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TWU gets 4.8% equity

Not sure I know way this is a concern? Vote "in" AMFA and you won't have any Equity.

This equity is going to return all that was
taken from us?

Vote in AMFA and get a union that will actually
"fight like Hell" for our craft and class. Get a craft
union that will not give up everything in exchange
for a shiny penny.
Not sure I know way this is a concern? Vote "in" AMFA and you won't have any Equity.

This equity is going to return all that was
taken from us?

Vote in AMFA and get a union that will actually
"fight like Hell" for our craft and class. Get a craft
union that will not give up everything in exchange
for a shiny penny.
Take the equity first then boot the twu

Now is the time to boot the TWU, equity or NOT.

If you have been part of the movement to rid AA of the TWU and our craft then it should not be about whats in it for me.

The I got mine at AA needs to GO AWAY and we all must think about those who have many yrs left to work here and those who will follow.
TWU Equity Claim likely includes the potential cost to American of unresolved grievances which haven't been arbitrated yet, or were awarded after the Bankruptcy filing date. The recently arbitrated Tulsa outsourcing case is one example.

You mean the case that proved that AA could outsource our engine work as long as they told us first?

I guess we took take care of that with the 35% outsource language? And the TWU saved face again by going backwards.
Ken MacTiernan,
This equity is going to return all that was
taken from us?

Vote in AMFA and get a union that will actually
"fight like Hell" for our craft and class. Get a craft
union that will not give up everything in exchange
for a shiny penny.

Not sure why you say this? I like the ideas amfa expounds..I'm not sure though we are showing the craft and class we are serious
about those ideas, when we go after the craft & class the way we do...And by that I mean...when we are getting our a_s handed to us in some form of labor negotiations..and we do this by saying, become a member this will let them know you are a Democratically run group of Professional. Now you can demand anything (within reason) and get it. Essentially telling them this is an automatic thing. Well now I believe nothing is automatic. Even with amfa you are still going to be an Employee of AA, which operates in the Corporate capitalism, but now you removed yourself from main stream labor. And history has shown the only way we can try to get ahead is by placing more importance on us the amt, then most of the other labor represented employees. and we call ourselves professional?
Not sure why you say this? I like the ideas amfa expounds..I'm not sure though we are showing the craft and class we are serious
about those ideas, when we go after the craft & class the way we do...And by that I mean...when we are getting our a_s handed to us in some form of labor negotiations..and we do this by saying, become a member this will let them know you are a Democratically run group of Professional. Now you can demand anything (within reason) and get it. Essentially telling them this is an automatic thing. Well now I believe nothing is automatic. Even with amfa you are still going to be an Employee of AA, which operates in the Corporate capitalism, but now you removed yourself from main stream labor. And history has shown the only way we can try to get ahead is by placing more importance on us the amt, then most of the other labor represented employees. and we call ourselves professional?

Getting our a$$ handed to us in negotiations is nothing new to us here at AA. Even if it continues, and I doubt that it would, it would still be a welcome relief that it happened as a result of losing the battle instead of conceding before the fight ever begins. 😉
Well your right there you will not be conceding in a battle. Because amfa does not Battle. (there may be a reason for that) Remember AA is run by capitalist, they we spend millions to stop you from getting your shiny penny.
Ken MacTiernan,
This equity is going to return all that was
taken from us?

Vote in AMFA and get a union that will actually
"fight like Hell" for our craft and class. Get a craft
union that will not give up everything in exchange
for a shiny penny.

Not sure why you say this? I like the ideas amfa expounds..I'm not sure though we are showing the craft and class we are serious
about those ideas, when we go after the craft & class the way we do...And by that I mean...when we are getting our a_s handed to us in some form of labor negotiations..and we do this by saying, become a member this will let them know you are a Democratically run group of Professional. Now you can demand anything (within reason) and get it. Essentially telling them this is an automatic thing. Well now I believe nothing is automatic. Even with amfa you are still going to be an Employee of AA, which operates in the Corporate capitalism, but now you removed yourself from main stream labor. And history has shown the only way we can try to get ahead is by placing more importance on us the amt, then most of the other labor represented employees. and we call ourselves professional?


I know that joining AMFA we are still employees of AA. But I have never said we would get back everything we lost. The whole premise for the AMFA drive, which the twu/teamster supporters ignore, is that we are tired of belonging to an industrial union where there is no accountability above the Local level and international reps. are appointed and NEVER live under our contracts.

Is AMFA democratic where everyone is elected by the membership they represent? Yes.
Can AMFA officials be recalled by the membership? Yes.
Can observers be present during negotiations? Yes.

These things do not magically make things return to the way they were and magically leapfrog us in front of FedEx, UPS, Southwest, Alaska. BUT they do provide the dues paying membership the tools to have control of our union. Nothing more nothing less.

A craft, democratic and accountable union is what AA AMTs need to survive. Fighting the company is expected but fighting both the company and the union is unacceptable.

Vote AMFA!
Well your right there you will not be conceding in a battle. Because amfa does not Battle. (there may be a reason for that) Remember AA is run by capitalist, they we spend millions to stop you from getting your shiny penny.

At this point, just showing up for a battle would be a plus over what has happened here. Obviously you have an axe to grind with them over a dropped grievance for a termination. Within the TWU, that is nothing new. In fact, according to the court case, they just dropped over $500 million worth of maintenance grievances. So although you are pissed with your union, I highly doubt that you would trade yours for ours. If you want the Teamsters, and are allowed to organize them as a shop steward, then by all means do it. But unless you are willing to take what we have in the TWU, I don't see where your opinions carry any weight here.
I have no axe to grind. I just don't think they are "GOOD" for our Craft and Class as our Labor representative. And by the way I would trade if that is what my coworkers voted for. I am sure you know how I would vote. If a Labor Union was to do an Organizing drive here, I would remove myself from being a rep, and throw my support into it.

Is AMFA democratic where everyone is elected by the membership they represent? Yes.
Can AMFA officials be recalled by the membership? Yes.
Can observers be present during negotiations? Yes.

these things are true. but don't think your going to fill a room full of Observers..It won't happen...
If this is what you think it takes to fight for a good contract with a corporation then with amfa you will be at the top in no time. By the way I'm not sure by having control of your union this is going to get you a good contract. But what do I know, become part of amfa. then go to AA and let them know you are a professionals in control of your union and see what happens..

I have no axe to grind. I just don't think they are "GOOD" for our Craft and Class as our Labor representative. And by the way I would trade if that is what my coworkers voted for. I am sure you know how I would vote. If a Labor Union was to do an Organizing drive here, I would remove myself from being a rep, and throw my support into it.

Is AMFA democratic where everyone is elected by the membership they represent? Yes.
Can AMFA officials be recalled by the membership? Yes.
Can observers be present during negotiations? Yes.

these things are true. but don't think your going to fill a room full of Observers..It won't happen...
If this is what you think it takes to fight for a good contract with a corporation then with amfa you will be at the top in no time. By the way I'm not sure by having control of your union this is going to get you a good contract. But what do I know, become part of amfa. then go to AA and let them know you are a professionals in control of your union and see what happens..


Works extremely well for us at SWA. It's so much better than the back door deals done with the teamsters here. Yes we have evidence of it. Why in the world would you want international level officers who are appointed without a recall proccess, who are paid 3x's mechs rates but never take a single connsession while the entire membership does. That is just idiotic. All AMFA National officers will take the exact same cut as the membership would. In other words they are going to feel the pain the same as the membership would. Therefore AMFA has alot more influence to nego harder and better than the TWU who's leagal fees are paid up to 5 million, plus, which no-one has mentioned, the extra 2 million for added expences for a grand total of 7 million, and lets not leave out the 4.8% equity that states in the language that it goes to the TWU, not the membership. Watch what they try to do boys, it's all a pay-off from the company to buy the yes vote. And what did the international do, they were the very first group to comply. A union that can except bribes and pay-outs for a company sided result sounds exactly like the teamsters. TWU and teamsters are really starting to look like twins. Time for you guys to fire them, and bring in a union where the members will have control of their future. Go AMFA!!

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