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U in The Intensive Care Unit

Have you ever once considered that what Siegel is asking from your group is actually what US needs in order to obtain the ATSB loans and DIP financing and successfully restructure? Have you even allowed that possibility to enter into your viewpoint? Sure it's easy to view the proposal as being skewered over a hot fire. But you can rest assured that given the dire circumstances that US Airways is in and the fact that the very future of the airline is on the line, that ANY proposals that are deemed necessary to turn things around are going to be VERY painful for all involved. So if the majority aren't willing to shoulder that pain, than go ahead and bring the whole house of cards crashing down for good. The pain that will result from that will be much worse for the majority of folks who will have a VERY hard time finding new employment at similar wages/benefits. But hey, at least you'll have your dignity, right? Where is the dignity in being able to say you had a hand in bringing your company to it's knees and killing it? Is that something really worth bragging about at cocktail parties?

And make no mistake about it, if US Airways dies, the industry will pick up the valuable pieces of the carcus in short order and life will go on. Don't think you'll get hired too quickly at any of those carriers because remember, they still have thousands of employees out on the street.

So again, I have no problem with your right to vote as you wish. That is indeed your right. But I have a big problem with selfish individuals who advocate that the whole company can shut down for all they care. That is a cold, hard slap in the face to the thousands of dedicated US employees who are doing there best each day, under the most trying of circumstances, to ensure that their company has a future.
AV8orwife: You may want to pull the plug and be done with it. Fine. But there are thousands who would like to see U survive. So you could do us all a favor and vote yes or just quit. How selfish and self serving can you be... I have many friends that work for U, where both the husband and wife work for this Company (reservations & mechanics). Many of us have families and children to feed. Do you think that $1,000 a month less COBRA will feed many a family? There are 36,000 employees that depend on this Company for a living. Think about them. It's not about the loss of a job it's about the loss of thousands and thousands.

Chip comments: Your points are valid. I believe the fight for US survival is a fight for every US employee and it is unfair for one group to jeopardize the interests of 36,000 other employees, 11,000 inactive employees, their families, and the collateral business’ who rely on our company. If somebody is disgruntled, they should quit versus hurt others. Personally, I could not sleep at night knowing I hurt so many others.

Jet Mechanic said: If you, I and the thousands of U employees realize this, wouldn't it behoove management to realize this and attempt to negotiate a more palatable proposal? Does management REALLY care about the 36000+ employees of this airline? I think not when I hear Mr. Nardello proudly announce his take of the $6 million in bonus money.

Chip comments: Jet, the 85 percent cuts are required by the IAM to get the second tranche of the DIP financing worth $175 million and the loan guarantee. No cuts, no money. The $6 million in bonus payments are designed to prevent new good management and other good management people from being “poachedâ€￾ by headhunters for other opportunities. We need good people to run the company, lead us out of this mess, and improve profits, so the rank and file gets larger profit sharing checks and stock capital gains.

N513AU said: I'm getting very close to losing my job by the end of the year, thanks to Dave's amazing shrinking airline scenario. If I'm going, I'm doing my best to bring the WHOLE HOUSE down. If I'm unemployed, I need some company in the line with me.

Chip comments: That was the most selfish post I have ever seen and serves no useful purpose. I just don’t understand the attitude if I get hurt I’m going to hurt others. There are thousands of US employees, their families, their children, and the communities who rely on US at stake, but I guess that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

UAL777flyer said: However, it's when you advocate pulling the plug and shutting US down for good that you display a selfish and self-serving attitude that basically demonstrates your lack of concern for your fellow employees and your company. That speaks volumes about what has gotten US to this point.

Chip comments: UAL777flyer, you are a very bright and informed man. I appreciate what you bring to the US Message Board and I wish you the best as you and your company moves through this painful and difficult restructuring process.

Chip concludes: A IAM-M no vote will almost guarantee the IAM-M contract is cancelled, all Utility positions will be eliminated and replaced with contract cleaners, and some maintenance functions outsourced. Next week any union who does not have a restructuring agreement will see what more pain is, unless agreements are ratified.


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