Lets be a bit more specific shall we?
What money is being confiscated?
What legislation is costing $10 billion along with the additional $6.6 billion? Which by the way if my math is correct is well under 1% of the nearly $4T dollar US budget. Not chump change but not a whole lot either.
What EPA legislation are we referring to? Perhaps had the EPA been a little more diligent we would not have to deal with all the Superfund sites. TMI? All the pollutioon in the air in places like LA, DFW and who knows how many others just to name a few.
Do you think it might be possible that the entities complaining about the regulations are just pissed that some of them might be cutting into their profit margins and that they do not care about the waste that they are dumping? After all, the auto companies did complain about seat belts, air bags, ABS, SRS . And dam near every safety feature they were required to implement in cars. Not like Ford was all that concerned about the flaws in the Pinto. For give me if I do not trust corporate America to be concerned with my health and well being.