Twu Lies - On Video


Aug 20, 2002
Recent TWU Lies were answered at the AMFA Informational Meeting in Tulsa on Friday 9/12/2003.

Even on this bulletin board these lies are repeated over and over.

I will begin uploading video clips that prove the LIES of the TWU.

The first video, will show E-Board Member G.T. Bunch being caught in a lie.

Click Here:
G.T. Bunch caught in Lie by AMFA National Administrator

Special Thanks to the TWU for paying 8 Hours of Union Business for our most recent movie stars to get trapped in the big LIES!
Well there ya go, G. T. Bunch lieing his ass off in front of a camera. How stupid can one man be???
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Another unsuspecting TWU professional is caught in a lie regarding Overseas Heavy Maintenance outsourcing at NWA.

Another Busted TWU LIE!

The "TWU informer" claims that the TWU professionals were not allowed into the meeting. It appears the professional LIE spreaders were present and counted. Again, thanks to the TWU for paying 8 Hours of Union Business pay to give us these wonderful video clips! :up:
I don't believe G.T. Bunch is a liar, however I do believe he and most of the other TWU shop stewards are lie spreadders. What Stalin called "useful idiots". They don't know that what they've been told are lies and have so bought into the lies, they can't accept the truth when it is presented to them.
That's just too big a crow for them to eat.
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RUM@AA said:
I don't believe G.T. Bunch is a liar, however I do believe he and most of the other TWU shop stewards are lie spreadders. What Stalin called "useful idiots". They don't know that what they've been told are lies and have so bought into the lies, they can't accept the truth when it is presented to them.
That's just too big a crow for them to eat.
G.T. Bunch is a conformed snitch to management though.

More than one Supervisor has identified him as being the caller on many attempts to get his own members in trouble.

It appeared he made the 4500 layoff claim in the form of a BOLD FACE LIE to me.
I have to agree that G. T. Bunch is a Bold Face Liar. He is in charge of the RO committee (makes extra money from the TWU) and has access to this information, and/or all he had to do was ask NW management what the right number is. How could he not know, on the other hand he is a SNITCH (rat bastad) so maybe he is just freakin dumber than a rock!!!! :shock:
RV4 said:
RUM@AA said:
I don't believe G.T. Bunch is a liar, however I do believe he and most of the other TWU shop stewards are lie spreadders. What Stalin called "useful idiots". They don't know that what they've been told are lies and have so bought into the lies, they can't accept the truth when it is presented to them.
That's just too big a crow for them to eat.
G.T. Bunch is a conformed snitch to management though.

More than one Supervisor has identified him as being the caller on many attempts to get his own members in trouble.

It appeared he made the 4500 layoff claim in the form of a BOLD FACE LIE to me.
I will admit you know him better than I. If you say he's a liar I'll believe you. I also say he's an idiot. I refuse to even talk to any of these P.O.S.
stooges anymore. And a certain red headed, guitar pickin', rat welder is the latest on my S__t list. What part of Union don't I understand? The part where these sheep call management 'cause 3 or more AMFA shirts are in a room together. :angry:
RUM@AA said:
What part of Union don't I understand? The part where these sheep call management 'cause 3 or more AMFA shirts are in a room together. :angry:
Wait a minute, Steve says this never happens. Could it be they are the great unionist until their gravy train starts coming to an end and they become the great RATS. :eek:
AMFABOY...thx for the laughs...AMFABOY for president of local my vote, but you'll have to face me to get it...guess that ruins it for you due to your lack of spine.
The RAT mentality comes from belief that the TWU must control the memberships ideals and values. Not to many years ago the TWU believed SNITCHES were a low level life form. Today the practice is being turned on the membership at an alarming rate, this practice will help seal the coffin on the TWU at AA but, it is still a totally disgusting development brought forth by the good ole boys that cannot stand the idea that they will no longer be in control of the membership. TWU's motto CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL at any cost!!! :angry:
Steve can you see the difference between those at MCI and TUL?
Buck...yes I do see the difference. I have read postings from credible peeps and see the same frustration there and present at your local meetings held monthly? Or do they voice it here, in script, as a release. Believe loyal as I am to my local if they go outside of what is expected of them they are required to face the charges. They are held to a higher standard as the floor awaits sometimes it seems in anticipation for their failure instead of their gains, that is sad. Our meetings are slowly gaining in attendance through the work of stewards and the committee, information is given as received and posted to the floor as often is possible. We actually instituted a program to hand deliver to each union member a newsletter so all get to read and cannot state they did not receive. As long as there are humans running this union there is going to be mistakes and misgivings, learning to back these volunteers in the bad times as well as good is difficult to do as we have the need to blame all on unions instead of the company that gives us our pay. Why would someone run for anyone's union office? Rats? management misfits? Because as soon as they are in office someone somewhere has a new moniker for them regardless of their time spent and their determination to attain the best for their membership with what they have as tools.
The membership in general, especially those still loyal to the TWU do not attend union meetings! Very few voice their opinions anywhere. Facing charges from the local is fine and the way it should be, however it has been the experience of the TWU that the ATD or the International will interfere, as in Local 562. You appear to running a rougue union there in MCI? As for backing the TWU in good and bad times, all the times are bad. The decisions to divide the membership in the form of multiple payscales was the largest error. Then most recently, was the last contract. Mechanics at the top took a 17.5% cut and Fleet Service only 16%. There is no way that can be fair except under Social Industrial Unionism. The mechanics sick time was handle inappropriatly compared to the Fleet Service etc....

Leadership even at the local level has to care. This may be the case at MCI, but you will not find it common here. There are some, but you hardly see any of the elected, they are to busy, with what I do not know. Even Ed Wilson (before your time) at least came to the floor and spoke to the members. That is the problem, the vision of what is best for the membership. Mechanics under this union or the form of unionism that it is, have always taken a back seat to the rest of the Titles. I believe your vision of what unionism is is most likely the correct one, about 50 years ago.
Buck..if you mean my 50 yr. old view of unionism means that the other classifications, above AND below the classification of mechanic have the right to a fair days pay for a fair days wage then we are in agreement.

I do not see the "gun to the head" contract that was voted in as a routine contract signing..neither do you as I'm sure. As AA's stature grows so will we once have to believe this or kill yourself with grief.

At the time AA absorbed TWA and the TWU became our bargaining agent we were instructed and helped by what seemed very able TWU members. If this has changed perhaps the floor has made them weary. We have no magic here, no trick, just absolute trust in who we elect. I guarantee you without hesitation, that any elected official here can draw on the floor at his/her every whim...we respond.

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