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Thanks to industrial union bullshit.

You don't see "pilots AND related" or "flight attendants AND related?"

Both, very good points.
Don't you just love the way the NMB comes to these conclusions, I'm certain there was no large labor union influence on the decisions to add all these random job titles into the AMT classification. LOL If there is one thing the large labor unions have done well, it is coming up with ways to screw AMTs.
Both, very good points.
Don't you just love the way the NMB comes to these conclusions, I'm certain there was no large labor union influence on the decisions to add all these random job titles into the AMT classification. LOL If there is one thing the large labor unions have done well, it is coming up with ways to screw AMTs.
Isn't that the truth.
I thought I was pretty clear but when you cherry pick snippets you can spin it any way you want.
No Spin.
Most of Fleet hates us but they won't let us go.
That was ALL you.

First off bus drivers control the international and yes fleet controls the ATD. These are facts. You need only look at the maintenance contract compared to fleet and see that AMTs suffer more concessions than fleet.
I can't argue with that. Just like you can't argue that 514 (a MECHANICS local) voted Sam Cirri, a Fleet Service Clerk, for president of the local. I am still laughing about that one.
This tells me they took more from me so they kept more.
What does that have to do with the rank and file Fleet Service Clerks?
I wouldn't call that respect by any means.
You want to talk about disrespect? How about a mechanic making grandiose statements that Fleet are nothing but a bunch of thieving, manipulative, coattail riders. Like there is this huge conspiracy in Fleet Service to steal what's yours. I will say it again, you are delusional.
Also it was the fleet controlled ATD that got the Teamsters to sabotage the last card drive that shows me they don't want to let us go.
Of course they don't. But, that is about money, not about Fleet Service.
But somehow someone who doesn't even work for AA anymore and when he did was not in maintenance but in fact in fleet can't stay off the maintenance threads.
Don't pull that B.S. with me. You opened the door when you attempted to blame all your issues with the maintenance contract on the Fleet Service Clerks.
I would think there would be many who would agree that you are the one that is delusional.
Of course there is. You are all sitting in one giant circle jerk feeding each other's ego's and blaming others for your problems.
This is about AMP and why AMTs want to get away from the TWU. This is not about former or current fleet service to offer their slanted take. Now go troll someone else.
Exactly. This is about you wanting to get away from the TWU. What does that have to do with ANY Fleet Service Clerk? Nothing. Clerks perform ramp duties they don't negotiate contracts.

All that hot air just to prove (in your own words) my point.

Next time think before you post.

By the way if anybody here is slanted it is YOU.
Most of Fleet hates us but they won't let us go.
No Spin.That was ALL you.

I can't argue with that. Just like you can't argue that 514 (a MECHANICS local) voted Sam Cirri, a Fleet Service Clerk, for president of the local. I am still laughing about that one.What does that have to do with the rank and file Fleet Service Clerks?
You want to talk about disrespect? How about a mechanic making grandiose statements that Fleet are nothing but a bunch of thieving, manipulative, coattail riders. Like there is this huge conspiracy in Fleet Service to steal what's yours. I will say it again, you are delusional.Of course they don't. But, that is about money, not about Fleet Service.
Don't pull that B.S. with me. You opened the door when you attempted to blame all your issues with the maintenance contract on the Fleet Service Clerks.Of course there is. You are all sitting in one giant circle jerk feeding each other's ego's and blaming others for your problems.Exactly. This is about you wanting to get away from the TWU. What does that have to do with ANY Fleet Service Clerk? Nothing. Clerks perform ramp duties they don't negotiate contracts.

All that hot air just to prove (in your own words) my point.

Next time think before you post.

By the way if anybody here is slanted it is YOU.
Delusional is when you don't even work for a company anymore and never were a mechanic when you did but you can't/won't stay off the mechanic message boards. Fleet doesn't hate mechanics? I know a FORMER fleet who is hating us pretty good. Fleet runs the ATD and the ATD (Run by fleet, following me?) prevented us from leaving several times. Yeah local 514 voted in a FSC as prez. I didn't vote for him. He turned out to be as I thought he'd be. But he covered his own backside. The point you prove is that you no longer are relevant. Why don't you find a message board for Former FSc

As I said. Go troll someone else. You are no longer relevant as you don't work here anymore. Also AMP has nothing to do with fleet or former fleet. The ignore feature is a great thing.
Delusional is when you don't even work for a company anymore and never were a mechanic when you did but you can't/won't stay off the mechanic message boards.
You opened the door with your comments.

Fleet doesn't hate mechanics? I know a FORMER fleet who is hating us pretty good. Fleet runs the ATD and the ATD (Run by fleet, following me?) prevented us from leaving several times.
Again, who cares? That has to do with money not rank and file Fleet Service Clerks.

Yeah local 514 voted in a FSC as prez. I didn't vote for him. He turned out to be as I thought he'd be. But he covered his own backside. The point you prove is that you no longer are relevant. Why don't you find a message board for Former FSc
I have a better idea, why don't you accept that the mechanics have not been motivated enough to rid themselves of the TWU and stop blaming all your problems on Fleet Service.

Also AMP has nothing to do with fleet or former fleet.
Neither does your contract.
Any chance we can hear from a mechanic in Tulsa who can tells us how serious the AMP card drive is.
Any chance we can hear from a mechanic in Tulsa who can tells us how serious the AMP card drive is.

It is serious even before the cards started we had a small meeting of about 75. In that local meeting, we discussed our direction, understanding that we also needed the
rest of the mechanic and related. The goal of this drive is to remove the Association. We only had basically two choices AMFA and AMP. Some were already speaking out against
AMFA, so a vote was taken and the group decided on AMP. Cards were printed and the drive began the cards were moved fast and the numbers have been good.
Read the AMP Constitution to understand our direction. On Facebook, there is a group where you can ask questions and have input. The card drive has hit the Line Stations and
if not just ask here or on Facebook. There is also a GoFundMe account to raise funding. https://www.gofundme.com/9wqx2-eliminate-the-association This drive is about the Mechanic and Related there are documents on the Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/777379235789623/files/ along with those below.


It is serious even before the cards started we had a small meeting of about 75. In that local meeting, we discussed our direction, understanding that we also needed the
rest of the mechanic and related. The goal of this drive is to remove the Association. We only had basically two choices AMFA and AMP. Some were already speaking out against
AMFA, so a vote was taken and the group decided on AMP. Cards were printed and the drive began the cards were moved fast and the numbers have been good.
Read the AMP Constitution to understand our direction. On Facebook, there is a group where you can ask questions and have input. The card drive has hit the Line Stations and
if not just ask here or on Facebook. There is also a GoFundMe account to raise funding. https://www.gofundme.com/9wqx2-eliminate-the-association This drive is about the Mechanic and Related there are documents on the Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/777379235789623/files/ along with those below.

Good to hear Buck. Hope you all get a vote soon, good luck to all...
Good to hear Buck. Hope you all get a vote soon, good luck to all...

There are coalitions that want to hold the vote until after a contract and those who want to go as soon as possible.
There are coalitions that want to hold the vote until after a contract and those who want to go as soon as possible.

Well, I understand and a very hard decision to make. Maybe wait and see what this asso agrees to T/A on and make the decision then. I really don't the right choice on that one, that would be up to how fast you get the cards I guess...