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My ex wife left me for another man.
As Crosby, Stills, and Nash would say "You will survive being bested".

I was royally pissed off at that guy.
You should have been royally pissed off at your wife. She is the one who violated the marriage pact. I won't say vows because I doubt you took those.

I mean mad enough to do him bodily harm for what he put my family thru. But you know something....I moved on.
Yes, I can see that.............

I never brought him up at parties or in meetings.
Just public forums.

I still harbor a lot of hatred for him, but I don't go off on rants about him. I moved on.
You said that already. Are you trying to convince us or yourself?

If he were to die, I might smile to myself,
Says the guy who moved on.

but 7 months after his death, I wouldn't remind the world what a shithead he was.
Again, just the members of the forum.

That's the adult thing to do. That's the "normal" thing to do.
Like smiling when the man your wife cheated on you with dies? Great lesson in "adulting". 🙄

Man, she had you whipped didn't she?

Did she let you pee standing up?
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Yes, Trump should roll over and tolerate unfounded character assassination by a leftist media running a narrative with an agenda to destroy him at any cost.. That is the American Way. 🙄

By the way KCFlyer I have decided I want to see your tax returns. I request you scan them to a jpeg and attach them to a post on these forums for all to see. You are totally cool with that right?
Want to see my birth certificate too?
Are you stalling?


I want to see your tax returns.

Hand them over.

If I said Trump should turn over his tax returns, I will. Your job...should you choose to accept it...is to find where I said he should turn them over. I only commented that he is mentally ill.
You are obviously anti Trump since you take every opportunity you can to bash the man.

Are you making a statement that you disagree with Trump being forced to turn over his tax returns without an accusation of wrong doing and a formal investigation?

Are you making a statement that you disagree with the Democratic Party's immoral and unethical tactics regarding this issue.

Are you making a statement that Trump as an American citizen has a right to privacy regarding his PERSONAL financial statements?

Let's hear it KCFlyer where do you stand? After all you chose to come to a thread named TRUMP's TAX RETURN. Go on the record.

I've got a NEWS FLASH for you.
The real election was'nt about the M O R O N or Hillary.
And THAT my friend is a No-Brainer choice, for ANY Blue collar 'WORKING MAN' !

Nuff' Said !!!
I have always been and ever shall be a Union man and believer in the Union ideal. I'm not a Republican (I'm independent) but the truth is sadly the Democrats threw us overboard a long time ago. Obama did nothing for us (working class people). Thirty plus years of voting Democrat and what do working Americans have to show for it? In 1983 workers in Unions was at 20.1 percent. Today it is at 10.5 percent. I see the Dems are fighting like hell for the illegals though. Also you didn't purposefully misspell my screen name Bears, my respect for you has gone up a notch.
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I have always been and ever shall be a Union man and believer in the Union ideal. I'm not a Republican (I'm independent) but the truth is sadly the Democrats threw us overboard a long time ago. Obama did nothing for us (working class people). Thirty plus years of voting Democrat and what do working Americans have to show for it? In 1983 workers in Unions was at 20.1 percent. Today it is at 10.5 percent. I see the Dems are fighting like hell for the illegals though. Also you didn't purposefully misspell my screen name Bears, my respect for you has gone up a notch.
I'm glad you see the truth.

What the Democrats have done in my lifetime is nothing less than treasonous. They have done nothing for decades but try to socially engineer Americans away from western culture, ethics, and values. They have co opted both education and media to push their agenda, and have systematically attacked our Constitutional rights.
I have always been and ever shall be a Union man and believer in the Union ideal. I'm not a Republican (I'm independent) but the truth is sadly the Democrats threw us overboard a long time ago. Obama did nothing for us (working class people). Thirty plus years of voting Democrat and what do working Americans have to show for it? In 1983 workers in Unions was at 20.1 percent. Today it is at 10.5 percent. I see the Dems are fighting like hell for the illegals though. Also you didn't purposefully misspell my screen name Bears, my respect for you has gone up a notch.
You are right..the democrats DID throw the working class overboard. There's a good book about it called "Listen Liberal" and it says that the Democrats took a more "Rebublican" view....you should make what you earn...and you earn it thru education. So...go to school....get a degree..get a good job....invest in your 401K...and then get your MBA to succeed even more.

But did the Republicans "embrace" the working class? Hell it wasn't all that long ago the Republicans were blaming the sorry state of the American auto industry on those overpaid union flunkiies. I believe the battle cry was 'We are paying a guy $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car", which might have been true when factoring in the pension, the fully pad health insurance, plus the decent hourly wage. But it was sold to America as some guy putting bumpers on cars 40 hours per week as bringing home $156,000 every year. PLUS The "job killing pensions" and the fully paid health insurance. So they weren't exactly embracing unions, but because of all the job losses (due to a Republican idea that was signed by Clinton - NAFTA)...they campaigned in the rust belt and promised "jobs"

And what do you know...jobs ARE being created. How long will it take the working class, who thought the "jobs" they were referring to meant jobs that would "pay a guy $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car" find that the jobs that are "created" pay about $15 an hour with a hefty portion of health insurance paid by the employee, no pension and maybe a 401K match.

Oh....and I don't know about your state, but in Missouri they were pushing a "right to work" law. It was funded by right leaning groups and supported by Republican lawmakers. So do they REALLY give a rats ass about the working class?
If I said Trump should turn over his tax returns, I will. Your job...should you choose to accept it...is to find where I said he should turn them over. I only commented that he is mentally ill.

And you could be considered (severely) mentally ill as well. So there’s that.

Also, when has it became off limits to speak I’ll of the dead? You LWNJ nitwits have been raging all over Ronald Reagan since his death. What gives?
You are right..the democrats DID throw the working class overboard. There's a good book about it called "Listen Liberal" and it says that the Democrats took a more "Rebublican" view....you should make what you earn...and you earn it thru education. So...go to school....get a degree..get a good job....invest in your 401K...and then get your MBA to succeed even more.

But did the Republicans "embrace" the working class? Hell it wasn't all that long ago the Republicans were blaming the sorry state of the American auto industry on those overpaid union flunkiies. I believe the battle cry was 'We are paying a guy $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car", which might have been true when factoring in the pension, the fully pad health insurance, plus the decent hourly wage. But it was sold to America as some guy putting bumpers on cars 40 hours per week as bringing home $156,000 every year. PLUS The "job killing pensions" and the fully paid health insurance. So they weren't exactly embracing unions, but because of all the job losses (due to a Republican idea that was signed by Clinton - NAFTA)...they campaigned in the rust belt and promised "jobs"

And what do you know...jobs ARE being created. How long will it take the working class, who thought the "jobs" they were referring to meant jobs that would "pay a guy $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car" find that the jobs that are "created" pay about $15 an hour with a hefty portion of health insurance paid by the employee, no pension and maybe a 401K match.

Oh....and I don't know about your state, but in Missouri they were pushing a "right to work" law. It was funded by right leaning groups and supported by Republican lawmakers. So do they REALLY give a rats ass about the working class?

Another one of your nonsensical word salads.

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