townpete said:Black lives Matter spokesmen, Tef Poe has always been the voice of the bigoted group. In November 2014, Poe was even flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to speak about “police violence”. Funny, now that very same person is now inciting a race riot.
Poe took to Twitter yesterday to share his intentions if Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the election :
Well tool boy, where I come from you walk in running your potty mouth and acting like a thug punk azz b!tch you just might and probably will get your block knocked off. It won't be just one elbow either. Kinda like your Iam boys did to some Twu boys a few years ago in your neck of the woods. Hurt one TWu boy real bad too. Was that ok with you?700UW said:So punching a guy walking up the stairs cause he was black and didnt agree with Trump is ok?
Then the police attacking the guy?
Did you see those five deputies got in trouble and even demoted?
So true.Hackman said:Well tool boy, where I come from you walk in running your potty mouth and acting like a thug punk ### b!tch you just might and probably will get your block knocked off. It won't be just one elbow either. Kinda like your Iam boys did to some Twu boys a few years ago in your neck of the woods. Hurt one TWu boy real bad too. Was that ok with you?
Don't go looking fo tho won't be no trouble...
FYI...Someone intentionally blocking a road is breaking all sorts of laws.KCFlyer said:Somebody is blocking a road. IT's a nonviolent event. The person who throws the first punch...fires the first shot....or slams down the accelerator is the one who committed the violent act. The person who feels that violence is justified is a Trump supporter.
700UW said:So punching a guy walking up the stairs cause he was black and didnt agree with Trump is ok?
Then the police attacking the guy?
Did you see those five deputies got in trouble and even demoted?
Dog Wonder said:Violence is the answer, unless you can be better.
townpete said:FYI...Someone intentionally blocking a road is breaking all sorts of laws.
So now you condone breaking the law as long as it fits your agenda.
delldude said:Those 'union' deputies?
Except for that whole democrat endorsed BLM movement who's inciting violence at every opportunity.KCFlyer said:When I speed, I am breaking the law. Should my punishment be to be run over by a car, as the Trump supporters here seem to feel? I don't necessarily condone breaking the law. Only pointing out that the ones who condone VIOLENCE seem to be Trump supporters.
townpete said:Except for that whole democrat endorsed BLM movement who's inciting violence at every opportunity.
Wonder what the BLM axe to grind with Trump is?
Any guess's?
KCFlyer said:
I wasn't at any of the rallys. I can only go by what I see HERE. And HERE, the only ones advocating violence are the Trump supporters.
townpete said:
You didnt answer the question.