On 4/21/2003 7:30:11 PM AAObserver wrote:
Oh I''m sorry. I didn''t realize that AA employees were actually 2 year olds that are too ignorant to go find other work when they don''t like their boss.
You see, most companies employ adults who look for a better work situation if they feel they aren''t being treated properly. And most companies have employees that understand that Fortune 500 CEOs get retention bonuses.
I guess it''s easier to sit around and complain considering you have a union that promotes that sort of thing.
Ok now I understand, I just misinterpreted that you had a CLUE what corporate America is all about, but obviously you don''t.
You seem to think that this is just an airline and that the executive can do as he/she pleases and if employess don''t like it, they can take a hike. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but . . .in corporate america the executive level is responsible to, and must answer to the stockholders. Secondly, some of what has been done at AA is borderline criminal, and in my mind, some of the things warrant indictments.
However, your answer appears to be that it''s ok for the executive level to pull it''s shenannigans and get away with it, and employees can just go elsewhere if they don''t like it. Do you realize just how childish that sounds?
The executive level at AMR attempted to reduce wages, benefits and work rules because they claimed the company needed the money. On the other hand, they were quickly drawing up paperwork that basically puts that money employees were to give up . . . into their own pockets in the form of retention bonuses and slush fund retirement plans . . . and YOU think that''s ok?
YOU are the one that needs to find a new profession. Might I suggest flipping burgers somehwere? Surely your mentality will fit right in. Would you like fries with that?
You''re out of your league!
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