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Union française Pneus Faits Quelqu'un ?

When I first started posting over on the US Board I became friends with a few of the union leaders. The most militant one said something that really struck me. Her words were, "Bob if a company treats their employees right the employees don't need a union". It's a view I tend to agree with. If you treat people correctly a funny thing happens. You can actually get away with paying them just a little bit less.

A government minimum wage arbitrarily set stifles growth and may even cause unemployment to rise. It is not a good answer as it leaves people who can barely manage to issue a driver license or deliver the mail in charge of the economy and ultimately your future. Nobel Laureate in Economics F.A. Hayek wrote often about the concept of a minimum income. Meaning that the economy would be robust and growing to the point where even those on the bottom would not languish in poverty. Even Milton Friedman is on record regarding a minimum income. His idea was a "Negative Income Tax". These economists are not generally regards as bleedig heart liberals, they just recognized what Henry Ford did, who when questioned about why he paid well replied, "The people who work for me ought to be able to afford the product they make"

For this to happen the Government must provide sound money, an economic playing field that is as empty of regulatory minefields as practical and the willingness to allow capitalism to work in its often brutal efficiency! Trade Unions serve a role in providing the checks and balances to capitalistic excess. The Government should be no more then the referee and not the arbiter it is now.
So , in closing, since you apparently don't eat at McDonald's, it's ok for the hamburger flipper to work for free!
So, ergo, if someone doesn't fly, they should expect you to work for free ! Got it !

And again, please explain what a "Living Wage" is and exactly who and how it's determined, without schuking and jiving !

Should an employer pay someone else, loading bags next to you, more than you because he has 8 kids and you only have 1, in order to meet "A Living Wage"?
Trying to project your ignorance onto me is laughable.

There's a ton of data out on what constitutes a living wage. Don't Boortz, et al include that in their talking points?

As for my coworkers, you're one of 'em. The idea that you're allowed to work on live A/C is frankly troubling...
So , in closing, since you apparently don't eat at McDonald's, it's ok for the hamburger flipper to work for free!
So, ergo, if someone doesn't fly, they should expect you to work for free ! Got it !

And again, please explain what a "Living Wage" is and exactly who and how it's determined, without schuking and jiving !

Should an employer pay someone else, loading bags next to you, more than you because he has 8 kids and you only have 1, in order to meet "A Living Wage"?
It is very scary to see your thought process in print.

The inside of your head must be a terrifying place.

Trying to project your ignorance onto me is laughable.

There's a ton of data out on what constitutes a living wage. Don't Boortz, et al include that in their talking points?

As for my coworkers, you're one of 'em. The idea that you're allowed to work on live A/C is frankly troubling...
Schucking and jiving never ends with you as you seem to like answering a question with a question !
Ok, lets try this, what do you consider to be a living wage for yourself ? Pretty simple question !
It is very scary to see your thought process in print.

The inside of your head must be a terrifying place.
Be afraid, be very afraid !

All I hear is "Living wage" blah, blah, blah, "Living wage", blah blah, yet everyone out there b!tchin' and moaning about it, apparently has no idea what iti is !
Not to astray too far off topic but I read in this morning's Sunday paper about how a bachelors degree is the new h.s, diploma. They featured employees in an Atlanta law firm that only hires four year degreed people. Even the courior that transports paperwork between the firm and the courthouse for ten bucks an hour.

I am highly offended by the notion that you need a BS degree to be employable and I have one!

The big ironies in my life is I never wanted to manage people. Which makes me unambitious, I guess but my best supervisors lacked a college degree and my worst had one or more.

But to go into debt for ten bucks an hour makes a person an indentured servant! Reminds me of that country song from the 70's that contain the lyrics:" st peter dont come and get me vecause i cant go; I owe my soul to the co store.
Schucking and jiving never ends with you as you seem to like answering a question with a question !

No, answering quesdtions with questions is your metier; you still haven't answered the ones I first asked of you.

All I hear is "Living wage" blah, blah, blah, "Living wage", blah blah, yet everyone out there b!tchin' and moaning about it, apparently has no idea what iti is !


There is no shortage of discussion on what an ideal number should be. It's been going on this nation for years now.

You're just late to the party.
Guess you need a union to tell you what your "Living Wage" is...............good luck with that one !
No one has ever defined "Living Wage" anymore then they have "Fair Share" when it comes to taxation.

I'd argue that both terms mean different things to different people. The economy that offers the best opportunity for you as an individual to exceed a living wage and maybe even rise up to pay your "fair Share" is the economy you want to be in.

For some that could be Union President of the IAM and pull down $300K a year.

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