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Enough, Geez...
I'm tired of supporting you guys in your quest to leave the TWU. I have agreed that you have been screwed in more ways than one. But I'm even more sick of you saying crap like this. You are not getting screwed so I can have better. Everything I have I deserve and earned. It was not taken from you to enhance my pay and benefits. Why don't you cry about the Pilots and Flight Attendants. Though not represented by the TWU, they are taking such a huge share that the piece of the pie is affecting you more than anything else. In essence what you are saying is I'm overpaid and have benefits that are too good BECAUSE they took from you to do so. You want me with less so you have more. It's old guys...swamt, I haven't even joined the "you don't work fror AA" bandwagon. But you keep throwing crap out there disparaging me and my profession hoping it will fire your work groups base up...dude, enough already.
Don't worry Swampy has his vote no campaign going at SWA, so the gate agents and F/As have more money for their contracts that come due this year in 2018.
I know it's hard to grasp but it is all true and yes it does suck that it does exist. Sorry you fleet guys have to be part of all this but it will get better for all in the long run. Just be patient, be strong and keep supporting the mechanics getting their own class and craft union to represent them just like the Pilots and F/A's.
My support for the mechanics to get this asso. off their backs will not stop until it is done, so sorry you fleet guys will have to deal with it.
IF you were a mechanic and getting the same eye poking as the AMT's are watching other groups within the very same union keep or obtain better bennies, perks, pay or work rules then you would feel the exact same way as they do and this is one of the biggest reasons there is a fast moving card drive happening so get used to it...
Wrong, I would not feel or accuse Fleet for my getting screwed. I would not think Fleet makes what they do and have the benefits they have because my work group is subsidizing it. Don’t speak for me bro, you have no clue how I think and operate. Again, tell me why I make $30.82 and get 5 weeks VC?
Because your pay is too low, you only get paid half for sick days for whatever that term is. Maybe if I made $25 an hour and only had 3 weeks vacation you would be much better off. Your pain is my gain? You want me to suffer so you can flourish? Wow, so much for support. I’d love to hear the guy who agreed with you his argument...
Wrong, I would not feel or accuse Fleet for my getting screwed. I would not think Fleet makes what they do and have the benefits they have because my work group is subsidizing it. Don’t speak for me bro, you have no clue how I think and operate. Again, tell me why I make $30.82 and get 5 weeks VC?
Because your pay is too low, you only get paid half for sick days for whatever that term is. Maybe if I made $25 an hour and only had 3 weeks vacation you would be much better off. Your pain is my gain? You want me to suffer so you can flourish? Wow, so much for support. I’d love to hear the guy who agreed with you his argument...
We just want to be represented. I have the utmost respect for you and I wish everyone was like you. If so we wouldn't have this problem. But it is not YOU who has done this it is the TWU. Like it or not we (AMTs) have had less for over fifteen years and counting. We have less because we took more cuts. That is not right any way you look at it. It should have been rectified and could have been in my opinion. Could have been fixed in 2013 but the TWU didn't even try. It could have been fixed when we got the Doug Parker raise too but again it wasn't. Do you realize how stupid it sounds when you tell people that you have worked at AA for over thirty three years and don't get full sick pay? It's gone on way too long and we have no confidence that the TWU will do anything to rectify it. Would you like it if it was fleet that had the short end of the stick? I can tell you that fifteen years is a very long time to have less than everyone else. Our only hope is to get out.
We just want to be represented. I have the utmost respect for you and I wish everyone was like you. If so we wouldn't have this problem. But it is not YOU who has done this it is the TWU. Like it or not we (AMTs) have had less for over fifteen years and counting. We have less because we took more cuts. That is not right any way you look at it. It should have been rectified and could have been in my opinion. Could have been fixed in 2013 but the TWU didn't even try. It could have been fixed when we got the Doug Parker raise too but again it wasn't. Do you realize how stupid it sounds when you tell people that you have worked at AA for over thirty three years and don't get full sick pay? It's gone on way too long and we have no confidence that the TWU will do anything to rectify it. Would you like it if it was fleet that had the short end of the stick? I can tell you that fifteen years is a very long time to have less than everyone else. Our only hope is to get out.

Well said OldGuy.
We just want to be represented. I have the utmost respect for you and I wish everyone was like you. If so we wouldn't have this problem. But it is not YOU who has done this it is the TWU. Like it or not we (AMTs) have had less for over fifteen years and counting. We have less because we took more cuts. That is not right any way you look at it. It should have been rectified and could have been in my opinion. Could have been fixed in 2013 but the TWU didn't even try. It could have been fixed when we got the Doug Parker raise too but again it wasn't. Do you realize how stupid it sounds when you tell people that you have worked at AA for over thirty three years and don't get full sick pay? It's gone on way too long and we have no confidence that the TWU will do anything to rectify it. Would you like it if it was fleet that had the short end of the stick? I can tell you that fifteen years is a very long time to have less than everyone else. Our only hope is to get out.

We just want to be represented. I have the utmost respect for you and I wish everyone was like you. If so we wouldn't have this problem. But it is not YOU who has done this it is the TWU. Like it or not we (AMTs) have had less for over fifteen years and counting. We have less because we took more cuts. That is not right any way you look at it. It should have been rectified and could have been in my opinion. Could have been fixed in 2013 but the TWU didn't even try. It could have been fixed when we got the Doug Parker raise too but again it wasn't. Do you realize how stupid it sounds when you tell people that you have worked at AA for over thirty three years and don't get full sick pay? It's gone on way too long and we have no confidence that the TWU will do anything to rectify it. Would you like it if it was fleet that had the short end of the stick? I can tell you that fifteen years is a very long time to have less than everyone else. Our only hope is to get out.
Old Guy,
I have agreed with you in the past and supported the cause and agree with you today as well. And yes, some things I know you guys have been handed would upset me as well if it happened to Fleet. What I will say though OldGuy is I am not in agreement with swamt or anyone else in your work group who makes asinine comments about I am where I am in benefits and pay because it is coming out of your pockets. In other words, if I made less and had inferior benefits, you guys would be better off. I do agree that the TWU being your representative are the ones to blame for the lack of full pay sick day, the loss of jobs to Fleet etc...but to insinuate those things have increased my hourly pay and enhanced my benefits is wrong. You ask me if I would like it if I were on the short end of the stick? No, of course not and I agree you have been screwed. So now let me ask you this, do you think to rectify your situation short of changing unions, should we take less pay and benefits to make you guys whole? And as I have stated, anything that was once yours I would have no problem giving back...
Let me say one thing. If fleet service is happy being represented by the TWU and now the TWU/IAM Association so be it. It's obvious that the M&E employees are not. If fleet wants to change unions then go for it. I doubt anyone in M&E will stop you. So please don't go telling us we should not make a change by initiating a card drive. Your free to do the same.
i do have to say that there is one fleet service clerk, ok one asshole that brings out the best in everyone! and its NOT you.

Oh I really really hope you’re talking about me (No question mark) 😀

Let me say one thing. If fleet service is happy being represented by the TWU and now the TWU/IAM Association so be it. It's obvious that the M&E employees are not. If fleet wants to change unions then go for it. I doubt anyone in M&E will stop you. So please don't go telling us we should not make a change by initiating a card drive. Your free to do the same.

No it’s NOT obvious that the M&R employees are not because you fools on Airline Forums don’t speak for 14,000 or so people. I’m sure there’s many who don’t like being represented by either of the two Unions in BOTH groups but the proof only comes when you FINALLY have that damn SUCCESSFUL Card Drive.

And that’s something that to this day hasn’t happened for over 70 years and counting for both the TWU and IAM.

Keep going though bro. Keep having those stupid Card drives. Maybe one day? Maybe one day. Just maybe one day.

(BTW I wish we had had that vote BEFORE the Association was formed too in case you keep forgetting)
Old Guy,
I have agreed with you in the past and supported the cause and agree with you today as well. And yes, some things I know you guys have been handed would upset me as well if it happened to Fleet. What I will say though OldGuy is I am not in agreement with swamt or anyone else in your work group who makes asinine comments about I am where I am in benefits and pay because it is coming out of your pockets. In other words, if I made less and had inferior benefits, you guys would be better off. I do agree that the TWU being your representative are the ones to blame for the lack of full pay sick day, the loss of jobs to Fleet etc...but to insinuate those things have increased my hourly pay and enhanced my benefits is wrong. You ask me if I would like it if I were on the short end of the stick? No, of course not and I agree you have been screwed. So now let me ask you this, do you think to rectify your situation short of changing unions, should we take less pay and benefits to make you guys whole? And as I have stated, anything that was once yours I would have no problem giving back...
I would not be in favor of taking ANYTHING away from ANY other work group for my benefit. This is supposed to be a union and we either win or lose together. We don't have one group win (Stores gets to keep 6 weeks vacation) and others lose (Half sick pay for AMTs). This results in the rifts we have between the groups today. I think the TWU really hosed all of us when they accepted the pay raise and allowed cross utilization. If they were going to give away our bargaining power they should have gotten us parity in benefits with LUS at least. If the card drive fails then we're not going to see anything different. Two separate unions will be representing the same work groups and that will be devastating for us all. There is a saying that says if you have two unions then you don't have one. Nothing could be more true. Now why hasn't the TWU gotten Fleet a big slice of the baggage fee money? That is something that would belong to fleet and only fleet. We have license premiums and Stores has skill pay why don't you have something from baggage money? Over 1 $Billion a year and it's all going in Parker's pocket. TWU isn't doing you any favors either. Sad but you are right in that we have to stop the infighting. I'm guilty of that and I need to simmer it down. Thanks for the reminder my friend.
American Airlines

AMT TOS Base Wages $105,000 + Benefits
FSC TOS BASE Wages $65,000 + Benefits

Fleet Service group doing an absolutely horrible job raping the poor long suffering (prima-donna) Airline Mechanics.

Those poor poor babies. Wahhhhhhhh.
Only you can do something about your wage...

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