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TWU and Teamsters are mirror images of each other.

RV4 "$6 Million dollars per year is the AA Mechanic and Related Dues Base."

That would last about one month with a good legal team in a NY City courtroom.
Hi All, Been away from the forums for some time now. No secret Im a Big TWU supporter... Look at my prior posts and you cant argue with that ! Well, Big TWU supporter until last week when I came to my breaking point which I didnt think was there... Signed a card, its time for a change ! Enough is Enough..
RV4 "$6 Million dollars per year is the AA Mechanic and Related Dues Base."

That would last about one month with a good legal team in a NY City courtroom.

It is not like a C11 happens every month, year, or even decade.

And this case will be over when the AMFA certification comes from the NMB.

Also it is not like the outcome was not already predetermined and and the highly paid lawyers made no difference jsut as the political contributions of the ibt have made no difference either.
Hi All, Been away from the forums for some time now. No secret Im a Big TWU supporter... Look at my prior posts and you cant argue with that ! Well, Big TWU supporter until last week when I came to my breaking point which I didnt think was there... Signed a card, its time for a change ! Enough is Enough..

Everyone gets there eventually. What do you think we should do next? Signing the card is just the beginning.
Hi All, Been away from the forums for some time now. No secret Im a Big TWU supporter... Look at my prior posts and you cant argue with that ! Well, Big TWU supporter until last week when I came to my breaking point which I didnt think was there... Signed a card, its time for a change ! Enough is Enough..

If you do not want to be stuck for 6 more years with the LBO 2.0 then VOTE IBT.
If you do not want to be stuck for 6 more years with the LBO 2.0 then VOTE IBT.

If you want to make your first involvement and belief in change with a new Union a lie, then take this advice.

On one hand, it is unfathomable to me that any organization would make it's first campaign issue a lie.

It the other hand, coming from an organization that was under government over sight for years due to corruption and organized crime, it is not really a surprise at all.
That is untrue. We scheduled dates with UAL well before the contractual amendable period. UA agreed to open early after the IBT won representation over amfa.

Anomaly, if this is or was the case, you said it yourself. UA agreed to open early after ibt won representation over AMFA. UA could have said NO. And ther's nothing within the legal system to force them. They have to agree.
If amfa wins representation, wouldn't they be the NEWLY CERTIFIED union?? I bet they will argue it that way.

How long have you been working for the company?

NO. If AMFA was to win the representational election at AA they would not be "newly certified" They are already certified with the TWU currently there, it would only be a change in representation. Do you now see the difference? The teamsters/ibt already know this, hence the challenge to the law letter.
None found BECAUSE amfa DOES NOT have ANY MONEY to STEAL!
Much Less effectively represent their members.

WRONG again guys. As I can only speek of my local (11) out of Dallas. We are very much so in the possitive, with nnumerous accounts building month after month. When we had the teamsters every month was a negative balance. Teamster sec would say they spent 15K on locals computers and office equipment. When we ask them to show it to us, as we were staring at a antique computer in the union hall as we were inquiring, they refused. They never could prove or show for the 15K gone. Later we all found out the pres and sec of local 19 was using funds to buy and sell cars... Let's see, hmmmm, what do they call that??
You are so focused on the money.

Can you give me any example over the last 20 years that money bought any success in any union?

You are crossing into the realm of hatred and blindness.

Your answer for corruption in the union you support, is to look at the finance's of AMFA?

I believe you would overlook murder, violence, corruption, organized crime, of the ibt as long as you can view some fault with AMFA, to justify your support of these serious issues that will serve you nothing but misery.

He's already said he would. That why this guy was planted here by ibt.
Do you actually think the ALLIED PILOTS could have received a temporary stay on the Term Sheets without expensive LEGAL Representation? Their own statement released after the ruling by Judge Lane listed SEVERAL Attorneys involved in the case. I contend that amfa does not have the money to hire an expensive legal team to represent its members in a prolonged C11 BATTLE in the Courts.

And AMFA has the funds to do all of this. We has numerous attorneys working night and day thru the SWA and AT integration. They also have attorneys working full time on 2 arbitrations coming up. They have full time attorneys that will be representing us in full sec 6 nego starting Aug this year. Don't let the teamsters tell you that AMFA is broke, because they're not. But you believe anything the teamsters tell you, don't you?? Even if they don't show you any proof. It all lies brother.
Hi All, Been away from the forums for some time now. No secret Im a Big TWU supporter... Look at my prior posts and you cant argue with that ! Well, Big TWU supporter until last week when I came to my breaking point which I didnt think was there... Signed a card, its time for a change ! Enough is Enough..

Welcome back Nitro. Which card did you sign? AMFA or ibt? If you even had a choice at your location.
May I also ask, what was the braking point? What happend to change your mind about the TWU? If you wish not to tell us, then no problem, I would understand. Anyhow---Welcome back brother.
They have full time attorneys that will be representing us in full sec 6 nego starting Aug this year.
O, you mean section 6 negotiations with observers who can monitor the process and report to the membership what's really going on? Didn't you know, according to the TWU minions, that it's counter productive and will result in failed negotiations?