Well the TWU just won another "Victory".
They won the right to deny their members the right to vote on contracts. They won this right despite the clear language of the Constitution.
So how does it feel as Union members to know that you basically dont have the rights of union members?
You cant nominate or vote for those who have control of your contract.
You cant vote on the Constitution.
You dont even have the right to vote on your contract.
Due to the structure of our Union the Constitution was one of the only means of accountability available to the members. However that is no longer the case.
Members can not vote for International officers.
Members can not vote for the ATD who administers, negotiates and interprets the contract.
Member used to have the right to at least reject the contract.
That is no longer the case, Judge Preska has ruled that members "do not have the right to a ratification vote".
So now we have a union where the top officers are not accountable and do not have to even let us vote on our contract, because after all, its not our contract, its the internationals. We are just the peasents that work under the conditions that they dictate. Basically, within this Union, we are powerless to determine our wages and working conditions. At any time the Union can, and has, made changes solely upon the whims of Jim Little.
They won the right to deny their members the right to vote on contracts. They won this right despite the clear language of the Constitution.
So how does it feel as Union members to know that you basically dont have the rights of union members?
You cant nominate or vote for those who have control of your contract.
You cant vote on the Constitution.
You dont even have the right to vote on your contract.
Due to the structure of our Union the Constitution was one of the only means of accountability available to the members. However that is no longer the case.
Members can not vote for International officers.
Members can not vote for the ATD who administers, negotiates and interprets the contract.
Member used to have the right to at least reject the contract.
That is no longer the case, Judge Preska has ruled that members "do not have the right to a ratification vote".
So now we have a union where the top officers are not accountable and do not have to even let us vote on our contract, because after all, its not our contract, its the internationals. We are just the peasents that work under the conditions that they dictate. Basically, within this Union, we are powerless to determine our wages and working conditions. At any time the Union can, and has, made changes solely upon the whims of Jim Little.