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You are right K.C. Obama didn't run in 2016. But the policies he put in place still are on the books. Case in point: the 2017 tax. ( your $988) is still paid under Obama's old tax laws. Trump's tax cut won't kick in until next year. As for the deficit. I believe there is enough blame on both sides to go around! We live in a dangerous period of time now, and the American people have become complacent and have insulated themselves from the reality of what is going on in the world. Our military has been neglected for way too long. And the price we have to pay for politicians, such as Obama, kicking that problem down the road, is now catching up to us. The alternative to just plan unexceptionable! And I believe Trump, as an outsider, understands this more than the American people give him credit for.

I know my tax cut won't take effect until next year, but I took my numbers and projected what I should expect. Here's the funny thing....my check was indeed larger. Larger than I had anticipated. And when I ran my numbers using the same income and deductions (I am single and itemize and my deductions are more than the standard deduction for singles), I discovered that at the rate my employer was withholding - I would have OWED $500 in April 2019. But....my overall tax was $988 less than it was in 2017.

I'm kind of glad I ran the numbers so that I could adjust my withholding. But I wonder how many supporters of the dear leader and his big juicy tax cut that are in the same category as me will feel if they have to WRITE a check in April 2019.

And if our military has been neglected and needs to be built up, was a tax cut the wisest thing to do to not pay for it?
And if our military has been neglected and needs to be built up, was a tax cut the wisest thing to do to not pay for it?
It's funny isn't it how the Great Northern Boogey Man Monster (aka deficit spending) turns out not to be the Sin against the Holy Ghost when Republicans are doing it. Only Democrats can destroy the world with the monster. Because Republicans are indulging in deficit spending there will be an increase in GDP approaching 15%/yearly for the next 1,000 years which will pay for the money spent on the military that we don't have. Reaganomics tells me so.
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Well...lack of taxes is going to become a problem.

I'm not talking about Obama because you might not have noticed, but he didn't run in 2016 so he wasn't elected in 2016. Pointing to what Obama did doesn't justify increasing the deficit while he's out. It's like going to a house fire...blaming the owner for his negligence in starting a fire that is threatening the neighborhood, then hooking up the fire hoses to gas pumps to spray on the fire.
Love the house fire analogy. Well done, my good man.
I know my tax cut won't take effect until next year, but I took my numbers and projected what I should expect. Here's the funny thing....my check was indeed larger. Larger than I had anticipated. And when I ran my numbers using the same income and deductions (I am single and itemize and my deductions are more than the standard deduction for singles), I discovered that at the rate my employer was withholding - I would have OWED $500 in April 2019. But....my overall tax was $988 less than it was in 2017.

I'm kind of glad I ran the numbers so that I could adjust my withholding. But I wonder how many supporters of the dear leader and his big juicy tax cut that are in the same category as me will feel if they have to WRITE a check in April 2019.

And if our military has been neglected and needs to be built up, was a tax cut the wisest thing to do to not pay for it?
The thing is K.C. you are problem, not the tax code. The tax cut was designed for the majority, which in most cases is a "married couple", family of four. My advice to you is, if you want to benefit the most from this plan, is to get married ad have a few kids!!! 😛
The thing is K.C. you are problem, not the tax code. The tax cut was designed for the majority, which in most cases is a "married couple", family of four. My advice to you is, if you want to benefit the most from this plan, is to get married ad have a few kids!!! 😛

Sorry but the tax cut was designed for a very small majority....the person with the 5 car garage and 17,000 square foot manse. I might get remarried one day, but at age 60, and after a surgical procedure several years ago, more kids are out of the question.
I'm not talking about Obama because you might not have noticed, but he didn't run in 2016 so he wasn't elected in 2016. Pointing to what Obama did doesn't justify increasing the deficit while he's out. It's like going to a house fire...blaming the owner for his negligence in starting a fire that is threatening the neighborhood, then hooking up the fire hoses to gas pumps to spray on the fire.

Yes he did, she screwed it up big time. Sent a woman to do a man's job.
Sorry but the tax cut was designed for a very small majority....the person with the 5 car garage and 17,000 square foot manse. I might get remarried one day, but at age 60, and after a surgical procedure several years ago, more kids are out of the question.
You remember that! ........ Next time you look at your pay check! As for marriage, Good luck on that one!
You remember that! ........ Next time you look at your pay check! As for marriage, Good luck on that one!
I did look at my paycheck....it was higher than I expected. That's when I ran the numbers and realized that while I will be paying $988 less....the increase in my paycheck was due to withholding a LOT less. Instead of withholding $38 less than they had been, which would have represented my tax cut, they were withholding almost $80 less than they used to. Gotta admit, it looked good...but I have to wonder....if a supporter of the dear leader and a fan of the tax cuts gets to next year and they find themselves having to WRITE a check, when they had been accustomed to getting a refund - will they REALLY feel like they got a tax cut?

It's easy enough to check....take your paycheck stub and calculate all the numbers for the remaining checks this year....add that to the YTD numbers on the check. Then take a look at your deductions - and estimate what you'll claim next year. Mine was easy....I itemize and that's higher that then standard deduction for single people. So I pretty much took everything I used for 2017 taxes and remembered to take off the personal exemption (about $4,000) that I could take in 2017 but not in 2018, and then you'll have your taxable income. Then you can find tax tables from 2018 that will show you the tax amount you owe.
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It's funny isn't it how the Great Northern Boogey Man Monster (aka deficit spending) turns out not to be the Sin against the Holy Ghost when Republicans are doing it. Only Democrats can destroy the world with the monster. Because Republicans are indluging in deficit spending there will be an increase in GDP approaching 15%/yearly for the next 1,000 years which will pay for the money spent on the military that we don't have. Reaganomics tells me so.

That's the price tag to repair the damage to the Republic that Obama brought with him when you and others like you elected him.

Caveat emptor.......
That's the price tag to repair the damage to the Republic that Obama brought with him when you and others like you elected him.

Caveat emptor.......

I think that you need to heed your own advice. For 8 years I have read how Obama was ruining the country for our grandkids...what with all this debt. So what's the republican solution? Pass a tax cut that will add another trillion or two to the debt and increase defense spending by almost another trillion. What about the kids and grandkids?
I think that you need to heed your own advice. For 8 years I have read how Obama was ruining the country for our grandkids...what with all this debt. So what's the republican solution? Pass a tax cut that will add another trillion or two to the debt and increase defense spending by almost another trillion. What about the kids and grandkids?

Angle is an offset with increased revenues.I read US already took in record revenues for January. If so, the tax cut loss may be a moot point. Wouldn't you think so?
Angle is an offset with increased revenues.I read US already took in record revenues for January. If so, the tax cut loss may be a moot point. Wouldn't you think so?

I LIKE that kind of math....can I put it to work for me by telling my boss I want a cut in pay so the revenues to my bank account will increase? And nope....the whole theory rests upon the tax cut creating all these new jobs, with new taxpayers paying new (but lower) taxes, which flood into the coffers of the treasury department. Plus the fact that they were still withholding at 2017 rates until February 1.
KCFlyer, there you go again trying to confuse the Trumpettes with logic. This will not do. Their minds are already made up. As the saying goes: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig."

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