They are. TWA had about 206 aircraft and about 3000 fleetservice. 3,000/206=14.57 rampers per TWA aircraft. Now there are 83 ex-TWA aircraft and 1110 ex-TWA fleetservice. 1110/83=13.38 rampers per ex-TWA aircraft. The miniscule difference of 1.19 is probably the result of AA closing TWA's small stations like Lincoln, Nebraska and Sioux City, Iowa, etc, retirements, terminations and the like, the 70% reduction of the STL hub, and the Kasher ruling. As you know, I feel that it should have been a pure staple but I was just speculating about how Kasher thinks based on his arbitration. It should be noted that the 19 ex-TWA 757s (with the Pratt and Whitney engines) will be almost certainly be gone in 2007 when the leases expire and as the ex-TWA MD-80 leases expire they can be returned. Less former TWA aircraft in the future means less former TWA maintanence in the future.