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LOL! What do you think the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin was going to talk about? You know they're not going to talk about how anyone who runs afoul of Putin end up dead, in jail or in exile. Or how the Russia's infrastructure is falling apart. Makes the infrastructure here look 25 Century. Or how any Russian with a brain immigrates to the West.
Wow. And what happened today, numbnuts? The stock market is run by globalists and this is their way to TRY and make Trump look bad. I don't know how it looks out of your gated community, but I see a shift from ODUMMERS 3rd world america TO a better prosperous America. Be careful whgat you wish for, fool, because SOON the WORLD WILL SEE HUSSEIN for who he really is. World's changing but you don't see it in your WHITE PRIVILEGED community😛

And what will happen tomorrow? What will happen next year? David Stockman, a Reagan republican, seems to feel that the dear leader is walking into a trap.
What does it say about us as a country that no one seemed to be particularly upset (or even surprised) when one of Trump's lawyers said that he should not voluntarily interview with Mueller because he (Trump) is incapable of telling the truth? And can not remember what lie he told on any given subject for more than a few days at most.
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No response? At all? From anyone? Surely one of the Trumpettes would want to post that the lawyer is obviously being paid by Hillary even though he is Trump's lawyer.
There is so much going on behind the scenes that render your comment irrelevant. For example, there are judges being replaced and overturning your agenda. Case in point:

Now what was your question?
FOR THE RECORD...if you replace the corrupt judges with CANNOTBEBRIBED judges, well justice will be served. If HillBilly buys judges the outcome will cost the American people and they are free...If Trump judges deliver JUSTICE...oh me oh my!

Just another example of leftist scumbags from liberal cess pools putting illegals before American citizens.
U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in Brooklyn
U.S. District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco

How can an American judge block an administration from enforcing federal immigration law?

Then again, they were appointed by the Clinton Crime Syndicate and we all know how much they respect American law.

President Donald Trump is proposing to slash cash payments and substitute them with "100 percent American grown food" given to recipients.

The plan is part of an effort to reform SNAP and save a projected $214 billion over a decade. It would give all households receiving more than $90 a month in cash a food-aid package that would "include items such as shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit, vegetables, and meat, poultry or fish," according to the proposal.

Does that mean these skiving welfare recipients will have less tax dollars to misappropriate?

That is so sad..................

And what will happen tomorrow? What will happen next year? David Stockman, a Reagan republican, seems to feel that the dear leader is walking into a trap.
Hey K.C. have you done your taxes yet? Did you notice this?
I'm contributing $988 to the trillion dollar deficit that this tax cut will create.
Lack of taxes was never the problem. The problem is how the government spends the money they take from the citizens. That has ALWAYS been the problem.

I support immigration enforcement and I support welfare reform. I think these will be excellent changes for this country. I think these are things that are long over due to be addressed.

What the hell did Obama ever accomplish? He was more concerned with the government validation of a warped fantasy world for a bunch of degenerates than making any meaningful changes for the benefit of the American people. Obamacare was a joke and nothing more than a way to increase the cost of private insurance to force people into socialized medicine. In short it was his attempt to take away MY choice. So again what did he accomplish with all that money he spent? Not a damn thing for working class America that is for sure.
Well...lack of taxes is going to become a problem. The dear leader wants to add several hundred billion to the defense budget...and here's something have difficulty understanding....when you cut $800 billion from Welfare programs, and you add $800 billion to Defense spending, you haven't cut any spending.

I'm not talking about Obama because you might not have noticed, but he didn't run in 2016 so he wasn't elected in 2016. Pointing to what Obama did doesn't justify increasing the deficit while he's out. It's like going to a house fire...blaming the owner for his negligence in starting a fire that is threatening the neighborhood, then hooking up the fire hoses to gas pumps to spray on the fire.
Well...lack of taxes is going to become a problem. The dear leader wants to add several hundred billion to the defense budget...and here's something have difficulty understanding....when you cut $800 billion from Welfare programs, and you add $800 billion to Defense spending, you haven't cut any spending.

I'm not talking about Obama because you might not have noticed, but he didn't run in 2016 so he wasn't elected in 2016. Pointing to what Obama did doesn't justify increasing the deficit while he's out. It's like going to a house fire...blaming the owner for his negligence in starting a fire that is threatening the neighborhood, then hooking up the fire hoses to gas pumps to spray on the fire.
You are right K.C. Obama didn't run in 2016. But the policies he put in place still are on the books. Case in point: the 2017 tax. ( your $988) is still paid under Obama's old tax laws. Trump's tax cut won't kick in until next year. As for the deficit. I believe there is enough blame on both sides to go around! We live in a dangerous period of time now, and the American people have become complacent and have insulated themselves from the reality of what is going on in the world. Our military has been neglected for way too long. And the price we have to pay for politicians, such as Obama, kicking that problem down the road, is now catching up to us. The alternative to just plan unexceptionable! And I believe Trump, as an outsider, understands this more than the American people give him credit for.
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