be too discouraged. I've been there. Back in the early eighties we had record unemplyment and the airlines were a dead industry. By the end of the eighties and through the a good part of the 90s they were complaining about a mechanics shortage. Unions like the TWU prevented us from capitalizing on the shortages while helping the airlines capitalize on the downturns.

At this point who do you think would better serve your interests as a mechanic, a mechanics union, run by and for accountable elected mechanics or a Transit Workers Union run by a bus driver who appoints a dispatcher/baggage handler to run you contract?

Vote AMFA.For a future.
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Well, when I am finally allowed to go back to work, then I will be happy.Not until then.
I am digusted with what AMFA has allowed to happen at Northwest, and I am more disgusted with the railroad job the TWU pulled with the former TWA mechanics. How many are left working? Not many. Sickening is'nt it?

What I am for is a union that will put the screws to these airlines to get people back to work in very short order. :angry: :angry:
acmech said:
Well, when I am finally allowed to go back to work, then I will be happy.Not until then.
I am digusted with what AMFA has allowed to happen at Northwest, and I am more disgusted with the railroad job the TWU pulled with the former TWA mechanics. How many are left working? Not many. Sickening is'nt it?

What I am for is a union that will put the screws to these airlines to get people back to work in very short order. :angry: :angry:
Do you think the twu would have been able to fight off NWAs Force Majuer (sp??)?? They couldn't have done anything different. In fact it's questionable whether or not they would have spent the money to take it to arbitration on the 3 different occasions. When NWAs' mechs got their industry changing/leading contract, it left the twu scrambling to try and get close on our contract. Every airline has a different situation so the AMFA and the contracts will be different among the other airlines. What's important is that the membership will have control over their fate, not some atd puppet master making all the calls.
Lay-offs are nothing new to the airline industry. What is new is that the twu gave the company the right to labor loan whoever, whenever and to wherever they want. If they need someone the company will just borrow them instead of recalling. Why do you think the AA flight attendants got rid of the twu?? Superior negotiating skills???????? I don't think so!!!!!!!!!
If you think you are unhappy now, you could have worked for Zebco and suffered 100% twu farmout overseas and no chance of ever seeing your job again!!
The AMFA is our only alternative to the twu.........It may be our only hope period!!!

Keep the Faith........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!
Track record of Amfa at NWA and others speak for itself! 10,000 jobs lost under Amfa and counting! Thats upwards of 35% of their members!

The TWU has over 50,000 members in the ATD with less than 15% of job loss!

Record speaks for itself! At AA and others their is a light still burning for the laid off members! At Amfa it's burnt out with no hope of returning!
The TWU has over 50,000 members in the ATD with less than 15% of job loss!

And about to loose 20,000 of them when AMFA takes over the Mechanic and Related here at AA. That according to what AA and the twu have turned into the NMB lately.
Thrustfuljet said:
And about to loose 20,000 of them when AMFA takes over the Mechanic and Related here at AA. That according to what AA and the twu have turned into the NMB lately.
Hey rick, cio or whoever you are today. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the AA mechs are the only ones left in the industry that are represented by the twu?? That will soon change of course. Also don't forget to add the numbers from our gutted out contract. You know...... the WORST in airline history. Remember that one?? If not, Memorial Day is right around the corner and you'll remember then!!

Vote AMFA and put the twu out of their misery!!!
The TWU represents more active employees in the Airline Industry than Amfa! If you count all within the industry it is well over 50,000 members. If you just add M & R they represent several thousand more active members than Amfa!
Checking it Out said:
The TWU represents more active employees in the Airline Industry than Amfa! If you count all within the industry it is well over 50,000 members. If you just add M & R they represent several thousand more active members than Amfa!
Looks like the twu will only have to worry about the AGW before to long. Your AMFA woes will be over soon enough.
What does one give on a 70th anniversary?? How about a one-way ticket out the door in 04!!

Keep the Faith.......VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!
CIO who is he? I am not an AMFA SUPPORTER but this guys name is Kevin Gorremans. go have fun you amfa nuts. I am tired of his BS ALSO.
and Dave you sound like a broken record you and Bob talk more trash. With all of your intelligence why are you hanging around this ever losing industry. I WOULD THINK YOU GUYS SHOULD BE ABLE TO RUN YOUR OWN AIRLINE.
Checking it Out said:
The TWU represents more active employees in the Airline Industry than Amfa! If you count all within the industry it is well over 50,000 members. If you just add M & R they represent several thousand more active members than Amfa!
That will soon change Kevin!!! Soon all those twu appointed positions will gone also!!!

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