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She's going to prison tool boy, Trump is in.

The FBI is now officially expanding their investigations into Hillary’s illegal use of a home email server to transmit classified intelligence. Expanding beyond breaking laws against “gross negligence” with national defense information, she is now being investigated for violating a federal law due to providing “materially false” information. The law is U.S. Code 18, Section 1001.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/the-fbi-just-gave-hillary-the-worst-news-of-her-campaign/#ixzz43TosybB3
Possible NSA trouble too. Obammy is like a cat in the litterbox covering up Hildabeasts' smelly email "treats". I repeat, pant suit prison time for the cankle queen.
"For a year now, Hillary Clintons misuse of email during her tenure as secretary of state has hung like a dark cloud over her presidential campaign. As I told youmonths ago, email-gate isnt going away, despite the best efforts of Team Clinton to make it disappear. Instead, the scandal has gotten worse, with never-ending revelations of apparent misconduct by Ms. Clinton and her staff. At this point, email-gate may be the only thing standing between Ms. Clinton and the White House this November."
Think she's gonna debate Trump from a jail cell? Maybe by Skype on her Blackberry.
delldude said:
That much we know.
The left-wing extremists at Salon are worried about Donald Trump.
Salon article:
Donald Trump is bulletproof: Why his call to Colbert last night should scare the left
Trump is puzzling in another way, as well: He has not turned into the target for comedians that many thought he’d become. Or rather, comics make fun of him — his hair, his accent, his bluster, his extreme ideas — and while they might get a few laughs, nothing substantial happens. At the very least, nothing cuts into his popularity. …
Trump is America’s ultimate alpha male, with all the accompanying success and scandal to prove it. Mr. Trump has survived bankruptcies and messy divorces that would’ve sunk most of these 
thumb-sucking Republicans best known for pleating their own khakis, or breaking out in hives when Starbucks runs out of 'sugar in the raw.'”

Didn't know anyone running has been arrested, tried and convicted.

Your horse is dead
700UW said:

Didn't know anyone running has been arrested, tried and convicted.

Your horse is dead
wait till that FBI report comes  out and it will
even though Obama's justice dept will never indict her the damage will be done
speaking of dead horses how's your boy Bernie doing?
700UW said:

Didn't know anyone running has been arrested, tried and convicted.

Your horse is dead
What's the grand plan after Hillary gets slammed by FBI?
Crazy Joe?
The artificial Native American?
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