As USUAL Doggie', E doesn't know his ASS from his ELBOW !Carlson was the face of the Fox News E says is destined for failure.
As USUAL Doggie', E doesn't know his ASS from his ELBOW !
Limbaugh is D E A D (Worms have finally broken thru the casket)
F-er CARLSON is in the unemployment line (Thank Jesus)
Is that D- B Hannity next ??
Oh happy days.
Look at it this way.
Not everyone can be ANDERSON COOPER, OR CNN !!!!!!!!!!
Haven't Jets fans suffered enough already?I never would have ever expected to see Lemon, Carlson, and Aaron Rodgers fired on the same day.
Your bias knows no bounds.As USUAL Doggie', E doesn't know his ASS from his ELBOW !
Limbaugh is D E A D (Worms have finally broken thru the casket)
F-er CARLSON is in the unemployment line (Thank Jesus)
Is that D- B Hannity next ??
Oh happy days.
Look at it this way.
Not everyone can be ANDERSON COOPER, OR CNN !!!!!!!!!!
That pretty much sums up what this whole thing is actually about.Their ideology is going to cost them billions when all said and done.
Indeed.Haven't Jets fans suffered enough already?
Seems like you and Dell are about the last two normal voices left here. As tempting as it is to hold on to the 20 year mark, i think this place has clearly run its course.
Ok....He’ll never command the same audience again. Just ask Bill O’Reilly and Chris Cuomo.
I have a feeling upper management pushed the Dominion BS for views. Carlson's emails reflect this.....and I bet the Murdoch's didn't want testimony coming out linking them to the claims. That would be catastrophic for them.And that’s why they had to pay $787.5 million.
Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and now another conservative news outlet, Newsmax, wants him to be more than just the face of the network, and it's putting on a full-court press to land him.
Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the news channel is doing everything it can to sweeten the deal for Tucker to come on board -- including floating the idea of letting him program the whole channel, not just his own show.
That would be a pretty enticing deal point ... in addition to having his own primetime show, Tucker would have a say over what shows lead into and out of his show, which can be key in achieving bigger TV ratings.
Newsmax Beating Down Tucker Carlson's Door, Wants Him to Run Entire Channel
Newsmax is interested in hiring Tucker Carlson and the network is prepared to hand him the keys to the
I believe that Tucker is still under contract at FoxNews.Ok....
Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and now another conservative news outlet, Newsmax, wants him to be more than just the face of the network, and it's putting on a full-court press to land him.
Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the news channel is doing everything it can to sweeten the deal for Tucker to come on board -- including floating the idea of letting him program the whole channel, not just his own show.
That would be a pretty enticing deal point ... in addition to having his own primetime show, Tucker would have a say over what shows lead into and out of his show, which can be key in achieving bigger TV ratings.
Newsmax Beating Down Tucker Carlson's Door, Wants Him to Run Entire Channel
Newsmax is interested in hiring Tucker Carlson and the network is prepared to hand him the keys to the