Recent TWU Lies were answered at the AMFA Informational Meeting in Tulsa on Friday 9/12/2003.
Even on this bulletin board these lies are repeated over and over.
I will begin uploading video clips that prove the LIES of the TWU.
The first video, will show E-Board Member G.T. Bunch being caught in a lie.
Click Here:
G.T. Bunch caught in Lie by AMFA National Administrator
Special Thanks to the TWU for paying 8 Hours of Union Business for our most recent movie stars to get trapped in the big LIES!
Even on this bulletin board these lies are repeated over and over.
I will begin uploading video clips that prove the LIES of the TWU.
The first video, will show E-Board Member G.T. Bunch being caught in a lie.
Click Here:
G.T. Bunch caught in Lie by AMFA National Administrator
Special Thanks to the TWU for paying 8 Hours of Union Business for our most recent movie stars to get trapped in the big LIES!