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You actually made some sense there. Why don't you post like that here?
I do post like that here. I say here that the dear leader is mentally unstable. I post there that God will give him the wisdom and restraint that is required of the office he holds. IT's the exact same thing. But, alas, God must not listen to the prayers of a liberal as the dear leader still has and uses his twitter account.

But I don't 'hope that he fails' as Limbaugh hoped of Obama. I won't tolerate a Congress (that the dear leader has yet to really work with) that will stand up and shout "you lie" or whose primary goal is to make him a one term president. THESE were actions of the right towards the previous president, and those actions were hardly respectful to the office. No....I pray that the dear leader starts to act like a 70 year old man who holds the most esteemed office in the world instead of a middle school bully. If he fails, it will be of his own doing...not my wishes.
[QUOTE="KCFlyer, post: 1261925, member: 92"....I say here that the dear leader is mentally unstable....[/QUOTE]

Might one inquire as to your personal "qualifications" for rendering such a judgment? I observe him to be a man of an obviously narcissistic nature, but hardly "unstable." Be advised that entirely unlike yourself, I've actually been evaluated and certified to be sufficiently sane so as to handle/command and/or personally deliver nuclear weapons....and you?

Here's a gentle "hint" on things in general: Anyone's "opinion" counts for precious little unless backed up by something at least a bit better than purely opinionated BS. When is the last, or even ANY time anyone has EVER evaluated YOU as being even the least bit clinically sane?..Much less formally afforded you any degree for proper judgment on others in that regard? Sigh...No matter, I suppose, since it's only your "feelings" that really count....Right? OK then. We'll drop "When is the last, or even ANY time anyone has EVER evaluated YOU as being even the least bit clinically sane?" into your nearest "Safe Space" instead of furthering the issue....😉
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And, because you've been determined to not be totally off your rocker, that makes you qualified to sit in judgement on everyone else. Pilot? Right?

EGOTISM: The anesthesia that eases the pain of stupidity.
[QUOTE="KCFlyer, post: 1261925, member: 92"....I say here that the dear leader is mentally unstable....

Might one inquire as to your personal "qualifications" for rendering such a judgment? I observe him to be a man of an obviously narcissistic nature, but hardly "unstable." Be advised that entirely unlike yourself, I've actually been evaluated and certified to be sufficiently sane so as to handle/command and/or personally deliver nuclear weapons....and you?[/quote] Nope. But neither has the dear leader.

Here's a gentle "hint" on things in general: Anyone's "opinion" counts for precious little unless backed up by something at least a bit better than purely opinionated BS. When is the last, or even ANY time anyone has EVER evaluated YOU as being even the least bit clinically sane?..Much less formally afforded you any degree for proper judgment on others in that regard? Sigh...No matter, I suppose, since it's only your "feelings" that really count....Right? OK then. We'll drop "When is the last, or even ANY time anyone has EVER evaluated YOU as being even the least bit clinically sane?" into your nearest "Safe Space" instead of furthering the issue....😉

While not clinical, how many world leaders twit out about inane things at 3 in the morning? I can only think of one. How many 70 year old world leaders act like a jilted 13 year old when anyone or anything is critical of them? The press was hard on W from the day he took office...claiming he stole the election. He won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote. How many twits did he send out at 3 a.m. about that? None. He behaved like a sane adult. HOw many weeks did the dear leader twit about it? He was even mentioning it 3 months after the fact. There is something that "just ain't right" about that kind of behaviour

The press was critical of W of Iraq. There was even a story by Dan Rather that turned out to be a lie about his military service. How many times did Bush twit out (and announce in speeches) that CBS was "fake news". He didn't. In fact, in an interview after the election, W had said that we NEEDED to have a press that was critical. He behaved like a sane leader. Our dear leader behaves like an adolescent who is mad at his teacher. There is something that just ain't right about that kind of behaviour. Shouting fake news every chance he gets.

The right wing media was brutal on Obama and Hillary. Did they react with tantrums about how unfair it was? Damn...we had 13 hours of a televised interrogation of Hillary Clinton over email and she was still reacting like a sane adult 12 hours and 58 minutes into it. BTW...that was one of MANY "investigations" about email (that was even covered on the 'fake news' networks), yet there wasn't enough proof to "lock her up". If the dear leader were subjected to something similar over his Russia connections, I don't think he could make it 10 minutes before reverting to his inner child in his responses. Something just ain't right about that kind of behaviour.

He has some of the brightest military minds available to him in DC, but he ordered the Navy SEALS on a mission Yemen (resulting in the death of one of them) after consulting...his son in law - a real estate developer. Something just ain't right about that.

So those are a few of the reasons I think he's mentally unstable. But I'm open to being educated....do you feel his use of twitter is normal for someone of his age and position? If so, please explain.
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Nope. But neither has the dear leader.

While not clinical, how many world leaders twit out about inane things at 3 in the morning? I can only think of one. How many 70 year old world leaders act like a jilted 13 year old when anyone or anything is critical of them? The press was hard on W from the day he took office...claiming he stole the election. He won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote. How many twits did he send out at 3 a.m. about that? None. He behaved like a sane adult. HOw many weeks did the dear leader twit about it? He was even mentioning it 3 months after the fact. There is something that "just ain't right" about that kind of behaviour

The press was critical of W of Iraq. There was even a story by Dan Rather that turned out to be a lie about his military service. How many times did Bush twit out (and announce in speeches) that CBS was "fake news". He didn't. In fact, in an interview after the election, W had said that we NEEDED to have a press that was critical. He behaved like a sane leader. Our dear leader behaves like an adolescent who is mad at his teacher. There is something that just ain't right about that kind of behaviour. Shouting fake news every chance he gets.

The right wing media was brutal on Obama and Hillary. Did they react with tantrums about how unfair it was? Damn...we had 13 hours of a televised interrogation of Hillary Clinton over email and she was still reacting like a sane adult 12 hours and 58 minutes into it. BTW...that was one of MANY "investigations" about email (that was even covered on the 'fake news' networks), yet there wasn't enough proof to "lock her up". If the dear leader were subjected to something similar over his Russia connections, I don't think he could make it 10 minutes before reverting to his inner child in his responses. Something just ain't right about that kind of behaviour.

He has some of the brightest military minds available to him in DC, but he ordered the Navy SEALS on a mission Yemen (resulting in the death of one of them) after consulting...his son in law - a real estate developer. Something just ain't right about that.

So those are a few of the reasons I think he's mentally unstable. But I'm open to being educated....do you feel his use of twitter is normal for someone of his age and position? If so, please explain.


I take it you have some sort of proof he only consulted his son in law about Yeman?
I take it you have some sort of proof he only consulted his son in law about Yeman?

Maybe not. But Obama issued an order to send the Navy SEALS on a mission to take out bin laden and was in the situation room, knowing that his azz would be raked over the coals should one of those SEALS get a hangnail during the mission. The dear leader discussed Yemen with is son in law...perhaps consulting with some of the military, but the dear leader usually goes with the opinion of the last person he has spoken with, and ordered a strike. Then he boarded a plane to Mar a Lago. Meanwhile a SEAL was killed, but it was not for a lost cause since his memory garnered a LOT of applause...I mean, Ryan was looking down and was very happy because he just broke a record.
Maybe not. But Obama issued an order to send the Navy SEALS on a mission to take out bin laden and was in the situation room, knowing that his azz would be raked over the coals should one of those SEALS get a hangnail during the mission. The dear leader discussed Yemen with is son in law...perhaps consulting with some of the military, but the dear leader usually goes with the opinion of the last person he has spoken with, and ordered a strike. Then he boarded a plane to Mar a Lago. Meanwhile a SEAL was killed, but it was not for a lost cause since his memory garnered a LOT of applause...I mean, Ryan was looking down and was very happy because he just broke a record.
Like I said why don't you ever post things that make sense here?
Like I said why don't you ever post things that make sense here?

Okay...I'll dumb it down for you. Obama consulted with his military advisors and approved a mission for the Navy Seals to take out bin laden. When the mission began, he was in the situation room, monitoring the progress. To the right...this was just a photo op for a president who hated America. The mission was successful, and all SEALS were safe afterward. The dear leader consulted with his son in law on a mission involving the SEALS in Yemen. He approved the mission. He was nowhere near the situation room. The mission failed and a SEAL was killed. He made a very public appearance at Dover AFB when the body was returned (Bush and Obama did the same, just not so publicly) and told she slain SEAL's wife that Ryan was smiling down at all the applause. My GOD....had Obama gotten a SEAL killed and then talked about how much applause his death was garnering, he would have been hung from the highest tree by the right. But they give the dear leader a pass. Because even an unmitigated azzhole is better than Obama.
In other words you have nothing.
so where was Obama when Benghazi was getting shot all to hell begging for help? did he hit the snooze button?
Okay...I'll dumb it down for you. Obama consulted with his military advisors and approved a mission for the Navy Seals to take out bin laden. When the mission began, he was in the situation room, monitoring the progress. To the right...this was just a photo op for a president who hated America. The mission was successful, and all SEALS were safe afterward. The dear leader consulted with his son in law on a mission involving the SEALS in Yemen. He approved the mission. He was nowhere near the situation room. The mission failed and a SEAL was killed. He made a very public appearance at Dover AFB when the body was returned (Bush and Obama did the same, just not so publicly) and told she slain SEAL's wife that Ryan was smiling down at all the applause. My GOD....had Obama gotten a SEAL killed and then talked about how much applause his death was garnering, he would have been hung from the highest tree by the right. But they give the dear leader a pass. Because even an unmitigated azzhole is better than Obama.
Ok, one more time. Why don't you post things that MAKE SENSE on these forums?
Trump tweeting about the media making the 100 day accomplishments a thing:

"No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!"

Yet he had the Trump 100 day contract with the American voter. Here is how he has done with the legislation part:

View attachment 11628

Here is a link to a guy who has listed some of his accomplishments:


Notice the fence around the White House?
Notice the fence around the White House?
Yes I did. Have you ever noticed that the border of the white house property isn't anywhere near as large as the border along the United States southern border. And what is really cool is that the security of that white house fence is enhanced because a guard one one corner can see the guard on the other corner.

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