Twu Pro-union Local

Once again proAMFA the two little letter/links you posted are to little to late. If these little letteres of condolences are all AMFA has to put foward for morale this strike is the joke of all jokes for the labor movement
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Joke or not these men and women can live with themselves knowing they stood up together and took a stand for themselves and their families.

When you look back at your actions in the future you can compliment yourself on how you took advantage of a situation and helped to screw working people out of their descent paying job and its benefits. You can take pride in the fact that you were instrumental in driving wages and benefits down in this country for the ordinary blue collar worker while the filthy rich were able to continue to fill their greedy pockets with extraordinary pay and benefits.

I couldn't live with myself-it's a shame you can.
proAMFA I do not care what union or company you work for but when a union gets such control over a companies labor and inflates pay rates and the shear number of unecessary workers it is time for a stand for the company. The union here was raping Northwest clean and so were the workers. I do not care if you believe me or not but I am here I see the aircraft and I see these men working on these aircrft and I am here to tell you the system that was here before was a glutenous joke.
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PlayTheOdds said:
proAMFA I do not care what union or company you work for but when a union gets such control over a companies labor and inflates pay rates and the shear number of unecessary workers it is time for a stand for the company. The union here was raping Northwest clean and so were the workers. I do not care if you believe me or not but I am here I see the aircraft and I see these men working on these aircrft and I am here to tell you the system that was here before was a glutenous joke.

If there are unnecessary workers they should not be on the payroll pal, I'll agree with you there. As far as the union raping Northwest clean-I disagree. NW went around the contract several times to lay people off through force majure provisions. Truth of the matter is NW wants to drive wages and benefits down in an effort to subsidize artificially low ticket prices and only AMFA will take a stand. You are only too willing to aid the company in its quest to drive the wages and benefits lower than any other airline while the cost of living spirals upward. You must be real proud of yourself.
Pro Amfa = Pro Stupidity

Lets take a real look at this now............
1. Amfa members pay basically the same dues other unions pay, ummm where is the strike fund the other unions have??????? Could be in Delles weekend beach house in Fl. possibly.
2. For all the inside info Amfa supposedly has they didnt even know when they had the chance to sand bag this whole thing. They did have that chance too and they didnt take it.
3. They choose the worst time in history to go on strike, lets see here, republican adminstration, country in bad economics, bk rules change deadline coming, customers concerened only about their own pocket books, oil prices on the rise and the big one that almost assured on press WE ARE AT WAR!!!!!!!!
4. Amfa's finances so pathetic that they had to grovel and were blessed by the UAW and their very kind gesture of 200.00 per member. Wonder if there is going to be a UAW card drive at NWA??????????
5. On the whole they called fellow workers names and expect them to feel solidarity with them, ummm bagsmashers, knuckle draggers ect ect. wonder why the crossed the picket lines???????
6. The amfa members are totally clueless not to mention ARROGANT beyond belief, however apparently NWA already knew this. They think there is no other well trained mechanics out there capable of quality maint. geee wonder if that is one of their biggest problems???
Wake up guys and find a job, PTO is right "ITS OVER"
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The timing was bad-correct, but is their ever a good time to go on strike? The timing could have been better, I guess you advocate 50% of the people voting themselves out of a job while the other 50% vote themselves a paycut as a reward for stabbing their brothers in the back. Then you advocate maybe in the future going on strike with a handful of underpaid submissive union members? The whole thing was a lose-lose snare that NWA mngt had years to devise. The only way to beat it was if the flt attendants had supported the mechanics. The co. already knew that ALPA would attempt to protect their pensions and leave AMFA hanging and that the IAM would never support AMFA regardless how correct their stand was. AMFA chose to take a stand whether the other unions stood with them or not. AMFA chose to go down fighting rather than to be picked apart gradually over time. Divide and Conquer, now the rest of the unions will pay the price for leaving AMFA in the lurch. If you believe that PTO is dead on YOU HAVE ISSUES TOO! Quit being a pro-scab suck a$$ and make some kind of stand with your life or grovel for chicken fee and pray you and your family have no medical concerns the whole rest of your life. Spend your life going from one crappy job to another and using your skills to make rich, arrogant, people even richer while your and your family scratch by. Say are you an IAM supporter?

You guys are not enough to make a difference, you are in the minority within AMT ranks nationwide with your beliefs. Talk about a wasted effort on your part.

On another note, with your attitude on how easy aircraft mx is - time will come when you forget to do something simple like replace an oil cap resulting in a near catastrophy. You will be humbled real fast. Payback can be a ####...
proAMFA said:

The timing was bad-correct, but is their ever a good time to go on strike? The timing could have been better, I guess you advocate 50% of the people voting themselves out of a job while the other 50% vote themselves a paycut as a reward for stabbing their brothers in the back. Then you advocate maybe in the future going on strike with a handful of underpaid submissive union members? The whole thing was a lose-lose snare that NWA mngt had years to devise. The only way to beat it was if the flt attendants had supported the mechanics. The co. already knew that ALPA would attempt to protect their pensions and leave AMFA hanging and that the IAM would never support AMFA regardless how correct their stand was. AMFA chose to take a stand whether the other unions stood with them or not. AMFA chose to go down fighting rather than to be picked apart gradually over time. Divide and Conquer, now the rest of the unions will pay the price for leaving AMFA in the lurch. If you believe that PTO is dead on YOU HAVE ISSUES TOO! Quit being a pro-scab suck a$$ and make some kind of stand with your life or grovel for chicken fee and pray you and your family have no medical concerns the whole rest of your life. Spend your life going from one crappy job to another and using your skills to make rich, arrogant, people even richer while your and your family scratch by. Say are you an IAM supporter?


You are wrong. Amfa mechs screwed themselves by screwing the "brothers" with the previous layoffs. You guys let them walk out the door and then lined up for the overtime. If you say you didnt work the overtime well good for you, but did the union do ANYTHING to make members not work the overtime? NO IT DID NOT. I do not support the IAM or any other union. Aviation is close to a dead field, I just recognized it before you did. If amfa had agreed to the first request for a 30 day count down that would have sand bagged NW but you guys said "no keep negotiating" big mistake. The mistakes of amfa go way back. You didnt support your own "union brothers" why should anyone else support you. I dont grovel for anyone, if I dont like it I leave. I dont work in the same place and constantly talk about hating the company, that is just stupid. If you want to call me a wrench gypsy so be it, that is the only jobs that will soon be available in aviation, that has been coming for along time.
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Because you choose to be a wrench gypsy so should everyone else?

Does AMFA have the authority to tell its members to refuse overtime?

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