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PFAA agrees to Affiliation with TWU

just like you scabs ignore the picket line.
No jenny, it is not just like us Scabs ignoring the picket line. We are outsiders coming in to a bad situation. Now your union leaders making decisions with out its members consent is either them being traitors to the members or the members being mere puppets.
No jenny, it is not just like us Scabs ignoring the picket line. We are outsiders coming in to a bad situation. Now your union leaders making decisions with out its members consent is either them being traitors to the members or the members being mere puppets.
basicly you are ignoring a group of people just like they are. Don't candy coat it.
Jenny, how is that PFAA and the CWA thing going sofar? any responses as to who is going to be the F/As reps? as for PTO, we all know he will do any king of sugar coating to get around the facts cause all he is is a little scab begging for left overs
No jenny, it is not just like us Scabs ignoring the picket line. We are outsiders coming in to a bad situation.

WTF... More SCAB twisted logic!

You MORON, you made a bad situation WORSE, Don't act like you were'nt a player in helping destroy the AMFA mechanics chances of forcing NWA into negotiating in good faith. NWA Pulled a gun, and you squeezed the trigger when you OUTSIDERS decided to break a strike...!

GFYS outsider!
No jenny, it is not just like us Scabs ignoring the picket line. We are outsiders coming in to a bad situation. Now your union leaders making decisions with out its members consent is either them being traitors to the members or the members being mere puppets.
Puppets? Scab puppets like yourself who will always work for less need to look in the mirror before chastising anyone in a union.

Scab cowards like you will never stop groveling at the man's feet, licking his boots clean, or grow a spine. Its been stated too many times, Scab Air has the dregs of the industry. :angry:
However, the cost of aircraft-maintenance materials and repairs increased by $45 million — or 31 percent — as Northwest shifted maintenance once done in-house to outside vendors.
Yeah.... and you guys came in and made it $45 million dollar WORSE than what it use to be.

I would hope that the FAs go into the AFA/CWA.

One of the things that must happen in the industry is that workers must consolidate and reform the entire structure of organized labor within this industry.

In reality what we have is "disorganized labor". Multiple unions without any clear objective or strategy other than collecting the most dues while pullung workers in every direction except towards unity.

Does it make sense for some flight attendants to be in a Transit Workers Union, others in a truckers union, and others in a Machinists union when there is a Flight Attendants Union, a union made specifically to meet the needs of Flight Attendants?

What is the advantage from a Flight Attendants point of view in being all split up between different unions? Are the objectives of Flight Attendants at different? (We know from a glimpse at the LM-2s why Meeks is so desperate to get into the TWU.)

Do Flight Attendants at NWA have more in common with workers at the MTA(New York Mass TRansit Authority) or with Flight Attendants at UAL and other airlines?

What is a union? Isnt it supposed to be a group of workers with a common objective?

While there is nothing wrong with being associated with Mass Transit workers, Truckers and Machinists there is something wrong with having your specific class of worker all split up. If the association with such unions from other industries prevent any group from actively seeking consolidation for their industry then that association has become destructive to the welfare of that group.

If all the Flight attendants were in one one union and they were a part of the Teamsters, IAM or the CWA then I would not see a major problem with that as long as they had self determination within that union and as long as that association allowed them to continue to seek to consolidate the profession.

If you go to the AFA not only will you be helping to start a trend towards consolidation but you wil also be helping to insure that Flight Attendants will someday have the clout to have their issues addressed. I can think of no worse move than to go to the TWU, a union that is in bed with AMR, a union that is run by AMR management, surely even going non-union, where the threat of organizing could be used to keep management at bay, is better than getting a company union.
I can think of no worse move than to go to the TWU, a union that is in bed with AMR, a union that is run by AMR management, surely even going non-union, where the threat of organizing could be used to keep management at bay, is better than getting a company union.

That is the sad pathetic truth!
I just wanted to thank those of you who have taken the time to reply about TWU representation ....

The NMB has certified our election with AFA-CWA and voting begins on that issue June 8, 2006.

The AFL-CIO has set a hearing date for Monday, May 15 to hear arguments regarding the TWU issue - it may turn out that the AFL-CIO will rule that the TWU and PFAA cannot merge due to the certification of a representational election with another AFL-CIO union (AFA-CWA).

Should the AFL-CIO rule that the proposed merger between TWU and PFAA can move forward, we will have another vote on that, as well. PFAA has not set a date for voting on the merger/affiliation with TWU but we expect it to begin around June 13, so voting on these two issues will take place (more or less) within the same timeframe.

Should AFA win the representational election, the TWU merger would become moot.

We have much on our "plates" here at NWA, including the current voting on our TA which ends on June 6.

And to Bob Owens .... as always, your informative posts regarding the TWU give all of us much to think about! I have posted your comments regarding TWU representation on a couple of other forums the NWA FAs frequent. Let's hope the majority of our FAs think long and hard before they cast their votes in our upcoming representational election.

In my opinion, moving to the TWU (after dumping the Teamsters three years ago) is a step backwards in union representation. Moving forward to AFA-CWA (a union that has been an advocate for the FA profession for 50+ years and represents FAs exclusively) is the only sensible move at this point in time!!
Guy Meeks and the rest of his PFAA hoodlums raised their salary's while the f/a's took a 21% pay cut. What is wrong with this picture?

Also Hal Peterson, who is a Union Rep and a company suck up and would cross his own picket line in a NY minute received a pay raise.

VOTE FOR AFA....you cannot do any worse.