Trump Polling

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Hmmm...the protesters are blocking the road.  Two of the three previous replies seem to imply that violence is the answer.  They support Trump. So does the third one, but that doesn't bode well...2/3 of respondents advocate violence.  
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...the protesters are blocking the road.  Two of the three previous replies seem to imply that violence is the answer.  They support Trump. So does the third one, but that doesn't bode well...2/3 of respondents advocate violence.
You better stock up on the pearls.

KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...the protesters are blocking the road.  Two of the three previous replies seem to imply that violence is the answer.  They support Trump. So does the third one, but that doesn't bode well...2/3 of respondents advocate violence.  
Imagine that.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...the protesters are blocking the road.  Two of the three previous replies seem to imply that violence is the answer.  They support Trump. So does the third one, but that doesn't bode well...2/3 of respondents advocate violence.
So wait, you have idiots intentionally seeking confrontation, mayhem etc, and you somehow think they should be exempt from harm?

Typical liberal.
KCFlyer said:
Hmmm...the protesters are blocking the road.  Two of the three previous replies seem to imply that violence is the answer.  They support Trump. So does the third one, but that doesn't bode well...2/3 of respondents advocate violence.
Hmm...Hmm goes the KYflyer. What would happen if rednecks and tea party went to Bernout or Hildabeast rallies and shut them down with profane signs of threats like "What do we want? DEAD Hillery!" Or "Lets put Bernie on a Gurney" Would the lefty wingnuts just stand by? Just leftist piece, love, and tolerance? Hardly.

Are you aware that threats made to candidates under Secret Service protection is a felony? Shutting down a highway could run the risk of being hit?

All the violence and shut down Trump protests are getting the Don more votes. Keep up the great work libtards.

Pearls on sale now.
townpete said:
So wait, you have idiots intentionally seeking confrontation, mayhem etc, and you somehow think they should be exempt from harm?

Typical liberal.
Somebody is blocking a road.  IT's a nonviolent event.  The person who throws the first punch...fires the first shot....or slams down the accelerator is the one who committed the violent act.   The person who feels that violence is justified is a Trump supporter. 
700UW said:
But saying "there will be riots" is presidential?
Horse Hockey tool boy. He said there "could be" meaning a possibility there of....

Why don't you take a BB vacation, your seeing things and dementia "could be" dangerous.

One additional note tool boy, dont talk about "presidential" here, one Hildabeast is under an major FBI investigation for treason and criminal acts and the other Bernout is a self-decribed commie.
Hackman said:
Horse Hockey tool boy. He said the "could be" meaning a possibility there of....

Why don't you take a BB vacation, your seeing things and dementia "could be" dangerous.

One additional note tool boy, dont talk about "presidential" here, one Hildabeast is under an major FBI investigation for treason and criminal acts and the other Bernout is a self-decribed commie.
"Could have" coming from the lips of the dealmaker  is as good as saying "punch him in the face".  At the very least, it is akin to blocking a didn't really DO anything, but the message is clear....we want to start some ****. 
700UW said:
But saying "there will be riots" is presidential?
The Cambridge police acted stupidly.......
"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..."
Blocking the road is one thing KYflyer, coming inside the event to cause meyhem, disrupt, yell, scream, flip Trump supporters the finger is a whole different ball of wax

As the old saying goes, "Go looking for a fight and you will find one".

The libtard agitators are going to Trump events looking for a fight. When they find one, they point the finger at Trump.

Sorry, don't work that way.
KCFlyer said:
Somebody is blocking a road.  IT's a nonviolent event.  The person who throws the first punch...fires the first shot....or slams down the accelerator is the one who committed the violent act.   The person who feels that violence is justified is a Trump supporter. 
Blocking a road is an act against public safety for the whole community.
God forbid you or someone you know is in the back of an ambulance fighting for their lives when these 'non violent protesters' block the road.
As the left would say, 'oh well'.
KCFlyer said:
Somebody is blocking a road.  IT's a nonviolent event.  The person who throws the first punch...fires the first shot....or slams down the accelerator is the one who committed the violent act.   The person who feels that violence is justified is a Trump supporter.
Really? So all those BLM idiots are just shouting Kumbaya?

Meanwhile in the real world if you put yourself in harms way, don't be surprised when it happens.
Black lives Matter spokesmen, Tef Poe has always been the voice of the bigoted group. In November 2014, Poe was even flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to speak about “police violence”. Funny, now that very same person is now inciting a race riot.

Poe took to Twitter yesterday to share his intentions if Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the election :

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