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Keep talking K.C. You're just digging yourself deeper, and deeper, into a hole!

These people like KC are broken people. According to them, everything is awful and everything is ruined.

I have a friend who is much like him. He was a top producer at his real estate office for much off the years of 2012-2016. His demeanor changed after Trump won, rants on Facebook about everything is awful, etc and lost his top producer status to another. He even admitted it as much as he lets all things Trump get into his head, real or imagined. And mostly its just imagined.

He also admitted that he refused a listing (on a previous clients house) because he suspected him of being a Trump supporter. Not that he knew for sure but by some of the things he said on FB he suspected he was.
Here's the funny thing about stocks (and bonds for that matter)....they can go up and up and up....they've been on an uptick for almost a decade. They made a great push up in 2017. But while they can take a 10 years to rise, they can come crashing down in 10 minutes. Here's a tip...cash out. Identify the amount of wealth you'll be happy with in real life and take it now. Because if the economy burps, and a lot of people believe that it will, if that wealth is just "paper wealth"...then it's not really wealth at all.
Oh!....... Now are you trying to give all of us a lesson in economics? ....... My! My! My! And if stocks go down, what happens to bonds, and gold?
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