Maybe Trump should release his then every member of congress reveal theirs,should be interesting seeing how plastic faced Nancy and crazy Maxine become millionaires on a congressional salary.

Don't forget Mitch and Paul Ryan and a lot of the Republicans as well. I Ryan is kind of young....I wonder if he'll spend his retirement fishing with his kids.
I have always been and ever shall be a Union man and believer in the Union ideal. I'm not a Republican (I'm independent) but the truth is sadly the Democrats threw us overboard a long time ago. Obama did nothing for us (working class people). Thirty plus years of voting Democrat and what do working Americans have to show for it? In 1983 workers in Unions was at 20.1 percent. Today it is at 10.5 percent. I see the Dems are fighting like hell for the illegals though. Also you didn't purposefully misspell my screen name Bears, my respect for you has gone up a notch.
I agree 90%!
The DemoRats an RepubliRats have sold us out.
Seeing what the government has done to Unions is a travesty.
But, Trump will not change anything.
Yea, Hillary would have been worse.
Sucks doesn't it! :(
Take Care,
:cool: xNut
I agree 90%!
The DemoRats an RepubliRats have sold us out.
Seeing what the government has done to Unions is a travesty.
But, Trump will not change anything.
Yea, Hillary would have been worse.
Sucks doesn't it! :(
Take Care,
:cool: xNut

The book "Listen Liberal" by Thomas Frank calls out the Democratic Party for abandoning the New Deal and shifting their focus on yuppies and education and technology. He said that Democrats and Republicans are still battling for votes....but they have both abandoned the working class, especially the blue collar working class. Oh...they make the trips past idled factories and tell us what a shame it is and they will bring back all these jobs. But back when America was great, one guy could go to work at his lowly blue collar job and his wife in many cases could stay home. Yet they bought cars and homes and clothes and went out to dinners. They went on vacations or bought boats and campers. Very few can do that on the pay of any of these new jobs that are being created.

But starting in the 80's and early 90's, republicans were the ones pointing to union workers and blaming them for many of the problems. I mentioned the $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car argument. I heard that...a LOT. If I were a union man, I never would have forgot comments like that. Then a clown prince comes into town and promises jobs, jobs, jobs. And there ARE jobs. But the pay and benefits from those jobs are nowhere close to what they were back when America was great. . And those idled plants are still idled. Gosh...GM announced that two plants will be CLOSING by the end of this year. "Costs (the union worker) were too high".

Trump was pretty upset about it and groused that he would MAKE GM bring those jobs back. But....we don't hear about that any more. In fact, he was IN of the states where GM closed a plant. He was giving a speech at a tank factory. Rather that whip up the base about the GM plant closings and jobs....he launches into a rift about a guy who had been dead 7 months. I'm still not sure if those 2020 voters he was talking to went silent because they couldn't believe he was kicking a man when he was dead, or were they wondering if he really gave a rats ass about their brother in Lordstown who lost his job due to the GM closure.

At any rate....more and more union workers pulled the lever for Trump and the Republicans...even though Trump and the Republicans have felt that union workers are what made America less great for the past 3 decades. So I guess my only question is....what have REPUBLICANS done for the blue collar union worker?
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...even though Trump and the Republicans have felt that union workers are what made America less great for the past 3 decades.

That's a bold face lie told by the brainwashed and uneducated.

Blame has never been placed on the worker's, rather the Union heads themselves. They became more concerned about (political) power then the welfare of the workers.

Exhibit A: Teachers Union Bigshot Not About Kids, It's About Power

Telling a story about the pancakes trip through the digestive system. It has a killer ending.

Better be careful. There's a very sensitive Wonderpuddy Tinkerbell who likes to chide others and call them immature, grow up, etc.

Talking about poop like a child, seems a bit....childish?
So has the liberal fantasy turned to tax returns since they came up empty handed chasing the Russians ? They spent millions there only to discover they were the ones in bed with Putin.
That should be an easy answer even for a nitwit.

A robust economy, rising wages, full employment, more take home pay (tax cuts)....

Trump's Policy "Magic Wand" Boosts Manufacturing Jobs 399% In First 26 Months Over Obama's Last 26

I think I admitted that. NOW...what do those jobs pay in comparison to the jobs that were lost? If you were paid "$75 an hour to put a bumper on a car" (Republican's complaint from 30 years ago), do those jobs pay anywhere close to that?
So has the liberal fantasy turned to tax returns since they came up empty handed chasing the Russians ? They spent millions there only to discover they were the ones in bed with Putin.

I could care less about his tax returns. I would rather see the results of a mental evaluation.
I think I admitted that. NOW...what do those jobs pay in comparison to the jobs that were lost? If you were paid "$75 an hour to put a bumper on a car" (Republican's complaint from 30 years ago), do those jobs pay anywhere close to that?

Simple economics would tell you that $75 to put a bumper on a car is not sustainable. There's a concept behind free markets. However it will more then likely go over your head.
Simple economics would tell you that $75 to put a bumper on a car is not sustainable. There's a concept behind free markets. However it will more then likely go over your head.
So Republicans believe that the blue collar worker should work harder for less money. Why didn't they campaign that way in Michigan and Ohio? Why were they only saying "jobs", or if they were bold "good paying jobs".

If you were a laid off autoworker who was used to an hourly rate of $25 an hour, plus a pension, plus your health insurance paid for 100%, plus health insurance for life when you retired, when you hear "good paying jobs" do you think of something that pays $15 an hour with no pension, no healthcare in retirement, and a fair chunk of money to pay your portion of your health insurance? Because these are the jobs that are being created in the rust belt.

The $75 wasn't the wage by itself. Republicans took the wage, pension, healthcare, and retirement benefits into account to get that number...THEN they blamed unions and union workers who were demanding $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car.

Those damn unions were killing everything. Heck..the reason that airfares were so high back in the day is because we were paying some guy $60 an hour to throw bags in a plane. You're a ramper...aren't you? Still making $60 an hour? Still have a pension? Thank Republican's.

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