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- #16
The TWU and AFA see you all as one thing. $$$$$
We left the TWU in 77. TWU didn't understand the dynamics and uniqueness of the job. They resented the idea of women in leadership rolls and saw us as dues dollars and numbers for strength.
TWA, PAA, and AA flight attendants all formed independent unions. They all knew the strength of leading your own destiny.
I can certainly understand your reasoning behind going independent, but the reality of the situation with our independent union PFAA (at this time) is that they are broke and can no longer afford to operate on their own. $4.5 million a year in dues (and 55% of that money went to pay PFAA salaries every year). When we tried to amend the bylaw regarding salaries last year, the executive board campaigned to defeat it and won.
As of March '06, PFAA HAD around $4,000 in cash (I suspect that number is even lower by now) and I won't even tell you how far they are in debt .... it's too embarrassing (but you can go to the DOL website and look at their LM-2 for 2005 to get a glimpse of how dire the situation was even on 12-31-05).
The bottom line here is that the NWA FAs have ONLY two choices at the present time:
AFA or a merger with TWU
That is why I am asking for feedback from your group so that we can find out more information surrounding TWU FA representation.
Thanks for your input!