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Tulsa To Get Insourced 737 Wheel Maintenance

twuer said:
I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished. I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest. We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system. If you want to call it "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about. We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.

These small victories for the mechanics at AA really get under the skin of the amfanuts because their policies and methods have resulted in CATASTROPHE for mechanics at amfa represented airlines. 50% loss of membership at NWA. Closure of the Alaska Maint base in Oak with 50% drop in membership. Amfa is the LAST organization to be lecturing anyone. They need to get their own house in order before criticizing anyone else
What gets under my skin is TWU stoolies claiming we dont know anything or we dont have a clue, yet they are incapable of giving accurate information and answering legitimate questions.

We ask for details, you attack AMFA.
We ask legitimate questions, you attack AMFA.
We want to know specifics, you attack AMFA.

And then you claim "we dont have clue". I suspect it is really those that NEVER answer any questions that are really the clueless.

Nobody is "lecturing" here, there are many legitimate questions being asked.

What is your understanding of the definition of "lecturing" anyway?
Or is that just a bunch of hogwash Okie rhetoric to avoid the truth?
Clues or facts? I think everyone is in agreement that our industry is going through an "extreme makeover". Currently AMFA is under fire by the BK judges and the BK manipulation of their respective companies.

What I would ask of the TWU would be, "how can we assist our union brothers? Also, not all TWU representatives are anti-AMFA, no, they do not promote AMFA but many are pro union and concerned about AMFA's plight. After all, who's kidding who? What we allow to happen to AMFA will happen to us next.
seed said:
Clues or facts? I think everyone is in agreement that our industry is going through an "extreme makeover". Currently AMFA is under fire by the BK judges and the BK manipulation of their respective companies.

What I would ask of the TWU would be, "how can we assist our union brothers? Also, not all TWU representatives are anti-AMFA, no, they do not promote AMFA but many are pro union and concerned about AMFA's plight. After all, who's kidding who? What we allow to happen to AMFA will happen to us next.

Maybe someone should notify the AFL-CIO?
seed said:
I would hope they are in tune with current events.
<_< Another dreamer!!!!They should have jumped in long ago to help the Airline Industry! But it seems they are nothing but another bunch of dues collectors!! :down:
seed said:
Clues or facts? I think everyone is in agreement that our industry is going through an "extreme makeover". Currently AMFA is under fire by the BK judges and the BK manipulation of their respective companies.

What I would ask of the TWU would be, "how can we assist our union brothers? Also, not all TWU representatives are anti-AMFA, no, they do not promote AMFA but many are pro union and concerned about AMFA's plight. After all, who's kidding who? What we allow to happen to AMFA will happen to us next.

Seed, your being way too generous. Amfa's problems are primarily self-inflicted! There is no BK judge at NWA and Alaska air and the mechanics at those two outfits are being pummeled! When Amfa won the election at NWA there was roughly 10K mechanics. Now its around 5k! Around two months ago Alaska management pulled a fast one on amfa and shut down their OAK maint base resulting in a loss of 50% of their membership. Amfa's responce? They filed a greivance! The amfa leadership is SERIOUSLY IN OVER THEIR HEAD!!!! They're great at campaigning, making cool T-shirts and critisizing the TWU. But put them in power and watch our profession be destroyed!
AAmech said:
Seed, your being way too generous. Amfa's problems are primarily self-inflicted! There is no BK judge at NWA and Alaska air and the mechanics at those two outfits are being pummeled! When Amfa won the election at NWA there was roughly 10K mechanics. Now its around 5k! Around two months ago Alaska management pulled a fast one on amfa and shut down their OAK maint base resulting in a loss of 50% of their membership. Amfa's responce? They filed a greivance! The amfa leadership is SERIOUSLY IN OVER THEIR HEAD!!!! They're great at campaigning, making cool T-shirts and critisizing the TWU. But put them in power and watch our profession be destroyed!

The AFL-CIO has not been in tune with events in the airline industry since the Airline Traffic Controllers debacle!

And specifically at AA, since the creation of the two tier wage system in 1983, where the TWU followed in their path.

AMFA problems self-inflicted?

At least the membership has a say.

Yes AMFA is having a tough time recoving from the devastation brought on by the dictatorships of the industrial unionists.

TWU is not in over their head, it is on the companies pillow.

AAmech, is the TWU going to grant more concessions?
AA announces work coming in and signs agreements to keep maintenance bases open speaks for itself!

The wages and benefits are being played out in the industry through BK and lack of negotiation skills.

The mechanic's and others at Mesaba and United cannot make a stance when you have a weak leadership. When you install a golden parachute in a contract which side are you negotiating for?

As for the new concept of the TWU working with AA to bring work in-house? Look at the Harley Davidson concept. You will see what the TWU and AA are attempting to do. We can sit on the sidelines and watch as your fellow brothers and sisters go out the door or we can work together and bring 500 million worth of work in at AA or more! This is a 37 billion dollar industry and we should not be denied the opportunity to get some of this and in return call everyone back on layoff through out the AA system. We do have a few who believes in the destruction of our profession at AA for their personal goals! (they are considered a me first group).

Creativity or your head in the sand? We have a choice!
AAmech said:
Seed, your being way too generous. Amfa's problems are primarily self-inflicted! There is no BK judge at NWA and Alaska air and the mechanics at those two outfits are being pummeled! When Amfa won the election at NWA there was roughly 10K mechanics. Now its around 5k! Around two months ago Alaska management pulled a fast one on amfa and shut down their OAK maint base resulting in a loss of 50% of their membership. Amfa's responce? They filed a greivance! The amfa leadership is SERIOUSLY IN OVER THEIR HEAD!!!! They're great at campaigning, making cool T-shirts and critisizing the TWU. But put them in power and watch our profession be destroyed!

What I have to wonder is how many mechanic at NWA, SWA or Alaska have voluntarily quit the company?

Here in NY we are averaging over one mechanic per month quitting, and thats with a bad economy. Our headcount has dropped from around 16,000 to just over 10,000 with more cuts on the way. Our compensation has been cut by 25%.

So as AA mechanic cites the "50%" (his figure) loss of headcount at some AMFA represented airlines (ice he never mentions SWA) he ignores the fact that those who are working are still making a good living and the fact that despite ruining the job for every AA/TWU mechanic by slashing their compenstion by 25% that nearly 40% of the jobs have been eliminated. He ignores the fact that the TWU has allowed the company to do just about everything they claimed they would do if they went BK.

Now the TWU is looking to give the company another $500 million in more concessions!

Over their heads? as compared to who? Bobby Gless? Gary Yingst? Jim Little?

At least AMFA members can vote out leaders if they feel they are not doing a good job, TWU members can not vote out Gless, Yingst and Little no matter how screwed up they are.

The fact is that layoffs have always been a part of the package, 25% paycuts is a TWU invention. The TWU is destroying the profession by lowering wages to the point where mechanics who are not at risk of a layoff are voluntarily walking away from a profession where they invested 20 years of their lives because they know that with the TWU there is no hope that things will ever get better.

Over the past six months I've seen several other mechanics who I've worked with for at least a decade leave the industry, most were better than average mechanics.

The TWU has never cared about "the profession". For years they have admonished mechanics who fought for better pay claiming that since the company would not agree to similar increases for other workers the mechanics were being "anti-union" for demanding more, while these same union officials granted themselves six figure salaries. One standard for the members, a different one for themselves.
seed said:
I would hope they are in tune with current events.
Dont count on it.

Two days ago one of the mechanics at JFK asked Bobby Gless why the AFL-CIO doesnt do something to get all these unions on the same page, his reply "It will never happen".

Andy Stern, the militant head of the SEIU was on TV the other night and he was pointing out how screwed up the labor movement was and he mentioned the airline industry specifically.

The fact is there is no hope with the TWU.IAM,IBT. They are beyond repair and the structure they set up in this industry was never suited to the changes that deregulation brought about.

The fact is that those who are at the controls in our industry have made sure that they are OK, so they see no real reason to change anything.

They will not change. They will not allow anyone to bring change from within, so our only choice is to scap them and start anew.
Checking it Out said:
Look at the Harley Davidson concept. You will see what the TWU and AA are attempting to do.

This contract is considered by Forbes magazine and Harvard Business School to be amongst the most management friendly contract in all of labor. Yes I have read the contract and it quite frankly reeks of company-unionism. Supervisors and shop stewards will be equals. They also renegotiate their benefits continually downward to "Save Jobs," unions idea. They also have to constantly deal with DFR's being filed because the union is more like the company. Why not do some research on Harley instead of taking managements word on it again.

Harley BTW...is in the business of selling a product, we are in the business of maintaining a product, big difference. If AA is able to compete for 3rd party work, it proves one thing, that our contract and average pay is so poor, we are bringing down the 3rd parties pay and benefits. The twu should be proud.

Why is AA closing or drastically reducing line operations where they could of secured 3rd party work for years but outright refused to do?

Why isn't the Fokker contract that could be signed next month, not going to MCI to help maintain the headcount their instead of Tulsa? The Fokker contract if signed by the way does not include engines even though we still have the capibility to do them. This agreement fell into AA's lap by default because nobody else is equipped to do them and will not increase the headcount.
Buck said:
The AFL-CIO has not been in tune with events in the airline industry since the Airline Traffic Controllers debacle!

And specifically at AA, since the creation of the two tier wage system in 1983, where the TWU followed in their path.

AMFA problems self-inflicted?

At least the membership has a say.
Yes AMFA is having a tough time recoving from the devastation brought on by the dictatorships of the industrial unionists.
TWU is not in over their head, it is on the companies pillow.
AAmech, is the TWU going to grant more concessions?
Would it enhance your opinion of the AFL-CIO if they had called a general strike to support an illegal one, PATCO?
j7915 said:
Would it enhance your opinion of the AFL-CIO if they had called a general strike to support an illegal one, PATCO?

I happen to have the pleasure of working with an ex-ATC striker/PATCO steward and per him, Did they know it would be illegal, yes. Why did they strike, real simple, the AFL_CIO and their transportation section unions including the twu said real clear to them, we got your back. Go ahead and strike and we will make sure no planes, trucks, and trains move. Think about it, why would a pilot take instructions from a scab ATC tower, he shouldn't of left the ground. As the story goes, they walk out the door and no one else follows. A defining day in the slow death of unionism and apparently you support the non-action decision by the coward unions.

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