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Tulsa To Get Insourced 737 Wheel Maintenance

Former ModerAAtor said:
Well, out of total ignorance for what's involved, how much skill does wheel repair really require? I wouldn't expect it to be as demanding as something like, say, structural welding?

FM, you get what you pay for. At V1, rotation, do you want the cheapest labor overhauling your engines? And at landing do you want the same cheapest labor die-penetrating, zyglow, etc., the rim and tie bolts and nuts? You are not ignorant. You are just like the public that doesn't know what is involved in maintaining a silver bullet that goes about 500 miles an hour. Fortunately those of us who do this work know what is needed to sustain an airworthy aircraft.

As for FWAA's comment about this brake work coming back in-house as being seen as bad news by some do not misperceive a lack of jumping up and down while trying to bow at the altar of the twu inept leadership for this work. Yes, I am glad work is coming back in-house but I have not forgotten that this same work was let go in the first place. The twu will try and use this as a victory as to their leadership skills. Trust me, the twu has no leadership skills in the international, and certainly not in Tulsa's local president. As another poster asks, how much engine work is being returned? And, does any returned work include recalling A&Ps or just A&Ps who don't get paid for their A&P? 😉
And when the base does not bring in the 500 million it is expected to then what.

More Concessions :up:
The few Amfa wannabes want AA and TWU to fail at bring maintenance in house whether it's new work like the 737 wheels or third party work. They feed on fear to get cards signed.

Don't you guys ever get tired of complaining about Tulsa?????? It appears that Local 514 is the only local trying to get things back. Attempting to make changes for the better. The better for all not just a few!

The apparent ignorance (from MANY) of what is actually happening in Tulsa is sickening. These are the folks who want everyonoe else to get things done and don't want to take on the responsibility of doing it (or even helping) themselves!!! I see it everyday and HEAR it everyday.

We all now see what a failure amfa has become and what damage they have caused and saddly continue to cause. I made the same predictions a year (or more) ago of what a fiasco amfa would cause from the stance they take. Now look at where they are.

Oh, just a side note...............did all 20 folks get dogs and drink at the oh so successful "amfa card drive" party that was held not too long ago here in Tulsa? And maybe someone could tell me..........how is that union hall of yours being paid for again???? You do still have it don't you????? :huh:
Checking it Out said:
The few Amfa wannabes want AA and TWU to fail at bring maintenance in house whether it's new work like the 737 wheels or third party work. They feed on fear to get cards signed.

Actually we want all the work that the TWU has let go out the door brought back in house. We want the devastation of our profession corrected, whereby the TWU allowed for two tier wage scales and those wage scales to be reinitiated to each contractual generation. We want the OSM's to be paid for their licenses. We want our own union.

You on the other hand show up at an AMFA meeting only to attack those mechanics at UAL who are taking a stand for our profession. You ignorant rantings, are at issue. You have no clue as to what is going on at UAL. I will take the word of those involved at UAL over any uninformed comments you ever have and you are full of them.

Fear? You and your TWU are the experts at propagating fear. That is how you achieve your concessionary contracts.
Don't you guys ever get tired of complaining about Tulsa?????? It appears that Local 514 is the only local trying to get things back. Attempting to make changes for the better. The better for all not just a few!

It appears that yes, once again, Local 514 is leading the way. I will have our "meeting" with management and our Local President this evening, can't wait for the good news.

Local 514 is the largest local in the state of Oklahoma, is it not. Largest, however, does not constitute smartest, nor does it automatically deem itself a leader. I, for one, am sickened by the video. Never have I been witness to such a "holding of hands" of union and management. If Burchette desires to manage he should join the management team at AA. A union president should hold himself beyond repraoch, the TWU does not hold their officers to this agenda, this is truly sad.

It is one thing to desire the best for your local, but to whore yourself to management to gain that edge is repulsive.

No, I am not ready to sign an AMFA card, nor will I assist management with it's daily ops of AA. If Hoffa could see us now!
I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished. I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest. We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system. If you want to call it "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about. We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.
twuer said:
I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished.  I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest.  We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system.  If you want to call it  "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about.  We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.

We know exactly what 514 is up to, screwing its workers on behalf of their friends at AA, all the while telling them, we have a plAAn. Yes, we have seen 514 and their dominance at the bargaining table continually shoot down cost of living adjustments for those who live in high dollar markets. Their excuse, "they don't like it, they can move to Tulsa." Yes, the video speaks volumes of 514's intentions toward the rest of us outsiders and your history supports it.
twuer said:
I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished.  I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest.  We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system.  If you want to call it  "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about.  We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.

Since you have claimed more than once now that many do "not know" what is going on, then why don't you answer a few and get us on track.

What specific "unexplored avenues" are available in the labor agreement that Burchette was talking about that will help us reach the break through goal?

What specific "things can we do" that Carmine was talking about that we need to get done to reach the goal?

And if there is in fact some way to generate or save $500 Million in Tulsa by labor agreement avenues or simply getting things done, then why wasn't that done first instead of stomping out 50 years of negotiated pay, time off, and benefits?

Maybe the reason "we don't know" is because the communications are very vague and ambiguous at best.

Please by all means, educate us to the happenings within Local 514?

Come on now twuer, if you have the wisdom and low down on waht is happening, then stop the ridicule of those of us that are uninformed, and instead INFORM us?
Checking it Out said:
The few Amfa wannabes want AA and TWU to fail at bring maintenance in house whether it's new work like the 737 wheels or third party work. They feed on fear to get cards signed.

Who is the leader in King of Fear?

Shall I post copies of the TWU Informer and the FEAR Campaing of the last three years?

If anyone is "feeding" on fear then the TWU is by far the leader in keeping our bellies full.

I remember the TWU supporter on video at the September 12th, 2003 AMFA info meeting. He was riddled with Team TWU and continuously asked...

"What if you're wrong"

"What if you're wrong"

"What if you're wrong"

Talk about fear.

I remember the TWU fear campaign of 1984 Politics. Back then it was, "If Reagan gets re-elected, we be putting a for sale sing up in front of the union hall". Now all we can do is wish that this fear campaign of 1984 was actually the truth.
See NTSB Report

See Service Difficulty Report

Former ModerAAtor,

I don't work for AA but I agree with what Ken MacTiernan said about doing tire and wheel build-up.

I have seen pictures of what a missed crack on a Boeing 727 wheel half can do when undetected. I wish I had them handy for your viewing pleasure. To say you would need to change your "Depends" after seeing them, would be an understatement!

To give you an idea. The aircraft was within 500 feet of the departure runway when the #3 main wheel half exploded because of an undetected crack that finally failed.

When the wheel failed it sent the axle sleeve with huge wheel nut and attaching hardware under the airplane taking out the hydraulic servicing bay panel and everything else in its path till it buried itself into the opposite wings flap canoe which was totally destroyed. (Flaps set were at 15 degrees for take-off)

Now bear in mind, if this would have taken place 2 minutes later on gear retraction it would have been fatal.

You see, that #3 main tire is the closest to the cabin floor when in the retracted position. Now I'm not exactally sure what seat you would have to be in to get the full brunt of the explosion. But it would have entered the cabin with very little effort.

The aircraft was out of service for quite some time while Boeing's AOG Team put it back together.

So do you REALLY want the cheapest vendor doing this or any critical work?
Checking it Out said:
The few Amfa wannabes want AA and TWU to fail at bring maintenance in house whether it's new work like the 737 wheels or third party work. They feed on fear to get cards signed.
Yes, fear. The fear of a another record setting twu concessionary contract.

The FEAR that clowns like you are making life and death decisions for the rest of us based on your twisted, demented, cowardly twu company union mind set.

The FEAR of the twu further reducing our craft to nothing but Wal Mart Aircraft Maintenance.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees".... but not you.

You make me sick.
seed said:
It appears that yes, once again, Local 514 is leading the way. I will have our "meeting" with management and our Local President this evening, can't wait for the good news.

Local 514 is the largest local in the state of Oklahoma, is it not. Largest, however, does not constitute smartest, nor does it automatically deem itself a leader. I, for one, am sickened by the video. Never have I been witness to such a "holding of hands" of union and management. If Burchette desires to manage he should join the management team at AA. A union president should hold himself beyond repraoch, the TWU does not hold their officers to this agenda, this is truly sad.

It is one thing to desire the best for your local, but to whore yourself to management to gain that edge is repulsive.

No, I am not ready to sign an AMFA card, nor will I assist management with it's daily ops of AA. If Hoffa could see us now!

Holy crap I am glad to see that seed is starting to see the light. Seed you might not be ready to sign a card yet,but we will wait. It is only a matter of time before the local 514 does it to you again.
twuer said:
I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished. I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest. We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system. If you want to call it "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about. We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.

twuer...................While you are down there kissing aa A$$ don't stick your nose in there to deep or the rest of the people in the 514 will know exactly what you are. The evidence will be plain to see.
We had our meeting, from the mouth of Pat Stewart, we will be having a massive furlough here (MCIE) in June. I'm not a lover of upper management, but Mr. Stewart did not spare any feelings or "blow smoke", at least not yet to be proven otherwise.

We currently have upwards of 900 some mechanics, they will drop that number to 400-500 some still employed in June. Our lease agreement to be signed next Wednesday. Other than the fact that they are actively pursuing more contract work for MCIE, not much news.

I can (try to) appreciate your opinion Seed but like I said the ignorance is rampant around here (and elsewhere) as to what Local 514 is actually trying to get accomplished. I never said that 514 wanted to lead anyone or did I claim that we are the smartest. We are merely taking steps to provide some sort of stability to our jobs here and the jobs of those around the system. If you want to call it "whoring" then certainly that is your right but don't judge something you know nothing about. We get enough of that from the amfa supporters.

Appreciation of my opinion is not necessary twuer, just allow me to state it as I do allow yours. I respect your right not to think as I, I do notice your idea of union-management relations differ than mine, that is fine, I'm not trying to sell anything here. I simply believe a union has it's place, and at the "dinner table" with management is not that place. I'm glad to see Local 514 initiating programs to secure it's members a future, but at what cost is what you should also look at.

And as Decision requested, please state exactly what it is I do not "know nothing about". Is this "for eyes only" information? I watched the video with no distractions, what did I miss?

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