I would love to have SWA contract, but we would lose our pension and about 8000 mechanics, and I seriuosly doubt your thought process is correct about our OH saving AA money. I think the only reason AA keeps TUL and AFW is the fact those guys are second to none in their qaulity of work.
Duke, you're either painfully ignorant or you're a liar.
We will not lose that damned pension - it would simply be "frozen" and will be available to be drawn on either with the company administering it or the PBGC. This wonderful pension may stop earning additional benefits but
I would prefer a 401k rather than a friggin' pension because of the portability issue, not to mention the fact scared little boys such as yourself keep bringing up things that can't happen. Money is money, turkey - I don't care if it comes from my savings or if it comes from the PBGC.
Please, do not shill for the TWU or company - do not repeat TWU and company lies.
As far as losing mechanics - American is sorely overstocked on mechanics and as long as the company continues to operate overstaffed (in order to keep the dues flowing to the TWU) we will not see any improvement in TAs or labor contracts.
American could easily cut 50% of the mechanic inventory if everyone would actually do their job for 5-6 hours daily. The TWU keeps the concessions going to keep their dues income coming in. Were the company to rid itself of its slugs the money would be there for the raises and benefit improvements everyone wants, but that's not in the union's best interests.
Why do you think there is no evaluation provision for mechanics at American? The TWU could care less re: how much or little any individual does, just as long as that individual pays their dues. If AMR woke up some day and decided to actually run American as a real business.
Again - this so-called "representation" we have does not profit if the company is run effciently.
The TWU's income does not depend on our efficiency, ability, or whether or not we sit on our asses all shift , rather, our numbers for dues payment.
We have to insure that this company runs efficiently, for our own sakes and the sake of those who will follow or possibly get laid off in the process - an efficient operation ensures that even if some are laid off, there will be a place for them to return to eventually.