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Trump Watch

READ THIS: A fascinating piece by an *active* FBI agent about how beloved Comey was (is) inside the bureau:


"To say his firing jarred much of the FBI family would understate the varying levels of sadness, anger and confusion that followed the sudden dismissal of a man held in such high regard throughout American law enforcement. With the election and its aftermath consuming the national psyche, it may be hard to see past current headlines to reflect upon the incredible impact he had on our organization — but his legacy is a story worth telling..."

"...Comey’s servant leadership principles were contagious and spread like wildfire throughout our organization. He purposefully populated our senior ranks with leaders who were kind but tough, confident yet humble. He cultivated a cadre of team-oriented field commanders who were not threatened by the notion that their subordinates might know more than they did"

That last line. In my hiring of people, I always look for someone who I hope will do better than me. I hope the new hire could be the next top leader in my organization. Seems that Comey encouraged the same in the FBI under his leadership.
You are such a utter buffoon.

Did you not read the last paragraph?

"Joshua Campbell is a special agent with the FBI who served as special assistant to former FBI director James Comey. The opinions expressed here are his own and do not represent those of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

So a former assistant writes a fluff piece of his former boss and you swallow it whole.

Take a bow clown.
Your postings are so eloquent (not).
I am wondering, how do you expect to change anyone's position as you attack anyone/everyone.

You might want to buy a mirror as, IMHO, you are the biggest clown here.

You are such a utter buffoon.

Did you not read the last paragraph?

"Joshua Campbell is a special agent with the FBI who served as special assistant to former FBI director James Comey. The opinions expressed here are his own and do not represent those of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

So a former assistant writes a fluff piece of his former boss and you swallow it whole.

Take a bow clown.
And the dear leader says 1.5 million people were there in DC to watch his inauguration, and you swallowed that one whole.
Delta, Bank of America drop sponsorship of Shakespeare in the Park over ‘Julius Caesar’ stunt that shows Trump assassination

"Delta Airlines and Bank of America pulled out of their sponsorship of New York’s Public Theater on Sunday over a production of “Julius Caesar” that reimagines the main character as President Trump.

Shortly after Delta, who was a four-year sponsor, made its announcement, Bank of America yanked its support as well.

The Shakespeare in the Park play tells the story of the leader assassinated by Roman senators over the fear that he’s becoming too tyrannical, but rather than the original setting, the production stages Caesar (Gregg Henry) and his wife, Calpurnia, (Tina Benko) with Donald and Melania Trump lookalikes."


Good for Delta and B of A. It's one thing to ridicule the Cheeto in Chief or criticize his lack of principles, but quite another to cross the line and act like Kathy Griffin.
Good for Delta and B of A. It's one thing to ridicule the Cheeto in Chief or criticize his lack of principles, but quite another to cross the line and act like Kathy Griffin.

True. I despise the dear leader, but even HINTING at death for ANYBODY is way out of line.
I wonder how many Agree and Winner ratings would have been generated if financial support was withdrawn because Caesar and Calpurnia were made to look like Bill and Hillary? Not judging. Just asking.
I wonder how many Agree and Winner ratings would have been generated if financial support was withdrawn because Caesar and Calpurnia were made to look like Bill and Hillary? Not judging. Just asking.

Don't care which side of the aisle occupies the WH when people do things like that. Its unwarranted and in terribly bad taste.

Unhinged in any book.
You are such a utter buffoon.

Did you not read the last paragraph?

"Joshua Campbell is a special agent with the FBI who served as special assistant to former FBI director James Comey. The opinions expressed here are his own and do not represent those of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

So a former assistant writes a fluff piece of his former boss and you swallow it whole.

Take a bow clown.
Half the force wanted to quit after Comey refused to go after Hillary, Why do you think there was the second investigation

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