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Uncle Bob is back....

On 4/22/2003 7:31:20 AM WingNaPrayer wrote:

With reference to your SEC statement.  Do you think just because something is divulged in an SEC document that it''s legal?  You really ARE a corporate schill!  The SEC isn''t a policing agency, it does not tell corporations what they can and can''t do with their money, only that they have to report it.  It still does not make it legal.  The rest of your "points" were not addressed because they were clearly nothing but corporate hyperbole!


Neither questionable ethics or lack of intelligence are as of yet illegal in this country.

Many on this thread applaud the "leadership" of Don Carty while others criticize it. This has been one of the most informative threads on AA''s situation thus far.

Right now, and I''ve said it before on this and other boards, AMR suffers a severe lack of leadership. AAObserver and AAONO may disagree. Here''s why I say this:

1. Carty cut his compensation and bonuses only after being severely criticized by AA unions, the media and some in Congress. DAL''s Leo Mullin reacted in similar fashion.

2. Carty "AApologized" to AA employees only after witnessing the uproar from the employee groups.

3. Do you remember who Chrysler turned to when they nearly went under? Lee Iacocca paid himself one dollar his first year as president and CEO. Yes, he had performance bonuses and stock incentives. They were all tied to RESULTS! He delivered. He also established credibility with his various labor groups, mostly the UAW. He knew he couldn''t approach the unions credibly if he did otherwise. Aside from Herb Kelleher, there''s no one in the airline industry who fits that description. David Nieleman (sp?) of jetBlue may turn out that way. He appears to be heading the right direction.

I gathered the information from research on Lee Iacocca when writing a leadership paper for my Army Officer Basic Course in 1985. My opinions of of Carty, Kelleher, et al, are based upon observing the performance of their respective companies in 23 years in the airline industry.

Iacocca and Kelleher are proactive leaders. Carty is a reactive manager. When I was an Army company commander, I found one of the best leadership techniques was MBWA (management by walking around). By spending some of my 23 years at AA, I know Carty does very little of that. I know Kelleher did. Nieleman probably does and Iacocca did. Bob Crandall did some, but it diminished the longer he stayed at AA.

AMR needs leadership NOW. It''s not going to come from Don Carty. The only way I see him being replaced, short term, is in bankruptcy.
What a novel concept, leadership by example. Get down in the trenches with your troops.
AMR has never had this and probably never will. Unfortuantely everyone will come out a loser here.

AV8NISGO, thank you for your post.
American Airlines officers and NOT the employees are to blame for this entire mess. They fund a GUARENTEED pension plan, while the labor groups are unsure if theirs will ever exist. The officers and NOT the employees are GUARENTEED after departure medical, dental, prescription plans, travel, LIFETIME Admirals Club membership in some cases and a ton of other benefits.

No concessions should be made by any labor group until their pension is secure as the executive group. If this means the 45+ plan is removed with “NOâ€￾ chance of AMR renewing it OR if the labor groups involved have theirs FUNDED and GUARENTEED, that’s great.
Mr. Carty, comment?

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