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Aug 28, 2002
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Instead of USaviation dot com this forum should be changed to “Venting for Children dot com†.

I am opened minded, very open minded. Things in life don’t happen in one flavor, for example, one particular political party, one individual manager or executive. It is very obvious people need to blame someone for their personal woes, they need to point fingers everywhere because they just can’t stand to admit the fact to themselves that they themselves hold a good part of the responsibility, if not all of it.

When we were all young we heard ad nauseam to get that education, go to college, get a trade, and at the very least go to the military, do anything to make yourselves valuable in the working world, anything except take the easy street and do nothing and drift never doing anything and counting on other people for the contacts to good jobs, or breaks. We were taught to rely on ourselves and not others.

Apparently some of us were not as lucky and didn’t have such parents. So here we are at U with all the woes it’s facing and as I read these boards all you see is finger pointing and people with zero education preaching how some highly educated people are stupid, excuse me!

Not one soul is responsible for the mess U is in, not one particular management team is responsible, it’s a combination of many factors.

We all knew, every single employee knew what was coming and when it did come you have grown adults acting like children and throwing a fits because things didn’t go their way. Employees acting like children who were never taught about life and how hard it is and why you need to be prepared. Since they were never taught these very basic and very simple facts of life they revert to the only thing they know how to do, thrown a tantrum.

It sad seeing grown adults acting like fools, acting like children. We have posters from Philly bragging how tough they are when in reality it’s showing how really weak and pathetic they are. No one has ever changed the world by throwing a tantrum.

Some of you people have had it made for years doing little work and getting paid big money for it, now things are changing and because you’re not prepared for this life change, it’s everyone and anyone’s fault “except†your own.

I am being tough, doesn’t matter because obviously your mommy and daddy didn’t understand tough love and now you are paying dearly for their ignorance. Grow up children and become the adults you pretended to be for the last several decades.

It’s ok to vent, it’s healthy and normal, but bragging how tough you are because you grew up in a Philly hood and now you’re going to show those dirty SOB’s only shows your real colors that you hid during your interview pretending to be something you’re not, grown ups.

I am sure Run-DMG would smoke my ice if he could reach out and touch….but welcome to the brave new and very real world of the internet, pal, and thanks for the inspiration.
cavalier said:
We have posters from Philly bragging how tough they are when in reality it’s showing how really weak and pathetic they are.

It’s ok to vent, it’s healthy and normal, but bragging how tough you are because you grew up in a Philly hood and now you’re going to show those dirty SOB’s only shows your real colors that you hid during your interview pretending to be something you’re not, grown ups.

I am sure Run-DMG would smoke my ice if he could reach out and touch….but welcome to the brave new and very real world of the internet, pal, and thanks for the inspiration.


I don't think I've ever seen a poster from PHL mention anything about being a tough guy. In fact, you're the one that tossed around the phrase in your response to one of my posts. I don't give a FF what you or anyone else on this forum thinks about what I post. You have no idea what is happening in PHL, or what will happen. What you will get from most FSAs in PHL, whether here or in person, is an honest opinion about what they think is going to happen at Usairways. There's no beating around the bush or mixing words. If you, or anyone else, don't like it too bad. Most feel the company is done and are going to suck everything they can from it before it dies. End of story.