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PFAA To "Affiliate" With TWU

I just wanted to thank those of you who have taken the time to reply about TWU representation ....

The NMB has certified our election with AFA-CWA and voting begins on that issue June 8, 2006.

The AFL-CIO has set a hearing date for Monday, May 15 to hear arguments regarding the TWU issue - it may turn out that the AFL-CIO will rule that the TWU and PFAA cannot merge due to the certification of a representational election with another AFL-CIO union (AFA-CWA).

Should the AFL-CIO rule that the proposed merger between TWU and PFAA can move forward, we will have another vote on that, as well. PFAA has not set a date for voting on the merger/affiliation with TWU but we expect it to begin around June 13, so voting on these two issues will take place (more or less) within the same timeframe.

Should AFA win the representational election, the TWU merger would become moot.

We have much on our "plates" here at NWA, including the current voting on our TA which ends on June 6.

Thanks again for responding to my inquiries!

Guy Meeks, President of PFAA with a pay raise, just wants
to keep his big FAT Salary and the rest of his gang as well. The worker bee's <f/a's> have taken a 21% pay cut as well as work rule concessions.

John Ward led the way for a model in f/a concessions. Oh, I forgot he had a gun to his head and made sure with Carty that we voted right after we voted the RPA down. CRIMINAL
Who ever heard of voting twice?
The AFL-CIO might not let the AFA have an election. The deal the PFAA has with the TWU will mean a guaranteed increase in dues to the AFL-CIO. Any election being held could jepardize that new money. What if enough F/A's write in the Teamsters? Or,less than 50% of the F/A's vote, which would lead to deunionization.

As I said in my earlier post, the NMB has certified the election between PFAA and AFA-CWA. The voting period is June 8 - July 6.

The voting will be done by phone so it is not possible to vote for any other union.

The NWA FAs are well aware that 50% + 1 of our group must vote to retain union representation .... they also are well aware of how much worse things could get around here at NWA WITHOUT a union.
As I said in my earlier post, the NMB has certified the election between PFAA and AFA-CWA. The voting period is June 8 - July 6.

The voting will be done by phone so it is not possible to vote for any other union.

The NWA FAs are well aware that 50% + 1 of our group must vote to retain union representation .... they also are well aware of how much worse things could get around here at NWA WITHOUT a union.

Something fishy going on here. When an election is called by the NMB, the voters can write in anybody they chose. If what you say is true,then the election between PFAA and AFA could be thrown out if write in's are not allowed.Hope your vote isn't being handled by AAA. It's nothing but a division of AMR and the TWU.

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