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Trump Watch

2017 War started somewhere
2018 Wall not started
2018 taxes for middle class not cut
2019 "real jobs" not created
2020 deficit higher than 2016
2020 200 Trips to Mar a Lago

You're right - it's not the Russians.;

2020 KC wigs out from Trump second term win overload.

2020 KC wigs out from Trump second term win overload.


Outside of reversing executive orders, reneging on campaign promises, and "well deserved" weekly getaways to Mar a Lago, I don't see 2020 as a shoe in for reelection. He could still get Seoul nuked in less than 144 characters....he's spending more than he is cutting (not including those aforementioned weekend getaways), and if Obamacare doesn't implode as he hopes, people might question him.

Do you remember to go go 80's....back when the dear leader was an up and coming tycoon? Very bold and daring. He could seemingly do no wrong and his "Art of" books were selling like hotcakes. Seemingly nothing could stop him. But the 90's almost did. He "almost lost it all". But there is no bankruptcy court to bail out the country.
Outside of reversing executive orders, reneging on campaign promises, and "well deserved" weekly getaways to Mar a Lago, I don't see 2020 as a shoe in for reelection. He could still get Seoul nuked in less than 144 characters....he's spending more than he is cutting (not including those aforementioned weekend getaways), and if Obamacare doesn't implode as he hopes, people might question him.

Do you remember to go go 80's....back when the dear leader was an up and coming tycoon? Very bold and daring. He could seemingly do no wrong and his "Art of" books were selling like hotcakes. Seemingly nothing could stop him. But the 90's almost did. He "almost lost it all". But there is no bankruptcy court to bail out the country.

"He could still get Seoul nuked in less than 144 characters"...? Sigh...Just sleep it off. "Tomorrow is another day" Katie Scarlet. Umm...a point of minor curiosity though; given that your precious Dems GAVE North Korea the chance to ever even develop nuclear weapons in the first place....well, just WTF are you even ranting about now? One equally must assume you're perfectly fine with obama-boy giving fully free range to "Death to America" Iran to do the same? I (long-ago-now) used to chide conversational fellows whenever they used the cliche: "Liberalism is a form of mental illness"....but I no longer can do so. 😉
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Remember Kuwait? Operation Desert Storm? Where did we base our bombers? Thank you for the conservative insult. That war was in 1991, which was the reason the WTC was bombed with a van in 1993...it failed, and if at first you don't succeed...try, try again.- in this case 2001. The reason for the WTC attack (however misguided) has been out there since just after it happened. You just bought the "they hate us for our freedom line". Idiot. And I mean that only in the most loving way....you know, the way conservatives use it.

"Remember Kuwait? Operation Desert Storm?" Uh, yeah. Unlike yourself, who was never there, I remember it in detail. "Where did we base our bombers?" The B52's either launched from Conus bases initially or later Diego Garcia. Other bases for strikes were more closely in theater, mostly from Saudi air bases. As far as I know some of those may still be "classified" so excuse me for not naming names. "That war was in 1991, which was the reason the WTC was bombed with a van in 1993...it failed, and if at first you don't succeed...try, try again.- in this case 2001."...Seriously? Did it entirely escape you that the ten years of relative safety from '91 to 2001 just "might" have resulted from the Arab world realizing what it could well cost them to mess with America? Saddam Insane was the biggest "Bad Guy" in the neighborhood and feared by all nations nearby. We destroyed his entire military in two months. No worries on that scale though, since we were sadly left under the "leadership" of the worthless Bush ("Hey Arab fellow oil money buddies!") clan. At the conclusion of Desert Storm the USA had both the timed opportunity and forces in theater to conquer and essentially "colonize" the whole middle east. 9-11 would never have happened and need NEVER have happened. Arlington wouldn't have had to open up thousands of new grave sites/etc. ..but, as is the sad case now; we had nothing more than bought-and-paid-for "politicians" running the show/farce. What most amazes me with "liberals" is that you somehow can't see what utter fools you are for so mindlessly supporting any given "side" in the political morass/swamp, as opposed to more rationally questioning just WTF is really going on here overall? I personally see Trump as at least hopefully some grains of sand placed into the wheels of the "establishment"...while you "liberals" perversely fantasize the likes of hillary and your meat-puppet construct/invented-from-thin-air-obama to suit "his" masters desires being otherwise.

P.S. Per: "That war was in 1991, which was the reason the WTC was bombed with a van in 1993"...Seriously? Don't you essentially insane and clearly self-loathing "liberal" sorts EVER get tired of claiming the attempted or actual mass-murder of your "fellow" Americans was forever-and-always somehow their/our fault? I've never had such a "bad day" in my life as to imagine I could EVER be justified in treacherously murdering unarmed and helpless civilians....Have YOU? if not: WHY, even HOW can you possibly offer up the least bit of attempted explanation for such murderous insanity? Grow Up.
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"Remember Kuwait? Operation Desert Storm?" Uh, yeah. Unlike yourself I remember it in detail. "Where did we base our bombers?" The B52's either launched from Conus bases or Diego Garcia. Other bases were more closely in theater, mostly from Saudi air bases.

Bingo. As I said...however misguided, THIS was one big reason for the attack on the WTC in 1993 AND 2001. FWIW - I think we should get the hell out of the middle east. Name ONE country (aside from Israel) that appreciates our presence there.
Bingo. As I said...however misguided,....... FWIW - I think we should get the hell out of the middle east.

Ah! On that point we're not nearly so many light years apart, at least if we presume a continued policy of being little more "targets" like our young soldiers have for years now been insanely ordered to be, but one must honestly examine the "religious" insanity of the region and what degree of threat that offers to the western (at least half-azzedly "civilized") world. I've personally not the slightest concern for what fantasies anyone wishes towards imaginary "immortality", but I've little use for ANY block of morons busying themselves attempting to inflict yet another "conquer-the-world-for Allah" virus on humanity.

To be brutally honest, by way of personal perspective; I think we/the USA should've simply conquered the whole lot (save Israel, who can reasoned with) and taken the oil back in '91...."mostly from Saudi" fully included! 😉

P.S. "Cute" emoticon notwithstanding; I realize many thousands of graves would've been filled doing so...but I'd have much preferred their NOT being young American "kid's" graves instead, which has tragically been the case otherwise. I can't claim a whole lot close-personal-friends in Iraq/Saudiville/wherever there....Can you? The same does not apply to me within America. There are actual sides in any conflict. One must pick theirs...
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Outside of reversing executive orders, reneging on campaign promises, and "well deserved" weekly getaways to Mar a Lago, I don't see 2020 as a shoe in for reelection. He could still get Seoul nuked in less than 144 characters....he's spending more than he is cutting (not including those aforementioned weekend getaways), and if Obamacare doesn't implode as he hopes, people might question him.

100 days in and he's dropped all his campaign promises....dude, you become more unhinged as time goes on.

Do you seriously think you can make it to 2020?

You seem worried about Lil Kim......all the wonk is doing is making veiled threats to the US which has got us to run to the negotiating table and give him what he wants if he plays nice....works everytime and now, over 3-4 administrations, NK took us for patsy's.....looking like its worked very well..... people like you crapping their drawers for another NK BOHICA......bend over and spread em........Obama, in particular, chickens are coming home to roost.

This is like a poor remake of illegal immigration for the past 4 decades.

Never heard you chirping about NK before Trump......WTF's with that?


Nothing that some iodine pills can't take away.
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You never heard me chirp about NK before the dear leader because we didn't have mentally unstable twit master in the oval office (or the "southern white house"). Kim is a think skinned egomanic. Something he has in common with our dear leader. I don't worry about our dear leader dropping a nuke, but I DO worry that some of his "off the wall" comments might get that thin skinned Korean leader to "prove his manhood" Our dear leader twits without thinking. My concern is that he may push lil Kim to react. Of course...WE don't really care....after all, Seoul is a long way from the U S of A. But should kim light up Seoul to prove a point, the U S of A, his bomb might as well have hit Omaha because we WILL be involved at that point.
You never heard me chirp about NK before the dear leader because we didn't have mentally unstable twit master in the oval office (or the "southern white house"). Kim is a think skinned egomanic. Something he has in common with our dear leader. I don't worry about our dear leader dropping a nuke, but I DO worry that some of his "off the wall" comments might get that thin skinned Korean leader to "prove his manhood" Our dear leader twits without thinking. My concern is that he may push lil Kim to react. Of course...WE don't really care....after all, Seoul is a long way from the U S of A. But should kim light up Seoul to prove a point, the U S of A, his bomb might as well have hit Omaha because we WILL be involved at that point.

So all these years Lil Kim been gettin' a little nukey and it wasn't a concern because we appeased him with candy and now he's grown into a totally unstable mental buffoon and you're worried? He sure as hell did a lot of techno achievement over the last eight years didn't he?

IIRC, he was violating the nuclear test ban treaty multiple times while Obama was on the back nine.
But now its a concern....LOL

Like Trump said, foreign policy is a total mess.
So all these years Lil Kim been gettin' a little nukey and it wasn't a concern because we appeased him with candy and now he's grown into a totally unstable mental buffoon and you're worried? He sure as hell did a lot of techno achievement over the last eight years didn't he?

IIRC, he was violating the nuclear test ban treaty multiple times while Obama was on the back nine.
But now its a concern....LOL

Like Trump said, foreign policy is a total mess.
All true. But in the past he didn't have a mentally unstable world leader taunting him. From the back 9 at Mar a Lago I might add.
All true. But in the past he didn't have a mentally unstable world leader taunting him. From the back 9 at Mar a Lago I might add.

Meh......how about a prez who lets his generals run the show even though he's smarter than them.

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