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Trump Polling

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This about says it all.
I was intrigued by many of them, starting with Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush. Others I admired while believing they wouldn’t get far — Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Ben Carson, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Carly Fiorina.
I like those Republicans even though I’m a registered Democrat, just not that kind of Democrat. I voted for President Obama in 2008, believing he meant it when he said no red states, no blue states, only the United States. The barrier he broke added to his appeal.
Six months later, I was off the bus. It was already clear Obama had no intention of building a consensus on anything, although few realized he would be such a radical and partisan polarizer. He may love America, but doesn’t seem to like actual Americans. Other than himself, of course.
With the world on fire thanks to his abdication of global leadership, and with the home front nervous and angry, the 2016 race couldn’t come soon enough. I hoped a Democrat would emerge who realized that Obama had set us on a course that was dangerous and unsustainable, with our ­national debt exceeding $18 trillion.
Hackman said:
She is all done. The FBI will explode...oh my... not that. Pearls for sale!!! Libtard pearls for sale!!! Get your pearls here!!! Hildabeast pearls here!!!

Jesus Christ.  Is  THAT the best you can come up with ?  The name of a (GOP) Political HACK  like John Bolton   ????
Even Names like Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin  would have  been  more believable  !!
"  T  I  M  B  E  R  ".  That CRASHING Sound you're Hearing  is the   GD  Republican Party  Smashing into pieces  upon  (political history ) Ground !
(Any truth to the rumor that I'm hearing that the RNC is 'dusting off'  DAN  QUAYLE  for the Surprise  @ the convention )  ??
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Jesus Christ.  Is  THAT the best you can come up with ?  The name of a (GOP) Political HACK  like John Bolton   ????
Even Names like Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin  would have  been  more believable  !!
"  T  I  M  B  E  R  ".  That CRASHING Sound you're Hearing  is the   GD  Republican Party  Smashing into pieces  upon  (political history ) Ground !
(Any truth to the rumor that I'm hearing that the RNC is 'dusting off'  DAN  QUAYLE  for the Surprise  @ the convention )  ??
What an idiot....you sit there talking about the GOP when all the Demorats can muster up is an old dried up, power hungry LYING sac-o-$h!T and some dude who's never completed an honest days work and has lived off the Taxpayers dime for the last 60 + years!

Bernie "Stalin" Sanders couldn't even figure out which end of the hammer to use when he pretended to be a carpenter......Brahahaw.......

You are truly OBLIVIOUS......BIGOT!
southwind said:
And as long as Demorat Libtards are pissin' their pants, it's all good!
Did you forget to wear your depends today?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Jesus Christ.  Is  THAT the best you can come up with ?  The name of a (GOP) Political HACK  like John Bolton   ????
Even Names like Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin  would have  been  more believable  !!
"  T  I  M  B  E  R  ".  That CRASHING Sound you're Hearing  is the   GD  Republican Party  Smashing into pieces  upon  (political history ) Ground !
(Any truth to the rumor that I'm hearing that the RNC is 'dusting off'  DAN  QUAYLE  for the Surprise  @ the convention )  ??
Pinocchio the criminal and a guy who's never did an honest days work in his life ,, supported (naturally) by a guy who without unions would have been fired multiple times. 
Kev3188 said:
Go right ahead; you clearly don't have much else going on...
DL is losing money, and wonder what her family life is, since she is on here 24/7.
700UW said:
Did you forget to wear your depends today?
And you thought that Chris Matthews Tingley feeling running down your leg was just excitement!
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